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Icon Color Key
Icon Title Item Type Related Quests Lore Description Notes / Other Information Effects/Special Abilities Location / Where to Find Trivia Cost/Type Weight Gold Rarity
Item icon
Archducal Coronation - Admission Pass

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A simple note is scratched into the stone.

The Archducal Coronation - Admission Pass is a crucial item required…

The Archducal Coronation - Admission Pass can be acquired from…

2.00 kg

14 Gold

Item icon
Bandit's Key

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key, Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item

Held by a bandit guarding the entrance of a cliffside chapel.…

Held by a bandit guarding the entrance of cliffside chapel

Found on Andorn in the Refectory

0.01 kg

0 Gold

Item icon
Bitter Divorce

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Clumps of hair flesh stick out from the twisted roots that make…

Clumps of hair flesh stick out from the twisted roots that make…

Can be used by Mayrina to resurrect her husband.

Location: Can be found at Acrid Workshop (Overgrown Tunnel)Can…

Item icon
Broken Moonlantern

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A thick layer of dust coats the bottom of the lantern. Its glass…

A thick layer of dust coats the bottom of the lantern. Its glass…

When picked up, the lantern exhibits an absence of flickering…

Location: GrymforgeDrop by: True Soul Nere

Item icon
Cabinet Key

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A small, simpley key, like the ones made for closets and cabinets.…

A small, simply key, like the ones made for closets and cabinets.…

Cabinet Key opens the Alchemist’s Cabinet in the Druid Grove…

Cabinet Key opens the cabinet in the Druid Grove storage (X:200…

Location: Druid Grove. Inside a storage chest (X: 212 Y: 575)…

0.01 kg

1 Gold

Item icon
Charred Key

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Save the Goblin Sazza

A singed silver key held by a long-dead corpse in druid cave.…

A singed silver key held by a long-dead corpse in druid cave.…

Opens the Heavy Chest within the Underground Passage, revealing…

Charred Key opens the Heavy Chest in Underground Passage.

Found in the Underground Passage. Retrieve from a deceased human…

Item icon
Clown's Severed Arm

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item

Find Dribbles the Clown

A hacked-off arm, still sporting the brightly coloured sleeve…

Clown’s Severed Arm Clown’s Severed Foot Clown’s Severed Hand…

8.00 kg

1 Gold

Quest Item
Item icon
Clown's Severed Foot

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item

Find Dribbles the Clown

A foot, bruised and bloody, flaked with clown makeup and garbed…

Clown’s Severed Arm Clown’s Severed Foot Clown’s Severed Hand…

0.20 kg

1 Gold

Quest Item
Item icon
Clown's Severed Hand

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item

Find Dribbles the Clown

Clown’s Severed Arm Clown’s Severed Foot Clown’s Severed Hand…

Quest Item
Item icon
Clown's Severed Head

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item

Find Dribbles the Clown

Someone cut the poor clown’s head off. Tendons sweep from the…

Clown’s Severed Arm Clown’s Severed Foot Clown’s Severed Hand…

5.00 kg

1 Gold

Quest Item
Item icon
Clown's Severed Leg

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item

Find Dribbles the Clown

A leg, slit and sundered, flaked with clown makeup and garbed…

Clown’s Severed Arm Clown’s Severed Foot Clown’s Severed Hand…

8.00 kg

1 Gold

Quest Item
Item icon
Clown's Severed Pelvis

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item

Find Dribbles the Clown

Clown’s Severed Arm Clown’s Severed Foot Clown’s Severed Hand…

To reach the house containing Dribbles’ Pelvis, start at the…

Quest Item
Item icon
Clown's Severed Torso

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item

Find Dribbles the Clown

This cunk of corpse is still garbed in clown clothes.

Clown’s Severed Arm Clown’s Severed Foot Clown’s Severed Hand…

You can find Clown Dribbles’ Severed Torso in a rather macabre…

Quest Item
Item icon
Dark Amethyst

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item

You can’t shake the feeling that darkness seeps out of this heavy,…

The Dark Amethyst is a quest item in Search the Cellar. It is…

Item icon
Dror Ragzlin's Key

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Though made of silver and lavishly embellished, this aged key…

The Dror Ragzlin’s Key, crafted from silver and adorned with…

The key is designed to unlock a substantial locked vault (X:…

This key can be acquired by pickpocketing or looting Dror Ragzlin…

0.01 kg

1 Gold

Item icon
Duergar Antidote

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Concocted of rare ingredients that hasten the drinker’s demise…

Nullifies the effect of certain Duergar poisons, grants advantage…

Dropped by: Skickpit

Item icon
Elaborate Key

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Escape the Nautiloid

A beautifully wrought golden key, plucked from a bloody corpse.…

A finely crafted golden key obtained from a bloodied corpse.…

Use this key in the Elaborate Reliquary to obtain the Eldritch…

Elaborate Key opens the Elaborate Reliquary next to Shadow Heart…

Nautiloid, Dead cleric body (X: 60, Y: 355).

0.01 kg

1 Gold

Item icon
Eldritch Rune

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A strange energy buzzes through this alien object. You are sure…

An alien object emitting an unusual energy. Likely a component…

Insert the Eldritch Rune into the console next to Shadowheart’s…

Used to free Shadowheart from her pod in the Nautiloid.

Found inside the Nautiloid. Retrieve the Elaborate Key from…

Item icon
Engraved Key

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Black ink stains blot the handle of this key. Found in sarcophagus…

Key with black ink stains found in a chapel’s sarcophagus.

Opens the Heavy Oak Doors in Dank Crypt.

Inside a sarcophagus in the Dank Crypt. Solve a puzzle involving…

Item icon
Goblin's Drawing

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A childlike charcoal drawing of three stick figures.

Depicts a goblin, humanoid figure, and elf wearing crowns.

Mark the Goblin Camp in the map.

Dropped by Dead Goblin at Forest bridge, Blighted Village.

Icon for <span>Action</span> Action

Item icon
Guiding Light

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Used by the previous owner to access both the Underdark’s darkest…

This ring can be obtained in the Arcane Tower by interacting…

Equipping the ring is necessary to activate the hidden elevator…

Reveals a secret elevator button on the Arcane Tower’s top floor…

Arcane Tower - Acquired by choosing the correct dialogue option…

Item icon
Harper Key

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

An ancient key found on the body of a Shar worshipper.

Grymforge (X: -592 Y: 395)

Item icon
Heavy Key

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A heavy iron key found on the corpse of along-dead scribe.

Heavy Key opens Ancient Door in Dank Crypt

Location: Dank Crypt (X:-312 Y:-252) Dropped by: Entombed Scribe…

Item icon
Hide-Bound Journal

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

The memories and plans of a displaced drow.

Item icon
Highcliff's Blueprints

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Finish the Masterwork Weapon

Intricate blueprints for three impressive-sounding weapons. …

Highcliffs Blueprints are precise plans for crafting Sussurs…

Used in the creation of Sussurs Weapons at the Melting Furnace.…

Found inside a chest in the basement of Blighted Village.

Item icon
Idol of Silvanus

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Steal the Sacred Idol

A wooden statue of Silvanus, the Oak Father, god of nature and…

The Idol of Silvanus is a wooden statue used by the Druid Grove…

Stealing the idol can trigger hostility from druids and Tieflings.…

Grants Silvanus’s Blessing to the character and nearby party…

Sacred Pool of the Druid Grove (X: 241, Y: 510) - Can be stolen.…

700 Gold

Item icon
Infernal Iron

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

The Hellion’s Heart

This dented piece of black metal has a red shine to it, no matter…

Infernal Iron, a dented black metal with a red sheen, holds a…

Infernal Iron also holds significance in fully repairing Karlach’s…

Used to upgrade Karlach’s infernal engine, granting her the Heart…

Inside a chest in the basement of a house in Blighted Village…

100 Gold

Item icon
Iron Cell Key

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A weighty key held by a tiefling refugee.

Iron Cell Key opens the cell where Sazza is locked.

Item icon
Lorroakan's Contract

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A tattered, well-handled bill posted to recruit adventurers.…

A scuffed handbill, bearing a grand seal, boldly calls for adventurous…

Activate the Quest Find the Nightsong

Given by Aradin at the Forest bridge in Blighted Village.

Item icon
Lump's War Horn

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A simple horn belonging to Lump the Enlightened. The mouthpiece…

Summons 3 mercenary ogres that can assist you. Honoring your…

Summons 3 mercenary ogres to aid you.

Obtainable in Blighted Village. Convince Lump the Enlightened…

Item icon
Mysterious Artefact

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

It’s engraved with pulsating runes. Something stirs within. …

A blackened iron box with pulsating runes, harboring something…

Offers protection against the Absolute’s influence.

Found on the Nautiloid.

Item icon
Necromancy of Thay

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item

It. Is. Not. Too. Late.

Necromancy of Thay is a story-related book in Baldur’s Gate 3…

Book Interaction: Reading the book requires obtaining the Dark…

The book can be found in the Apothecary’s Cellar beneath the…

0.50 kg

14 Gold

Quest Item
Item icon
Nere's Head

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Deliver Nere’s Head

Prideful as he was in life, Nere is just like else in death -…

The decaying head of Nere, once proud but now decomposing, with…

Avoid mutilating Nere’s body during combat to ensure you can…

Essential for completing the Deliver Nere’s Head quest and obtaining…

Found in Grymforge, dropped by True Soul Nere (requires a Strength…

Item icon

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Find the Mushroom Picker

When broken, the usually odorless fronds of this mushroom release…

Nearby alcove contains 5 Lolth’s Candles and a hidden Wooden…

Can remove Shadowheart’s Mysterious Sharran Wound condition if…

Located in a challenging position surrounded by dangerous flora.…

Item icon
Old Key

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Though this key is half-eaten by rust, its bit remains intact.…

Old Key opens the Shabby Wooden Doors at Blighted Village.

Item icon
Padlock Key

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A flimsy iron key found within a goblin-infested temple.

A lightweight iron key discovered in a temple overrun by goblins.…

Used to unlock a specific padlock or door.

Found in the Defiled Temple.

Item icon
Pitted Key

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Found gripped in a skeleton’s hand, the key is pitted from use.…

Grymforge (X: -534 Y: 476)

Item icon
Priestess' Key

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

The star-like symbol etched into the handle of this key is nearly…

Location: Defiled Temple Dropped by: True Soul Gut

Item icon
Rune of the Wolf

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A dusty clay tablet, portraying a wolf.

Rune of the Wolf opens the Hidden Vault in Emerald Grove, at…

Location: Emerald Grove (Druid Grove) Dropped by: Rath

Item icon
Runepowder Barrel

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A secret concoction of smokepowder and gnomic mysticism, a single…

This key is essential to unlocking a specific area or object…

Unlocks a designated lock or object.

When ignited, the barrel explodes in a radius of 18m. Targeted…

Grymforge (X: -530 Y: 465). Must be stolen while someone else…

16.00 kg

2,500 Gold

Item icon
Runepowder Vial

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

The Adamantine Forge, Free True Soul Nere

Runepowder was said to be invented by Gaerdal ironhand, the protector…

This vial contains potent Runepowder, which can be utilized during…

Obtainable through interactions with Philomeen during the Free…

Can be used to clear rubble and obstacles, often as part of…

Icon for <span>Action</span> Action

0.30 kg

920 Gold

Item icon
Rusted Key

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A heavy old key, marked with a purple ring - Shar’s symbol. …

Grymforge (X: -579 Y: 382). On the altar at the back of the room.…

Item icon
Rusted Silver Key

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A heavy old key, marked with a purple ring - Shar’s symbol. Found…

The Rusted Silver Key grants access to a locked door in Grymforge,…

Unlocks a specific locked door in Grymforge.

Grymforge, on a hanging skeleton (X: -566 Y: 407).

Item icon
Selunite Key

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

This pure silver key was found on the corpse of a worshipper…

The Selunite Key grants access to the first door on the right…

Unlocks a specific door within the Selunite Outpost.

On a skeleton at the top of the gate of the Selunite Outpost,…

Item icon
Shiny Key

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A polished key found wedged into a bluejay’s nest.

Shiny Key opens the Shiny Box in Druid Grove.

Item icon
Smokepowder Satchel

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

This leather bag is packed tight with acrid-smelling black grains.…

This satchel is packed with smokepowder that explodes when ignited.…

Causes a powerful explosion with a 6-meter radius upon ignition,…

Inside a hidden room in Grymforge (X: -585 Y: 388).

0.30 kg

410 Gold

Item icon
Soul Coin

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Strange, incomprehensible whispers emanate from this coin, pervading…

Item icon
Stamped Handbill

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A tattered, well-handled bill posted to recruit adventures. …

Used to forge Sussur Weapons.

Item icon
Storage Key

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

A metal key held by a tiefling refugee. Two notches have been…

This key is used to unlock a storage area located at the Druid…

Unlocks the storage area at the Druid Grove (X: 200 Y: 577).…

Obtained by stealing from Zorru at Druid Grove.

Item icon
Sussur Tree Bark

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Finish the Masterwork Weapon

A piece of tough bark from a Sussur Tree. Holding it leaves a…

This bark is harvested from the Sussur Tree and is a key ingredient…

Used as a crafting material for creating Sussur Weapons.

Obtained in the Underdark.

Item icon
Tarnished Silver Key

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Utilized to unlock a secured door within the same area.

Grymforge, Upper Level. Discovered on a suspended skeleton.…

Item icon
The Blade of Frontier's Eye

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item

The dislodged eye of a famous adventurer. Worth something to…

Location: Shattered Sanctum Dropped by: Spike

Item icon
The Great Furnace of Grimforge

Icon for <span>Quest Item</span> Quest Item, Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

Carried by Torturer Spike in the Shattered Sanctum (X:335, Y:-35).…

Belongs to Wyll.

Item icon
Volo's Ersatz Eye

Icon for <span>Key</span> Key

While the ersatz eye is embedded in your eye socket, you can…

-1 INT+1 CHA

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