Optional Objectives:
- Two kills from hiding spots
- Don’t trigger any alarms
Talk to Bellec on the rooftop by the Notre-Dame cathedral to begin this mission.
The first thing to do is get those keys from the two men on the north side of the cathedral by following the roofs to get ahead of them. If you have the ability to Double Air Assassinate them then you should wait until they get close together to punch, but it is perfectly fine to just air assassinate one and then kill the other in open combat.
After you have the keys return to the front of the cathedral and check the map for a small (!) mark on the opposite side of the cathedral. You want to climb the buildings and then run over to this location to spot Duchesneau, initiating his movement, and then continue along the building to a lower level and jump into a haycart. Duchesneau will walk right past the haycart on the way to his destination, so wait patently and then kill him.
Make sure to kill the thugs with the keys (left) and assassinate Duchesneau (right).
With the Notre Dame Keys Acquired and Confessional Kill Available, you can now enter the cathedral.
Head to the southeast side of the cathedral and look for the stairs icon on the mini-map to indicate an underground entrance and head over to climb down the well. Follow the sewers to a split and hug the left wall to find a small staircase leading up and press the button to reveal a hidden entrance to the cathedral
Take a right inside the cathedral and hide behind the red curtains before you use Eagle Vision to check where the guards are. The first guard will remain stationary with his back to you, but the other will patrol the area. Neither of these guards pose a threat and should be left alone by simply walking by when they have their backs turned.
Use the underground tunnels to reach the inside of the cathedral and then sneak by the first set of guards.
Head around the corner to the long hall on the outskirts of the cathedral and stop at the curtain separating you from the two guards on the other side. Here is a great place to use line of sight to draw the guards over one at a time and cover assassinate them.
Once both guards are gone, run forward to the haycart near the center of the cathedral and hop inside before using Eagle Vision to identify Silvert. Stay in the cart while Silvert walks past and when one of his guards stops at the cart you can get the first of your two hiding spot kills. Silvert will enter the confessional while the final guard remains outside, offering an easy kill.
Quietly draw the guards in the hall over (left). After spotting Silvert wait for him to pass as you assassinate his bodyguard that breaks off from the group (right).
When you are ready, enter the confessional and listen to Silvert if you like, just make sure to not take too long before you assassinate him or he will leave and you will miss out on the special kill opportunity and the final hiding spot kill.
After the scene it’s time to leave the cathedral, so head back toward the haycart and use the lift to the second floor, turning right immediately and using the keys to exit the area and complete the mission.
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