Optional Objectives:
- Pass over/under 5 objects
- Don’t get tackled
This memory begins with Arno Dorian as a child visiting Versailles with his father, who is on important business. After his father leaves a mysterious girl appears and runs off giggling. You’ll need to follow the girl through the rooms of Versailles, bumping into servants, until you reach a garden courtyard.
As you approach the girl she’ll dare you to steal an apple from the table in the middle of the courtyard, right in front of a sleeping guard. The minute you grab the apple the guard will catch Arno and try to run him down.
This acts as a tutorial for the new game mechanic of “Last Known Position”, which allows you to break line of sight and lure an enemy away from their position. This can be used later to allow you to assassinate an enemy from a safe position by drawing them over, but for now you will need to use it to lose the guard and then lure the guard by the exit away to leave the garden.
Use line of sight to draw guards to where you want or away from their position.
As you approach the girl again a scene will occur that leaves Arno stunned. Thirteen later, Arno is still up to trouble and stealing things, but this time it is something more valuable than a simple apple.
After the scene the first optional objective will become active and you’ll need to run after Hugo while making sure to pass over and under the 5 objects. The first is obvious since the game shows the on screen prompt to use R2 + O / RT + B as Hugo hops through the window. The next is directly after passing through the window, so keep holding the buttons to slide under the table inside the building.
As you head back outside and slide over the third object, a table, veer right to the darkened doorway instead of through the open archway to enter a building and slide out the window and back outside. Back outside, the final object is a table off to the left with some fish on it, so slide under and then chase after Hugo and tackle him.
Make sure to enter the right side of the second building to pass through a window and then veer left to slide under the fish table to complete the objective.
After a short scene it will be your turn to run and this is where the second objective to not get tackled activates.
Run straight north and ignore the ramp that you’d think would be the obvious way to go. You want to continue to head north, but you also want to avoid the guards, so as you are heading north take the left path to the west of the brown building with the words Cafes et Epices to avoid the guards on the east side.
Ignore the ramp and run to the left of the building in the screenshot above.
As you run up this street you should lose the guards and the indicator will turn yellow to indicate that you can now hide in the crowds to lose them for good.
Once the indicator is clear and you are no longer being followed, head for the green waymarker at the De La Serre estate to complete the memory.
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