Begin this memory outside Sainte-Chapelle and then climb the pillars to the second floor and enter the main hall. As soon as you enter turn around and climb up the beautifully painted walls to a balcony and interact with the light contraption for a quick scene that shifts the chandeliers inside.
Jump to the first chandelier and then swing to the second to reach the rope and cross to the opposite side. Continue across the chandeliers on this side of the room to the waymarker and then stand on the perch and look below. After the floor reveals the path forward, leap of faith into the darkness.
Place the talisman to allow the chandeliers to move so you can cross them.
After a short scene you can follow Bellec to the heart of the Assassin’s hideout. After another scene approach the chalice in front of you and drink from it.
When you gain control head down the stairs to a room full of memories and leap of faith off the edge. You’ll find yourself in the halls of Versailles, but as you progress toward the light the world around you will crumble.
Make your way through the hallucinations linear path as the world crumbles.
Continue to run the linear path, jumping the gaps and making your way forward until you get a scene and the background changes. Head toward the building in the distance and the ground will crumble again and you’ll need to jump from one platform to another as you make your way around the area until you get another scene.
The area will change one last time, this time to a room full of people. Make your way through the crowds and around behind the target to assassinate him to complete the short memory.
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