The starting position is on a rooftop to the east of the Temple.
The second symbol is at the top of the easternmost tower of the Temple.
The third symbol is by the fountain in the western side of the Temple.
The final symbol is on the tomb in the catacombs beneath the Temple.
The starting position is on a roof to the east of the Grand Chatelet.
The second symbol is above the main entrance pediment of the Hotel de Ville.
The third symbol is on the ground by the gallows outside the Hotel de Ville.
The final symbol is at the top of the Tour St. Jacques to the northwest.
The starting position is in an alley to the west of Le Bieuvre in the St. Jacques distrcit.
The second symbol is on the roof of the Pantheon’s northern facade, behind the triangle pediment.
The third symbol is inside the circle of columns on the Pantheon’s roof on the south side.
The fourth symbol is behind the set of columns on the Pantheon’s east side.
The fifth symbol is inside the Pantheon nave, below a painting in the high dome.
The final symbol is inside the crypt below the Pantheon, accessed on the east side of the nave.
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