You will find Anto for the first time in the south central part of the Kingston city area. Approach him to begin the first memory.
Once the mission begins, run straight down the street until we find a pair of guards marked with objective markers. We want to eavesdrop on these fellows. Trail them down the street, remaining relatively close and using the corners of the buildings and crates on the sides of the street as cover to remain hidden for when they turn around. When they reach the tavern the eavesdropping sequence will end.
At this point, a second orange marker will appear on your map to the northeast. Head over here to find another pair of guards that we will need to eavesdrop on. Fortunately, this area is quite heavily populated, so you can use the crowds as well as crates as cover whilst you follow the targets to make things even easier, you can hire some dancers on the way and follow them out in the open.
Pick whichever guard you wish and just chase them down and tackle them.
After a short distance, the guards will split up and run in different directions. Choose one and chase him down and tackle him to complete the mission.
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