After beginning the contract, we’ll first need to go and join up with our allies who are waiting out in the open water to the northwest of our current location. They are marked by blue blips on the mini-map/world map so they shouldn’t be too hard to locate!
As we approach the friendlies, our objectives will be updated. We will now have to take down a Spanish convoy. To begin with, follow your buddies to the east. Here we’ll encounter a pair of brigs. Assist your allies in taking these down, ensuring that you watch your fire and try not to damage the friendly vessels.
Once these two have been destroyed, another two brigs and a man o’ war will appear in the north. Sail over to meet them slowly, dropping mortars onto them as you close the distance to them. A few well-placed mortars on the brigs will have them just about incapacitated by the time you reach them, allowing you to finish them off and focus on the man o’ war much quicker.
It can sometimes be easier to focus on taking out the man o’ war before dealing with the brigs as otherwise, you can get picked off by the mortars. It is entirely dependant on you.
The man o’ war can be a little tricky as it will not only fire off mortars at you, that you’ll need to avoid, but if you get in too close it also has some very powerful broadside/heavy shot attacks.
As such; try to keep your distance a little and try to find an advantageous angle whilst doing your best to stay out of range of its attacks. Once this second group of ships has been dealt with the contract will be complete.
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