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Icon Title Lore Description (Accessories) Location / How to Obtain Screenshots (Accessories) Armour Set Talent Prerequisites (Accessories) Must not have Features :
Item icon
Accuser of Sin

This venerable servo-skull was crafted out of the hollowed relics…

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Aeldari Ranger Sight

The wearer’s deadeye shot critical hits triggers Expose Weakness…

Chest in the top middle of the Chasm level in the Chapter 3 Drukhari…

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Grants a +10 bonus to Awareness

Top middle of Footfall Atrium map

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Bayonet Chain Knife

When the wearer attacks a target with any ranged weapon in a…

In a hidden box (Awareness Check), center of the map in Quetza…

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Bayonet Knife

When the wielder attacks with any ranged weapon at a 1-cell range,…

Requires Rank 0 and 22 Profit Factor with the Fellowship of the…

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Blood Barrier Emitter

At the start of their turn, the wearer recovers wounds equal…

Defeat Tervantias in the Haemonculus’s Laboratory. Part of the…

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Chirurgeons Manual

This manual grants the owner +(2 x TGH bonus) to Medicae. It…

Purchase from Opticon-22 at Rank 5 Explorators Faction at Void…

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Commander's Note

Whenever the wearer uses Combat Locus, the benefits of the targeted…

Loot the Shrieker’s Arsenal cache after the second arena fight…

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Commander's Notes (2)

Whenever the wearer uses Combat Locus, the benefits of the targeted…

Purchase from the Commissar in the Pit, Commorragh during Chapter…

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Grants +15 Medicae.

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Disinfection Device

This device grants the wielder a +15 bonus to Carouse.

Located in the Governor Vyatt’s Estate on Janus.

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Empyrean Transceiver

The wearer always acts as if under the effect of Voice of Command…

Award for a colony project on Kiava Gmma.

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Fang of Perdition

The tooth of an unknown semi-material creature, extracted from…

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Grenadiers Backpack

The wearer and their allies are immune to damage from the wearer’s…

Obtained during Cassia’s Quest “The Price of Power”. Head to…

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First Aid Manual

Using any medikit costs -1 AP less (but no less than 0).

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For the Defence of Cadia

When the wearer of this badge gains a stack of versatility, they…

Looted from the Safe found at the edge of the map in the Mangled…

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Hand of Offence

The wearer’s melee attack damage is increased by +(3 x psy rating).…

Looted from a chest at the top of the Chasm streets of Commaragh.…

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Imperial Scroll

This scroll grants the owner a +15 bonus to Lore (Imperium).…

Sold by the Drussian Trader.

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Lady Xue's Ritual Blade

Whenever the wearer deals damage with a melee attack to an enemy,…

Obtained during the Janus Colony Event “Chronicle of the Protectorate…

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Instability Detonator

A mysterious piece of technology crafted by Electro-Priest artisans.…

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Long-Range Aim Lens

Increases ranged attack distance by +(wearer’s BS bonus / 2)…

Looted from the puzzle box in the Anatomical Opera, which requires…

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If the wearer didn’t spend MP during their turn, they gain +10…

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Pack of Reagents

This set of chemical reagents increases the damage of all bleeding,…

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Pair Holster

Whenever the wearer scores a critical hit with a pistol, the…

Warehouse found in the Shadow District on Footfall.

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Untuning Combi-Tool

This item grants its owner a +25 bonus to Tech-Use. If the owner…

Found on a corpse in the same area you fight the Herald of Tzeentch…

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Peculiar Trinket

At the start of the wearer’s turn, they gain (2 x equipped armour…

Earned via a Vheabos VI colony project.

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Pinpointing Visor

Grants +15% critical hit chance to ranged attacks against enemies…

Awarded through completing the First Galvanic Hymn Prayer Puzzle…

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Cloaking Field Emitter

When the wearer moves one of their Combat Tactics areas, the…

Loot the chest atop the right set of stairs inside the Xeno Crypt…

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Portable Cogitator

The cogitator grants the owner a +10 bonus to Logic.

Looted on Kiava Gamma as part of the main storyline.

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Injection Adapter

The user gains +(Carouse / 10) temporary wounds from combat stimulants.…

Obtained during the Incendia Chorda battle in chapter 4 from…

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Provocative Emitter

Whenever the wearer dodges an attack, they become a priority…

Looted from the puzzle box in the Anatomical Opera, which requires…

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Whenever the wearer kills their target with a melee attack, all…

Project reward on Kiava Gamma.

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Seeker of the Weak

A mysterious Aeldari contraption fashioned into an exquisite…

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Shard of Bloodstone

At the beginning of the holder’s turn , all enemies in a 3-cell…

An item looted from the Pit after the Marazhai arena fights.…

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Shifting Combi-Tool

Grants +20 to Tech-Use.

Looted from the boss fight in the Kiava Gamma main storyline.…

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Sinister Diary

Grants a +20 bonus to Lore (Warp) and a —10 penalty to Willpower…

Found inside the secret rooms that are unlocked as part of the…

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Stimulant Injector

This item reduces wounds by -10%, yet increases critical hit…

Footfall - Atrium, during the quest “Underworld”, but only if…

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Transonic Emitter

A compact trans-sonic emitter that speeds up projectiles fired…

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