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Azariel the Sunbringer

A true politician, Azariel wormed his way to the top of the ranks…

Azariel the Sunbringer, a Level 77 V Blood Carrier, can be found…

Act IV

Brighthaven Cathedral, Silverlight Hills (West Region)



Tier 2 Spell Point (Chaos Ability) Void Veil of Chaos Chaos…

Gold Ingot

Ostentatious Rectangular Carpet Ostentatious Round Carpet …

200 Rugged Hide 100 Bone 0-1 Unsullied Heart

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Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier

Formerly a traveling swordsman-for-hire, the good baron earned…

Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier, a Level 70 character, is located…

Act IV

Brighthaven Vineyard, Silverlight Hills



Tier 2 Spell Point (Blood Ability) Blood Fountain Veil of Blood…

Barrel Disguise (Item) Blood Merlot (Item) Blood Merlot Amulet…

Rural Garden Fencing

Bloodmoon Leggings Recipe Tier 3 Jewel Flawless Ruby Exquisite…

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Mairwyn the Elementalist

A dangerous spell-caster in tune with the most ephemeral qualities…

Primary Abilities: Fire Vortex: Conjures a fiery vortex, moving…

Act IV

Emberleaf Grove, South-East region of Silverlight Hills



Tier 2 Spell Point (Storm Ability) Polarity Shift Veil of Storm…

Holy Resistance Flask Greater Jewels Blood Jewel Tier 3 Chaos…

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Morian the Stormwing Matriarch

The most dangerous of her kind, and fiercely protective of her…

Morian the Stormwing Matriarch, a Level 70 V Blood Carrier, resides…

Act IV

Harpy Nest, Silverlight Hills



Tier 2 Spell Point (Chaos Ability) Void Veil of Chaos Chaos…

Flawless Gems Flawless Ruby Flawless Sapphire Flawless Emerald…

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Sir Magnus the Overseer

A fanatical servant of the Church of Luminance, his blind faith…

Sir Magnus the Overseer, a Level 66 V Blood Carrier, is located…

Act IV

Sacred Silver Mine in Silverlight Hills.



Phantom’s Veil

Assortment of Wide Storage Shelves Large Material Storage Large…

Gold Jewelry Tier 3 Jewel (Blood) Flawless Gems Exquisite Heart…

"Shadowmoon Boots" iconShadowmoon Boots Shadowmoon Knowledge
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Solarus the Immaculate

A legendary paladin of the Light, and the oldest living member…

Solarus the Immaculate, a Level 86 V Blood Carrier, resides in…

You will need a Holy Resistance Flask to enter, which you can…

Phase 1: Buzzsaw: Performs a wide swing, firing a buzzsaw projectile…

Act IV

Fortress of Light, Eastern edge of Silverlight Hills.



Dracula’s Shadow BootsDracula’s Grim BootsDracula’s Dread BootsDracula’s…

Pedestal of Solarus

Soul Shard of Solarus Onyx Tear Legendary Ancestral Greatsword…

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