Domina the Blade Dancer V Blood Carriers (Cursed Forest)
In-game Description
Originally an engineer responsible for advancements in practical electrical weapons, Domina’s incredible advancements were born of her hands-on, reckless approach to testing. Though this approach led to her demise, she was brought back to life by the maddening machinery of the infamous Doctor Henry Blackbrew. Domina’s sadism and masochism are unlimited, unmatched, and perhaps unstoppable in her pursuit of protecting and “policing” the people of Gloomrot.
Domina the Blade Dancer, a Level 60 V Blood Carrier, resides in
Rustlock Village in Gloomrot South. Originally an engineer, Domina’s reckless approach to testing electrical weapons led to her demise. She was resurrected by Doctor Henry Blackbrew, and now her sadism and masochism drive her to protect and “police” Gloomrot.
- Sword: Dash forward, then cleave.
- Spear: Dash backward, then throw a piercing spear.
- Mace: Levitate, then slam down creating spheres in a ring that spiral outward.
- Slashers: Slash thrice, then dash forward and backward.
- Create Weapon: Cyril creates a new spectral weapon to fight alongside him.
- Create Multiple Weapons: Cyril creates all four spectral weapons (starts at 50% health).
- Dash: Cyril dashes four times in a row (starts at 30% health).
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