This page offers a guide on how to complete the College of Winterhold quest, Good Intentions, including how to find Augur of Dunlain in The Midden.
The Eye of Magnus.
How to Find Augur of Dunlain¶
After speaking with Urag we’ll have to go meet Tolfdir. Follow the marker and speak to him. Follow him as he observes the orb and soon you’ll be interrupted by Ancano. Follow him into the Arch-Mage Quarters and up here, speak to the monk from the Psijic Order named Quaranir. Talk with him and you’ll be given another objective: Find Augur of Dunlain.
From the Arch-Mage’s room leave and go to the Hall of Attainment. Speak to Tolfdir and he’ll tell you that Augur is found in The Midden, which is a basement type area beneath the College. Return outside and go to the northwest side of the garden to find a trapdoor with the entrance to the Midden.
The entrance to ‘The Midden’ can be found on the ground to the far-left of the entrance.
Once down here, when you reach the large room, go downstairs and you’ll find two ways to go. Both lead to the same place, but the tunnel to the right gets you there much faster. The tunnel ahead of you has an interesting “forge” that you can check out. If you read the book on the table to the left, you’ll find some information on the forge. If you place things inside the forge you’ll be able to conjure up things. The book tells you that a ruby and some fire salts will conjure a flame atronach, and you’ll also conveniently find these items on the table. If you do try making a flame atronach be prepared to fight as it won’t be friendly! For more information on what you can make with the forge, head over to our guide, The Atronach Forge.
(1 of 2) The book near the forge will give you information on the types of things you can conjure
The book near the forge will give you information on the types of things you can conjure (left), but do so at your own risk! (right)
Loot any treasure you find and when you get to the room with the pool of water, go through the doors to reach The Midden Dark. In here, at the ice bridge, drop down to your left, open the chest and you’ll have two ways to go. Follow the tunnel path (the one with the torch), kill the spiders that appear and move to the northeast side of the room. Burn or cut down the webs that block your path and you’ll find yourself enough in a strange room with a daedric hand in the center of it. If you want to pursue this unnamed, secret quest at a later time, pick up the Investigator’s Key and the notes from the table nearby. Head over to our guide on Forgotten Names for more information.
The Daedric Gauntlet is a part of a mysterious unnamed quest.
Carry on through and kill some Skeletons in the next room, and in the next hall, you’ll find an Alchemy Station with an Alchemy skillbook named De Rerum Dirennis. Proceed onwards and you’ll now find yourself in the room that’s just after the room with the ice bridge. Go west from here and approach the door. At first, the door is locked, but then you’ll hear a mysterious voice from behind it. Try opening the door and the voice will eventually unlock the door.
Augur of Dunlain is a bit…bright?
The well at the center of the room turns into a bright blue light. This is Augur of Dunlain. Speak to him and he’ll tell you that you need the Staff of Magnus. Head back and find the Arch-Mage to tell him about your new information. After telling him the quest will end, but not before the Arch-Mage gives you the Mage’s Circlet, which increases your Magika by 30 points if you equip it. The next quest, Revealing the Unseen, begins automatically.
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