Icon | Title/Description | Category | Subcategory |
Icon | Title | Description | Compatible Weapons | Compatible Armors | Image | Spawn Command | Upgrade Type | Cost |
All-Titanium Components | Although titanium is generally considered too heavy for personal… |
Cuirass Exoskeleton
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_1 0 1 1 |
37,500 |
Add Artifact Slot | Additional slot for an artifact. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_AddArtifactSlotUpgrade 0 1 1 |
14,600 |
Add Run | Adding the ability to sprint. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_AddRunUpgrade 0 1 1 |
14,600 |
Airtight Polyethylene Lining | The dense polyethylene lining ensures protection against both… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Light_Mercenaries_Armor_protectionThermal_protectionElectrical_Left_2_1 0 1 1 |
Handguard |
7,300 |
Aramid Helmet | Replaces the helmet with a lightweight version, while preserving… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Exoskeleton_Neutral_Armor_EXOregenerationStamina_Right_1_1 0 1 1 |
Body |
7,500 |
Arm Servos | The incorporation of servos helps counteract inertia and stabilizes… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BattleExoskeleton_Varta_Armor_accuracy_Left_3_1 0 1 1 |
Body |
30,000 |
Back Frame | The back frame alleviates shoulder fatigue by evenly distributing… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Heavy_Dolg_Armor_backpack_Left_3_2 0 1 1 |
Body |
21,700 |
BulletProof | Increase the suit’s bulletproof. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_BulletProofUpgrade 0 1 1 |
1,000 |
BulletProof 2 | Increase the suit’s bulletproof. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_BulletProof2Upgrade 0 1 1 |
7,300 |
Carry weight | Weight gain. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_CarryweightUpgrade 0 1 1 |
500 |
Carryweight 2 | Weight gain. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_Carryweight2Upgrade 0 1 1 |
7,300 |
Chemical Def | Increased protection against acid damage. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_ChemicalDefUpgrade 0 1 1 |
2,000 |
Chemical Def 2 | Increased protection against acid damage. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_ChemicalDef2Upgrade 0 1 1 |
7,300 |
Close Damage Def | Increased protection against cutting damage. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_CloseDamageDefUpgrade 0 1 1 |
7,300 |
Decrease Armor Weight | Reduced suit weight. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_DecreaseArmorWeightUpgrade 0 1 1 |
14,600 |
Dielectric Aerogel Lining | The suit’s lining not only excels in thermal insulation but also… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID HeavyAnomaly_Scientific_Armor_protectionThermal_protectionElectrical_Left_3_1 0 1 1 |
Handguard |
21,700 |
Electro Def | Increased protection against electricity. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_ElectroDefUpgrade 0 1 1 |
2,000 |
Electro Def 2 | Increased protection against electricity. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_ElectroDef2Upgrade 0 1 1 |
7,300 |
Elimination System for Poisonous Substances | A pneumatic expulsion system for removing hazardous substances… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID HeavyAnomaly_Scientific_Armor_protectionChemical_protectionTherma_Left_2_1 0 1 1 |
Handguard |
10,800 |
Expanded Backpack | Sewing an extra zippered pocket into the backpack provides a… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Exoskeleton_Neutral_Armor_carryingCapacity_Left_3_2 0 1 1 |
Barrel |
30,000 |
External Filtering System | The external placement of filters on the gas mask allows for… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID HeavyAnomaly_Monolith_Armor_protectionThermal_protectionElectrical_protectionChemical_Left_1_1 0 1 1 |
Handguard |
5,400 |
Fire Def | Increased fire protection. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_FireDefUpgrade 0 1 1 |
1,000 |
Fire Def 2 | Increased fire protection. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_FireDef2Upgrade 0 1 1 |
7,300 |
Gaussian Armor | Adding Gauss Shield. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_GaussianArmorUpgrade 0 1 1 |
14,600 |
Hydraulic Amplifiers for Servos | The incorporation of hydraulic amplifiers that enable running… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Exoskeleton_Neutral_Armor_AddRunEffect_Right_2_1 0 1 1 |
Body |
15,000 |
Infused Fabric | Through special treatments, ordinary fabric gains resistance… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID HeavyAnomaly_Scientific_Armor_ProtectionChemical_Left_1_1 0 1 1 |
Handguard |
5,400 |
Lead Container | A simple and practical way to stay protected from the radiation… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Zorya_Neutral_Armor_radiationAbsorption_Left_2_1 0 1 1 |
Pistol Grip |
7,300 |
Makeshift Artifact Container | A container fashioned by local craftsmen, offering a secure resting… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID HeavyAnomaly_Spark_Armor_container_Left_1_1 0 1 1 |
Pistol Grip |
5,400 |
Nickel Thermal Accumulators | The development of nickel alloys with a low melting point has… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Zorya_Neutral_Armor_protectionThermal_Left_2_2 0 1 1 |
Handguard |
7,300 |
Night Vision | Installing NVD. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_NightVisionUpgrade 0 1 1 |
1,000 |
Night Vision 2 | Installing NVD_2. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_NightVision2Upgrade 0 1 1 |
7,300 |
Plexiglas Overlays with Protective Coating | The entire body is shielded from beta- and psi-radiation by the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID HeavyAnomaly_Spark_Armor_rad_PSY_Left_2_1 0 1 1 |
Body |
10,800 |
Plexiglas Suit with Lead Mesh | The integration of Plexiglas fiber and lead mesh in a woven pattern… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Exoskeleton_Neutral_Armor_protectionChemical_protectionTherma_Left_3_2 0 1 1 |
Handguard |
30,000 |
Psi-Dome Band | A state-of-the-art psi defense technology pioneered by a scientist… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Exoskeleton_Neutral_Armor_PSY_Left_3_1 0 1 1 |
Body |
30,000 |
Radiation Def | Improved radiation protection. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_RadiationDefUpgrade 0 1 1 |
500 |
Radiation Def 2 | Improved radiation protection. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_RadiationDef2Upgrade 0 1 1 |
7,300 |
Sprayed Protective Layer | Enhances durability without the added burden of increased weight.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Exoskeleton_Neutral_Armor_EXOMaxDurability_Left_2_1 0 1 1 |
Barrel |
15,000 |
Up Durability Armor | Increase the strength of the suit. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DutyArmor_4_E1_UpDurabilityArmorUpgrade 0 1 1 |
1,000 |