Icon | Title/Description | Category | Subcategory |
Icon | Title | How to Obtain | Description | Related Quest | Spawn Command | Weight | Cost | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adik Pedal’s Key | This weathered metal key opens the door to the administrative… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ87_AdikPedalKey 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
250 |
Adik Pedal’s PDA | The notes in this PDA leave no doubt about the owner’s desire… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ87_AdikPedalPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Alex Moose’s PDA | Found on a dead body by the Elevator, this PDA mentions a job… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ65LosPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Altered Toast | A piece of toast, warm and hard to the touch. Its extraordinary… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID AlteredScarsToast 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
Angry Stalker’s PDA | The state of this PDA implies that its owner had some serious… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SEQ02_StalkerPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Archive of Files on C-Consciousness Agents | Das Archiv umfasst hunderte Berichte über jeden Agenten, der… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E16_AgentSFile_Atchive 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
600 |
Arkhyp Lichen’s PDA | The lack of concern shown by this PDA’s owner implies that buying… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E10_MQ01_ArhipPDA_Item 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Artur Paw’s PDA | This ordinary, worn-out PDA might offer insight into the mysterious… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_SQ04_LapaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Artyom Submariner’s PDA | Dieser zerschmetterte PDA gehörte Artjom Leichtmatrose. Auf dem… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ144_ArtemPodvodnikPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Assembly Hall Key | Unlocks the old assembly hall located on the school’s second… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ148_KeyFromControllerHall 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
250 |
Azimuth Key Card | A key card granting access to the control room of Azimuth Station.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID AzimutControlRoomKey 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
600 |
Azimuth Station Basement Key | This worn, rusty key comes with a new plastic keychain labeled… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E04_MQ02_BasementKey 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
250 |
Back Room Key | The key to the back room in the Cryptobiology Lab, kept by a… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E06_MQ01_CryptoKey 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
400 |
Bandit’s Diary | An old diary of a thug employed by the Shah, discovered in the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ_19_BanditDiary 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
300 |
Bandit’s PDA | A pocket personal computer, version 2.0. In the Zone, it functions… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BasePDA_Bandits 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Battered Flash Drive (Black) | This old flash drive has been through a lot. The case is held… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_USB_Damaged_Black 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Battered Flash Drive (Blue) | This old flash drive has been through a lot. The case is held… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_USB_Damaged_Blue 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Battered Flash Drive (White) | This old flash drive has been through a lot. The case is held… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_USB_Damaged_White 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Beard’s PDA | Sporting numerous well-worn stickers on the back panel, this… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Shevchenko_Camp_BorodaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Bloodstained Note | A note on a piece of paper smeared with dried blood. Looks like… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ05_C10_ItemNotes3 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Bloodstained PDA | The fate of this PDA’s owner is probably best left a mystery.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SEQ09_StalkerPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Blue Key Card | This old blue key card is a bit scratched, but the magnetic strip… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_KeyCard_Blue 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Bluish’s PDA | The device contains a single recording, seemingly made right… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ01_SinajAudiolog 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Bobcat’s PDA | Found in the catacombs beneath the Slag Heap, this PDA serves… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Terricon_Hub_KisaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Borodulin’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Borodulin, a man who presents himself as a… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BordulinPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Boss’s PDA | This PDA belonging to a gang leader contains messages exchanged… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ90_SefPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Breadcrumb’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a stalker slain by mutants in the Lesser Zone.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ64_MakisPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Broken M-PDA | A PDA formerly used by Monolith soldiers, now broken beyond repair.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BasePDA_MonolithBroken 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Broken Psi Installation | A device resembling a lamp. It was a powerful source of psi-radiation,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ06_PsiLampDestroyed 0 1 1 |
5.20kg |
4,000 |
Bromine’s PDA | In his final exchange, Bromine boasts that he’s about to get… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ155_BromPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Bubbs’s PDA | This PDA was owned by Bubbs. He owed money to the Shah, so he… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ52_PuzirPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Bunker Key Card | Grants entry to the Mobile Bunkers. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E14_MQ02_MobileBunkers 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
600 |
Bustler’s PDA | The messages stored on this PDA discuss a scheme to mine artifacts… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ90_ToropygaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Caps’s PDA | This worn-out PDA contains messages between a stalker and a scientist… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_SQ01_KartezhnykPDA_Item 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Captain Sukhin’s PDA | An ordinary military-grade PDA, although its owner turned out… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ02_SyhinPDA_Item 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Cardan’s PDA | An old PDA displaying an incoming late-night call. The timing… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_SQ01_KardanDvupalovFirstPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Cardan’s Spare PDA | Coated in a layer of dust, this PDA contains negotiations involving… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_SQ01_KardanDvupalovSecondPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Cargo for Noontide | This container stores the cargo the Noontiders failed to bring… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E04_SQ01_LodochkaContainer 0 1 1 |
3.00kg |
2,000 |
Caribbean Experiment Report from 1995 | Old scientific papers outlining the experiment that confirmed… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E16_MQ03_CaribbeanDoc 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Caribbean Experiment Report from 1996 | Old scientific papers outlining the experiment that confirmed… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E16_MQ03_CaribbeanDoc 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Cartridge | A small storage drive. It can only be read on a compatible device.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E16_MQ03_CartridgeSkif 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
120 |
Cell Key | A key to the cell in the detention center, given by Dalin. Without… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E11_MQ04_DoorKey 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
150 |
Checklist | An ordinary 8x12 sheet outlining Kalina’s plans for the day.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_NoteKalinaListItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Chornozem’s PDA | A shabby PDA taken from Chornozem’s shoulder bag. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E03_01_ChernozemPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Classified Report | A report on a sheet of 8x12 paper. Given the illegible handwriting,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Himzavod_Hub_Note_1Item 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Columbus’s PDA | Columbus’s PDA, found near the Vehicle Graveyard. Given the high… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ143_KolubPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Communication Session Recordings | These are protocols of communication sessions from the time when… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_MQ03_KalanchaDocuments 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
600 |
Control Emitter | This device can be used to control and transmit data within the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ03_ControlEmitter 0 1 1 |
2.00kg |
6,000 |
Control Room Key | A key to the control room of Lab X5’s experimental area. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ03_ConrolRoomKey 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
Controller Project Documents | These faded papers contain gruesome details about experiments… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ProjectControllerDocs 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
600 |
Controller’s Collar | The metal collar has a tag on it with a barely visible inscription:… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ155_CollarController 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
1,000 |
Cpt. Hromovyi’s Note | Found by the Cage at the Cement Factory, this note lists the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ37_GromNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Crest’s PDA | This PDA contains a diary in which Crest documents his plan for… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ88_GrebenNote 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Crumpled Memo | A note from Dvupalov’s desk at X5. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ03_ListWarning 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Crystal Thorn |
An artifact that came out of Professor Dvupalov’s moonshine still.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestArtifactCrystalThorn 0 1 1 |
Curly’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a Sparker who set up an ambush at the X5 exit.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ161_kudravyjPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Danya Move’s PDA | Trying to juggle numerous tasks at once, this device’s owner… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Rostok_PDA_Lost 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
David Akopyan’s PDA | A PDA belonging to the stalker held captive by Zakhar Babay’s… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ47_DavidAkopan_PDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Dead Sparker’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a dead Sparker found near the checkpoint at… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ118_DeadIskraPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Dead Sparker’s PDA from the Prometheus | A PDA showing signs of damage after a pitched battle with mutants.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E14_MQ01_Prometey_Spark_Item 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Dead Stalker’s PDA from the Cordon | The device is coated in dirt and blood, much like its lifeless… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_Hub_PDADeadBody 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Dead Warden’s PDA from the Prometheus | A PDA showing signs of damage from an encounter with mutants.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E14_MQ01_Prometey_Varta_Item 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Decoder | This electronic lockpick seems capable of unlocking the door… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E11_MQ01_DeciphererX3 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
1,200 |
Desyatov’s Request | A document containing Desyatov’s formal request for transfer.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ01_DesiatovPlea 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Desyatov’s Voice Recorder | A voice recorder containing Desyatov’s notes. It appears that… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ01_Desiatov_SumUp 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
Device Instructions | A sheet of paper with instructions for the device. Looks like… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E12_MO01_InstructionItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Digger’s IOU | Sounds like the author of this note screwed up big time in front… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANC_18_IOUNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Dima Hotshot’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Dima Hotshot, a stalker who died near the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ110_DokaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Diode’s Workshop Key Card | A weathered piece of old plastic, stained with blood. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E03_05_NestorPass 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Document File | A file containing important papers – a traditional office management… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_Folder_Blue 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
600 |
Document Scrap | A torn piece of a document that Owl’s agent was willing to die… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ05_C10_ItemNotes4 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Door Key | A little old key, clearly meant for a door. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_Key_DoorOld 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
250 |
Dr. Kyrylov’s PDA | There isn’t a scratch or a speck to be found on this PDA. The… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Rostok_PDA_Doctor 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Dr. Nehoda’s PDA | This PDA didn’t get a single scratch during many years of heavy… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID NegodaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Dubny’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Dubny, Strider’s right-hand man. Its owner… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ10_DubniyPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Duga Engineering Room Key Card | A small key card granting access to one of the engineering rooms… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ04_UndergroundKeycard 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
900 |
Duga Patrol Notes | A crumpled piece of paper found on the body of the scout Kostya… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ145KostaKonusNote 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
300 |
Duty PDA | A pocket personal computer, version 2.0. In the Zone, it functions… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BasePDA_Duty 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Dvupalov’s Voice Recorder | The professor’s pocket voice recorder, containing Dvupalov’s… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_DvupolovRecorder_PrisonCell 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
Echo Detector | Automatically obtained at the start of the game after completing… |
With outdated electronic components and subpar usability, this… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EchoE01 0 1 1 |
0.40kg |
2,000 |
Edik the Dome’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a thug dressed as a Freedom member, probably… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ73_EdikBaskaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Elbow’s PDA | Fueled by an overpowering desire to regain his authority, Elbow… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ04_LokotPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Electronic Collar | A collar-shaped electronic device with inner metal electrodes… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Electrocollar 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
1,000 |
Electronic Collar #1 | Stained with dried blood on the inside and scratched on the outside,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_EQ01_CollarBayun 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
480 |
Electronic Collar #2 | This collar appears brand new except for the partially destroyed… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_EQ02_CollarSnork 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
480 |
Electronic Collar #3 | A metal device showing minor damage, as if it had been grazed… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_EQ03_CollarBloodsucker 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
480 |
Emitter | The device used to transmit the Signal. Despite its compact size,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_PsyEmitter 0 1 1 |
2.00kg |
6,000 |
Empty Flash Drive | A flash drive found on Lefty’s body, marked “Property of STC… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ26_EmptyFlashDrive 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
500 |
Exchange Conditions | The military’s terms for trading with the stalkers are blunt,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ29_TradeNote_Physical 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Explosives for the Duga | A container packed with high-powered military explosives. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ04_Explosives 0 1 1 |
4.50kg |
5,000 |
Fair’s PDA | A Monolithian’s PDA containing a recording of Faust’s sermon.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ146_MonolithPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Father Valerian’s PDA | A PDA recovered from Father Valerian’s corpse near the Cooling… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ166_ValerianPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
220 |
Faust’s M-PDA | Found on the Preacher’s dead body, this M-PDA exposes Faust’s… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID FaustPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Faust’s Pendant | Taken from the body of Faust, the Voice of the Monolith. This… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID FaustData 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
5,000 |
Filimon’s PDA | This PDA belonged to a Freedom member who used it to conduct… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ13_FilimonPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Flash Drive (Big) | A traditional portable USB drive, widely used to store information… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_USB_Stalker_Big 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
400 |
Flash Drive (Blue) | A traditional portable USB drive, widely used to store information… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_USB_Stalker_Blue 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
400 |
Flash Drive (Red) | A traditional portable USB drive, widely used to store information… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_USB_Stalker_Red 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
400 |
Flash Drive from the Laundromat | An aged and partially damaged flash drive. Despite its appearance,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E14_MQ01_Helicopter_Item 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Flash Drive with Blueprints | This USB drive contains data related to equipment upgrades. … |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_USB_Upgrade 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
700 |
Flash Drive with Coordinates to Foundation Entrances | A flash drive recovered from the wreckage of Stingray-7. The… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E14_MQ01_SCAT7Flask_Item 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
800 |
Flash Drive with Data | A flash drive found on Lefty’s body, marked “Property of STC… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ26_FlashDriveWithData 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
500 |
Flash Drive with the SIRCAA Archive | A high-tech flash drive that contains comprehensive data on recent… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E06_MQ03_DalinData 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Forgotten PDA | If the message on this PDA is any indication, the owner has more… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Terricon_PDAAboutFriend 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Freedom Member’s PDA | This PDA details a plan for a Freedom assault on a bandit base.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ90_FreedomPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Freedom PDA | A pocket personal computer, version 2.0. In the Zone, it functions… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BasePDA_Freedom 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Fresh Bread | Soft and crispy, with the lingering smell of the oven. How on… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ08_FreshBread 0 1 1 |
180 |
Fuse | A common fuse protecting electronic circuits from voltage fluctuations.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_Fuse_Low 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
300 |
Gas Can of Industrial Alcohol | A tightly sealed gas can with a pungent aroma of industrial alcohol.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ04_C05_FuelCan 0 1 1 |
4.00kg |
1,600 |
Gena Hackman’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a stalker who was paying his respects to his… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ36_KucherPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Glasgow’s PDA | A PDA taken from Glasgow’s corpse. After locking himself up,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ144_GlazgoPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Gloomy’s PDA | This PDA belonged to a stalker who was taken captive by bandits.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E02_SQ01_HmuriyPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Goodwin’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Goodwin, found in the Yantar underground.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ58_TimurMolcanovPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Granite Security Squad Key Card | An old key card, once the property of Lt. Col. Korshunov. It… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E16_MQ03_KeyKard_Granite 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Gray’s PDA | A bloodstained PDA belonging to a stalker called Gray, found… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E10_MQ01_SiviyPDA_Item 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Green Key Card | This old green key card is a bit scratched, but the magnetic… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_KeyCard_Green 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
600 |
Grocery List | The scuffs on this sheet of paper indicate that it was passed… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_NotePartyItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Hamster’s PDA | This PDA is seldom quiet. Its owner is constantly barraged with… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Zalesie_HomakPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Harpy’s PDA | Despite having seen its share of repairs, this PDA is in excellent… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Yanov_PDA_Garpia 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Headlight’s PDA | The PDA of a stalker with the soul of a poet who cherished the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ16_FaraPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Heart of Chornobyl | An incredibly rare, almost mythical artifact that functions as… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestArtifactHeartofChornobyl 0 1 1 |
0.50kg |
Heavy Key | A dull metal key with the barely visible number “-1” scratched… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E03_MQ02_IsolatorKeys 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Hermit’s Note | A crumpled note written by veteran stalker Hermit. The warning… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ110_HermitPDA 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Hermit’s Notes | Found in a small village at Yaniv, this note narrates a journey… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ150_NoteOtshelnik 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Hermit’s Records | A note found on Hermit’s body in the Dead Valley. He was apparently… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ167_NoteOtshelnik 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
High-Voltage Fuse | An essential component that protects devices from the impact… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ01_Fuse 0 1 1 |
0.70kg |
4,500 |
Hog’s PDA | This PDA belonged to a mercenary known as Hog. Its owner died… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ10_HogPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Hosha Mohyla’s PDA | This PDA belonged to a bandit who bolted from the Depot out of… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E03_MQ01_GoshaMogilaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Illyukha Sparrow’s PDA | This PDA belonged to a lone stalker who was seemingly plagued… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ140_IluhaVorobejPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Incoming message from Sonya Kalyna | If the message on this PDA is any indication, the owner has more… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Terricon_PDAAboutFriend 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Inductor | A device for decrypting messages on old Monolith PDAs. Requires… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Inductor 0 1 1 |
2.00kg |
5,000 |
Insulated Container | The gaps in the container are securely insulated, but it’s still… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ07_C09_ContainerItem 0 1 1 |
4.00kg |
1,600 |
IOU to Sonya Kalina | The uneven handwriting on the paper betrays the author’s nervous… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_NoteKalinaDebtItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
IPSF PDA | A pocket personal computer, version 2.0. In the Zone, it functions… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BasePDA_Military 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
IPSF Soldier’s PDA | Despite showing signs of damage, the device is still operational.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E02_MQ03_RebraPDA_MSOP 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Jarl’s PDA | A somewhat battered PDA. It must have endured some tough times… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E10_MQ01_YarlPDA_Item 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Jolly Azat’s PDA | This PDA was retrieved by a stalker who found Jolly Azat’s corpse… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ30_DobryakPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Jumper’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Jumper, a Noontider from the waste processing… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ10_JumperPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Karim Cyclops’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a bandit who was undone by his own greed.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E04_SQ01_PDAStalker 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Kaymanov’s Diary | Notes from Dr. Kaymanov found at Orbita Station. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E11_MQ02_KaymanovDiary 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Kaymanov’s Diary, pt. 2 | Notes from Dr. Kaymanov found at Orbita Station. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E11_MQ02_2ndKaymanovDiary 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Kaymanov’s Diary, pt. 3 | Notes from Dr. Kaymanov found in his office at Lab X7. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E16_MQ03_4thKaymanovDiary 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Kaymanov’s Diary, pt. 4 | Notes from Dr. Kaymanov found in his office at Lab X7. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E16_MQ03_5thKaymanovDiary 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Kaymanov’s Diary, pt. 5 | Notes from Dr. Kaymanov found in his office at Lab X7. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E16_MQ03_6thKaymanovDiary 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Kesha's PDA | Last message: Varan, we will check 2 last Nestors stashes and… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID KeshaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Key | A fairly modern key, probably for a door or a decent padlock.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_Key_DoorNew 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
Key Card to the Sphere’s Cable Tunnels | This key card is slightly worn from frequent use. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E02_MQ03_RebraSphereKey 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
900 |
Key Ring | A set of keys providing access to the waste processing station’s… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ10_BunchOfKeysSPO 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
120 |
Key to the Old Padlock | A key to an old padlock. The kind used to secure barns and garages.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_Key_Chest 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Khors’s PDA | A PDA belonging to the Noontide technician. It looks like it… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ01_HorsPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Kiryukha Drive’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a dead stalker containing a conversation with… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ92_TunnelPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Kiryukha Titun’s PDA | An old PDA found near the Ribs. It doesn’t seem like anyone was… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ30_TitunPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Kolya Atas’s PDA | A PDA found near the Hydroelectric Station. The conversation… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ23_AtasPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Kolya Green’s PDA | Damaged during the battle with Monolith, this PDA contains a… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_EQ01_ZelenyjPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Kostas’s PDA | A soldier’s PDA containing an audio recording. Seeking refuge… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ148_KostasPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Kostya Bandura’s PDA | A typical PDA, showing signs of use and containing plenty of… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Yanov_KostaBanduraPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Kryvenko’s Flash Drive | A blank high-speed storage device designed exclusively for use… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID krivenko_flashdrive_05_05 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
250 |
Kryvenko’s Flash Drive with Data | A high-speed storage device designed exclusively for use on SIRCAA… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID krivenko_full_flashdrive_05_05 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
320 |
Kubrak’s PDA | This PDA is pristine, without a single scratch on it. The device… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ68_KubrakPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Kuprienko’s PDA | This brand-new PDA contains negotiations between an STC Malachite… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Malahit_PDAKuprienko 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Kuzya’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Kuzya, a bandit with a knack for fleecing… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID KuziaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Kvashka’s PDA | A PDA recovered from the body of the late Noontider Kvashka.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E04_SQ02_KvaskaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Lab Assistant’s Diary | An old sheet of paper ripped from a diary containing a scientist’s… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ22_ClearSkyNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Lab X15 Key Card | A key card to the entrance of Lab X15. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E11_MQ02_KeyCardX15 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Lebedev’s PDA | The lab employee’s last entry sheds some light on the failure… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_MQ03_LebedevAudiolog 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Lefty’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Lefty a stalker exposed to psi-radiation near… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ26_LevsaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Leshy’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a bandit called Leshy, who was hiding at the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID LeshiyPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Letter to Prof. Chubko | Classified documents found in Lab X5. The laboratory apparently… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ03_LetterForChubko 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Lex the Legend’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Lex the Legend, AKA Snag. His correspondence… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ35_LehaLegendPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
List of Equipment for the Shevchenko | A brief shopping list. Based on the items on it, someone either… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Shevchenko_NoteBorodaItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
List of People Crossing the Boundary | A sheet containing an annotated list of names, found in Spirit’s… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E12_MO01_GroupsNoteItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Lt. Budnik’s PDA | This PDA was retrieved from a dead Warden at the Chemical Tanks.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ13_PDA_Budnik 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Lt. Kozymkov’s PDA | A PDA belonging to the commander of the Ward’s Bravo Team, containing… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID KozimkovPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Lyova Reshka’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a stalker who died at the Ribs, found by a… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ30_ReshkaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
M-PDA | A pocket personal computer, version 2.0. In the Zone, it functions… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BasePDA_Monolith 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Machek’s PDA | This PDA contains correspondence between Machek and an unidentified… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ88_MacekPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Maj. Hrygorchenko’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Maj. Hrygorchenko, commander of the Ward detachment… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E04_MQ02_PDAWithAudiolog 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Malachite Pass | Presenting this access card guarantees easy entry to STC Malachite.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Malahit_KeyCard 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
600 |
Mamay’s PDA | A PDA retrieved from the body of the hunter Yevhen Mamay’s body… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_EQ03_KrikPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Marik Stomper’s PDA | A PDA from a stalker’s corpse, found in a crashed helicopter… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ109_MarikTopotPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Marshal’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a long-dead member of the original Spark.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E16_MQ02_MarshalPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Max Saturday’s PDA | The PDA of a stalker from the Lesser Zone, a member of Mastiff’s… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID MaksSubbotaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Medium Voltage Fuse | A device that protects electronic circuits from abrupt voltage… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_Fuse_Mid 0 1 1 |
0.50kg |
1,500 |
Melted Flash Drive | Evidently, this flash drive has been exposed to high temperatures.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_USB_Damaged_Burnt 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
250 |
Memories of a Stalker | The note contains memories of what this place used to be like… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ21_MemoryDiary 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Mercenary’s PDA | A pocket personal computer, version 2.0. In the Zone, it functions… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BasePDA_Mercs 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Metal Key | These keys are commonly used to unlock the doors of prison cells.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E03_MQ04_Key 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Mirror Activation Memo | A small sheet with a memo on activating the Mirror VPC. Maybe… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ01_ActivationInstruction 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Missing Rookie’s PDA | A PDA belonging to an unknown stalker. He shouldn’t have strayed… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ01_NewbiePDA3 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Missing Stalker’s PDA | A PDA belonging to an unknown stalker. He ventured into the Zone… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ01_NewbiePDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Modern Flash Drive (Black) | A relatively up-to-date USB drive, capable of storing a large… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_USB_Modern_Black 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
500 |
Modern Flash Drive (Blue) | A relatively up-to-date USB drive capable of storing a large… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_USB_Modern_Darkblue 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
500 |
Modern Flash Drive (White) | A relatively up-to-date USB drive capable of storing a large… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_USB_Modern_White 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
500 |
Monolith Infirmary Report | A small sheet of paper providing a summary of the current state… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E10_MQ02_Monolith_Report 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Mushroom’s PDA | Der PDA eines Banditen aus dem Roten Wald. Teufelspilz hat seine… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ90_GribPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Mykha Cowboy’s PDA | This PDA of a lone stalker stores a chat with a mercenary. The… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ13_MihaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Myklukha’s Contract | One of Myklukha’s many contracts that just happened to be out… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Rostok_NoteAgreementItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Mykola Turga’s PDA | A PDA taken from the body of a stalker in the southern part of… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ141_TurgaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Mykolayich’s Notes | A stack of hastily scribbled sheets. Only one note is actually… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Zalesie_NoteFromNikolaich 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Mykolayich’s Surgery Kit | Carefully wrapped in a soft cloth, these scalpels and clamps… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_SQ01_SurgeryKit 0 1 1 |
2.00kg |
500 |
Myshko Mosquito’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a bandit who died during a ‘negotiation’ with… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID MuhaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Mytko Pear’s PDA | A PDA taken from the body of a bandit punished by his own gang,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ15_NoteRat 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Nearly Mint PDA | A PDA belonging to an unknown stalker. He thought he could make… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ01_NewbiePDA2 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Nestor’s Flash Drive | An ordinary device used for storing and transferring information,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID NestorUSB 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
400 |
Nestor’s Notebook | A worn-out notebook densely filled with Nestor’s scribbles. The… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E03_05_NestorNote 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
400 |
Nestor’s PDA | Nestor’s PDA, found in a warehouse at the Chemical Plant. The… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E11_MQ04_PDA_Nestor 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Nightingale’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a hunter from Zalissya. He was a jovial man,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ04_SoloveiPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Nimble's report | Looks like Beard gave Nimble an errand to run - ask around where… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ88_NimbleToBeardReport 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Nimble’s PDA | The guide’s PDA contains an exchange with someone called Sickle,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_MQ03_NimblePDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
North Checkpoint Key | A key that can be used to leave the Lesser Zone. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E02_MQ03_RihterNorthKey 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
Norton’s PDA | A PDA taken from Norton’s body. Based on his messages, it seems… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ11_NortonPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Nor’s PDA | While there’s no apparent damage, the back panel of this PDA… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Yanov_PDA_Nor 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Note for the Ringmaster | A neatly folded piece of paper with a request from someone who… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ18_KamysPaperNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note from a Monolith Stash | A hastily scribbled message on a small piece of paper. The author… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ10_TihijMonolithStashNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note from Chemical Plant Tech | A sheet of handwritten text. Even the letters themselves seem… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Himzavod_Hub_Note_2Item 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note from D | A short note penned in confident handwriting. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Prypat_NoteItem2 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note from Nightingale to Hamster | A note found in the Fisherman’s House. Upbeat and jovial as ever,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ08_NoteToHomyak 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note from Nimble | The note is addressed to one Prof. Kalancha. It indicates that… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_MQ03_NimbleDiary 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note from North’s Office | A sheet of grayish paper with a report written in big letters.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ10_SeverNoteDubniy 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note from Panas’s Grave | The writing on this sheet of notebook paper is unsteady, and… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ163_PripoyFuneralPaperNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note from Spirit | A short message on a crumpled piece of paper. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E12_MO01_DuhToRihterItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note from the Energy Drink Stash | A note found in the Poppy Field stash offering thanks to the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ38_ThanksNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note from the Registration Office | A note from Lab X5, stained with dried blood. It’s unclear whether… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ03_ReceptionNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note from Zlotar | A small scrap of paper covered in scrawled handwriting. The author… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_NoteZlotarItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note to Degtyarev | An 8x12 sheet carrying a message from someone who knows Degtyarev… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Prypat_NoteItem1 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note to Hamster | A small handwritten note. The messy, uneven handwriting aptly… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Zalesie_HomakNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note to Prof. Dvupalov | A draft of a message addressed to Prof. Dvupalov, composed by… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ03_SherbaToDvupalov_Note 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
80 |
Note to Strider | A carefully folded sheet of paper containing handwritten text.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E04_NoteDubnyjToBrodyagaItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note to the Legend | A note found at the Flea Market, addressed to Lex the Legend.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ35_VolanNoteSheet 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note to Uncle Lyonya | An ordinary piece of paper with a message for a buddy on it.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Zalesie_LinzaPDANoteItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note to Warlock | A brief, succinct message written on a scrap of paper. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Zalesie_KoldunNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Note with Instructions | Left in a backpack in the Poppy Field, this note asks the reader… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ38_Instruction 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Notebook | The robust cover of this notebook ensures the safety of the notes… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_Notepad_Leather 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
300 |
Notepad | A simple, everyday notepad, prone to staining and water damage.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_Notepad_Paper 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
300 |
O-KTA Launch Instructions | An old instruction sheet covered with handwritten notes in red… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E16_MQ03_Instruction 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Officer’s Bag | An officer’s field bag, used to store documents and notes. A… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_Notepad_Officer 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
700 |
Old Diary | An aged, well-worn diary – an excellent repository for one’s… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_Notepad_OldDiary 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
300 |
Old Key | A massive old key, probably for some kind of old-timey lock.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_Key_Padlock 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Old Monolith PDA | A well-worn M-PDA, rarely used and frequently lost in various… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E10_MQ02_OldPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Old Note | The author of the note bequeathed his stash to whoever finds… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ48_GiverPaper 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Old Notes | Notes written by a medic, found at the Levitating Silo in the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ10_NoteMedic 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Orbita Antenna Instructions | Handwritten instructions for restarting the antenna at Orbita… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E11_MQ02_InstAntNote 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
300 |
Orbita Memo | A memo outlining guidelines for the station’s managerial staff.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E11_MQ02_CodeToBunkerDoorNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Owl’s Agent's PDA | A PDA belonging to one of Owl’s agents. Some of his operatives… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ05_C10_IItemPDA1 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Owl’s Agent’s Secret PDA | A PDA belonging to an agent who bit off more than he could chew.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ05_C10_ItemPDA2 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Owl’s PDA | This PDA has been through a lot, much like its owner. Only recent… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_PDASych 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Package for Courier | A package containing unknown merchandise, possibly meant for… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ07_Item 0 1 1 |
5.00kg |
2,000 |
Package for Warlock | A small, neatly wrapped package ordered by Warlock. Whoever packed… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ01_WarlockPackage 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
600 |
Page from a Diary | A scrap of paper revealing the meticulously detailed thoughts… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E04_Note_UnityNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Page from a Guide’s Diary | A intact page from a stalker’s diary, found on the Shevchenko.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Shevchenko_NoteDiaryItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Page from Sonya Kalina’s Daybook | This sheet serves as Sonya Kalina’s appointment book. Her time… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_NoteKalinaItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Papers from Former HQ in Prypiat | A miraculously preserved fragment found in the Laundromat. The… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E14_MQ01_LaundromatDocs_Item 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
250 |
Papers from Kaymanov’s Laboratory | These scribbled drafts are full of revisions and crossed-out… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E15_MQ03_ProjectYItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Parts for psi-protection equipment | Parts of exceptional reliability, used to craft military gear.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_SQ03_Parts 0 1 1 |
5.00kg |
2,000 |
Patrol Schedule | A document detailing the escaped squad’s recent patrols. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_SQ01_VartaPatrolRoute 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
PDA | A pocket personal computer, version 2.0. In the Zone, it functions… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BasePDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
PDA from Sgt. Polovyn’s Body | This PDA contains the correspondence that set in motion the events… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Rostok_PDAPolovin 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
PDA of a Stalker from X3 | This PDA’s deceased owner found the new Oasis after all. However,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E11_MQ01_StalkerOasisPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
PDA of a Stalker Killed by Mutants | A PDA belonging to a stalker who attempted to safeguard his stash… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ70_DeadBodyPda 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
PDA of a Varan’s bandit | This PDA has seen some rough times. The case is all chipped and… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E03_MQ05_BanditPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
PDA taken from Rowan’s body | Apparently, Rowan had a meeting with a dealer – but things clearly… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E02_SQ01_RabinaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
PDA with a Map of Prypiat Military Facilities | A PDA containing a scanned map of the Foundation underground… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E14_MQ01_Coordinates_Item 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
1,000 |
PDA with a SIRCAA Report | This is a typical PDA of a SIRCAA scientist – a brand-new model… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E04_MQ02_Recorder 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
PDA with the Doctor’s Coordinates | This PDA contains nothing but a set of coordinates recently transmitted… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E10_MQ01_VolkodavPDA_Item 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Peat Interrogation Recording | It looks like an ordinary voice recorder, but the information… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ06_MSOPAudiolog 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
Permission to Enter Prypiat | A sheet of paper in impeccable condition, carefully preserved… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Yanov_NoteOrder 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Photo with a Note | This crumpled photo must be a precious memento for its owner.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E12_MO01_PhotoIskra 0 1 1 |
0.02kg |
500 |
Piece of Paper with a List | A tattered handwritten note revealing a concise plan devised… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Terricon_NoteListItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Pomor’s Key | A small room key taken from Pomor, a stalker from the Poppy Field.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ02_PomorKey 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
250 |
Pomor’s PDA | This stalker’s PDA contains a map of the Poppy Field. Taking… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID PomorPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Portable Psi Installation | A device with an unknown purpose, somehow linked to Monolith.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ06_PsiLamp 0 1 1 |
6.00kg |
6,000 |
Product 81 Specifications | Blueprints detailing a certain “Product 81,” yellowed with age… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E03_02_OldTechDocs_X18 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
600 |
Prof, Razumovsky’s Observations, pt. 1 | A voice recorder containing the notes of Prof. Razumovsky, reflecting… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ01_Razumovskij_Experiments 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
Prof. Dvupalov’s Observations | A worn-out leather-bound notebook. Someone frequently consulted… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ03_DvupaloDairy 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
300 |
Prof. Kalancha’s Map | A hand-drawn map of the Swamps, showing the beacons left by Prof.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_MQ02_KalanchaMap 0 1 1 |
0.40kg |
900 |
Prof. Ozersky’s PDA | A surprisingly neat PDA in almost pristine condition that somehow… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E12_MO01_PDAOzerski 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Prof. Razumovsky’s Observations, pt. 2 | A voice recorder containing Prof. Razumovsky’s later notes. It’s… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ01_Razumovskij_GoingMad 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
Professor Kalancha’s Map | A hand-drawn map of the Swamps, showing the beacons left by Prof.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_MQ02_KalanchaMap 0 1 1 |
0.40kg |
900 |
Project FIBER Report | A yellowed and dusty report from the Troposphere Comm Station,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E11_MQ03_PTSthreadNote_QIP 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
600 |
Protocol 78-A Report | At first glance, this file of documents found in the infirmary… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E11_MQ04_Protocol78_Instruction 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
600 |
Pseudogiant’s Collar | An oversized iron collar equipped with an unknown mechanism,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ90_PseudoGiantCollar 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
1,000 |
Psi-Beacon Fragment | A fragment of the device responsible for subjecting Icarus personnel… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID psilamp_part_05_05 0 1 1 |
0.50kg |
1,000 |
Pvt. Pavlyuk’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a recruit from Zulu’s unit, discovered on… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ZhukovskyPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Pvt. Tymchenko’s PDA | A PDA retrieved from the body of a Duty member killed in Kopachi… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ51_TemaJetPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Quiet’s Beacon | A tiny gadget containing the coordinates to the entrance to Lab… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E11_MQ01_Tracker 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
200 |
Quiet’s Books | A regular graph paper notebook filled with Quiet’s sprawling… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ01_TihiyDocuments 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
300 |
Recorder | A commonplace voice recorder, often used in the Zone for note-taking… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_Recorder_Base 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
Recording of an Unknown Agent from Promin CMD Factory, pt. 1 | A nondescript voice recorder containing a report from an unidentified… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ03_SciDictaphone1 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
Recording of an Unknown Agent from Promin CMD Factory, pt. 2 | A nondescript voice recorder containing a report from an unidentified… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ03_SciDictaphone2 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
Recording of an Unknown Agent from Promin CMD Factory, pt. 3 | A nondescript voice recorder containing a report from an unidentified… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ03_SciDictaphone3 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
Red Forest Tunnels Key | This key grants access to the tunnels beneath the bandit base.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ90_KeyFromTunnels 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
250 |
Red Key Card | This old red key card is a bit scratched, but the magnetic strip… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_KeyCard_Red 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
800 |
Regenerator | A medical device used by Monolithians to treat injured soldiers.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E10_MQ02_Regenerator 0 1 1 |
6.00kg |
5,000 |
Regional Psi-Radiation Monitoring Report | A monitoring report from a team of SIRCAA scientists at Echo… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_MQ01_EchoReport 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
600 |
Religious Icon | An old family heirloom, likely left behind during the evacuation… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Icon 0 1 1 |
0.70kg |
5,000 |
Report to Maj. Garmata | A report from the Perimeter decontamination station condemning… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ12_Note 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Research Paper Fragment | It’s hard to fathom which scientific journal would have accepted… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ03_SciArticle 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Richter’s player | The old player now only plays one song on repeat. The worn-out… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RichtersPlayer 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
500 |
Rookie’s PDA | A stalker’s PDA with an interrupted audio log. Startled by an… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ06_VadyaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Roosevelt’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Roosevelt, kingpin of the Commissary. Formerly… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RooseveltPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
350 |
Sashko Cheery’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a thug from Garbage, Zakhar Babay’s right-hand… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ47_LevaBorzoj_PDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Sashko Eight-Ball’s PDA | A PDA found on a dead loner in the underground area beneath the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ86_SashkaBitokPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Scanner-M | A modified scanner capable of temporarily disabling anomalies.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E12_MQ01_SkanerMItem 0 1 1 |
7.00kg |
8,500 |
Scar’s PDA | A PDA taken from Scar’s corpse in the Neurolaboratory. He went… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E16_MQ01_PDA_Scar 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
200 |
Scratched PDA | The dents and scratches on the screen suggest that this PDA was… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SEQ08_StalkerPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Senya Smoke’s PDA | This PDA continues to receive messages, but there’s no one left… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Yanov_SenaDymPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Serpentine’s PDA | This weathered PDA bears a scar-like knife mark on its back panel.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E03_MQ02_ZmeevikPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Seryoha Massandra’s PDA | A brand-new PDA. The owner’s whereabouts are unknown. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RookieVillage_MassandraPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Sgt. Pickman’s PDA | A standard military-grade PDA. The device is somewhat hard to… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID IKAR_PikmanPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Sgt. Shavruk’s Papers | Printed documents outlining mission objectives for the Warden… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_SQ03_DocsAboutX11Equipment 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
700 |
Sgt. Shavruk’s PDA | This PDA bears numerous scratches and dents, evidence of a recent… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_SQ03_PDASavruk 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Sgt. Volkov’s PDA | In his exchange with a fellow soldier, the Warden’s anxiety about… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ92_VolkovPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Shell’s PDA | This misplaced PDA contains the Noontider’s correspondence, but… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID NoonBase_Hub_PancyrPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Shipment for the Brood | A tightly sealed crate containing Huron’s shipment for the Brood.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ05_GuronsGoods 0 1 1 |
4.00kg |
1,600 |
Shopping List for Beard | An ordinary sheet of paper with a list of goods on it. Each entry… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Rostok_NoteToShevchenkoItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Shopping List for Miss Kalyna | A sheet with a list written in tidy handwriting. Deliberate and… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Rostok_NoteToSultanskItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Short’s PDA | A PDA taken from Bobtail’s corpse. Locked in the basement by… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ144_KucyjPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Shterev’s Diary | The personal diary of Lt. Shterev, who has since been exposed… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_MQ01_ShterevDiary 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
160 |
Shterev’s PDA | This PDA was found in the Claw, on the body of a dead Alpha Team… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_MQ01_ShterevPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Silencer’s PDA | To add a personal touch, the owner of this PDA scratched his… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID sid_items_E02_SQ01_BanditPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Skipper’s PDA | This old, but reliable PDA was owned by a mercenary who was working… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ01_SkiperPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Sledgehammer’s Diary | Sledgehammer’s diary chronicles his lucrative artifact trade… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ88_KuvaldaDiary 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
300 |
Slightly Damaged PDA | Anomaly exposure has wiped out most of the information on this… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SEQ05_StalkerPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Solder’s Key | A small metal key received from Solder. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ02_PripoyKey 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
Solder’s PDA | Solder’s PDA reveals the owner’s involvement in clandestine dealings… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID PripoyPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Sonya Kalina’s PDA | This device boasts abundant contacts, but very little correspondence.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_PDAKalinaItem 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Sonya Kalina’s Personal Notes | A sheet of neatly laid-out text, leaving plenty of free space… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_NoteKalinaSituationItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Soul | An artifact found at the Chemical Tanks. According to some, a… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ13_Soul 0 1 1 |
Southpaw’s PDA | A Sparker’s PDA containing data on psi-radiation measurements… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ26_LevsaPDA_Alternative 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Spark PDA | A pocket personal computer, version 2.0. In the Zone, it functions… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BasePDA_Spark 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Sparker’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a Sparker from Serpentine’s group. The name… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E03_MQ02_IskraPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Spirit’s Bunker Key Card | The scuffed surface of this magnetic key card suggests it has… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E12_MQ01_DuhStashKey 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Spirit’s PDA | This unassuming PDA contains a message with some crucial information.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E12_MQ01_PDADuh 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Spoiled Canned Food | A swollen can of food, expired long before the Zone came into… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ82_konserva 0 1 1 |
30 |
Stalker’s PDA | A pocket personal computer, version 2.0. In the Zone, it functions… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BasePDA_Neutrals 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
STC Malachite Elevator Key | A key that opens the elevator to X17. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID MalahitElevatorKey 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
600 |
Stefko Tactician’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Stefko Tactician, found at the Pontoon Warehouse,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ85_MelPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Stets Leech’s PDA | Several exchanges on this PDA suggest that dealing with Leech… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ65PiavkaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Steward’s PDA | Covered in small scratches and scuffs, this PDA seems to be ever-ready… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID NoonBase_Hub_ZavhozPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Stiff’s PDA | Abandoned without much thought by its owner, this PDA is covered… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Terricon_Hub_MertvakPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Stolen Goods | The stolen goods Sidorovich wanted back. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ06_C04_Goods 0 1 1 |
3.00kg |
2,000 |
Strelok’s PDA | By the look of this PDA, it faithfully served Strelok for many… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E16_MQ03_StrelokPDA 0 1 1 |
0.50kg |
9,000 |
Suitcase Full of Bones | A small suitcase found on the body of Zhenya Blizzard in the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ156_CaseBones 0 1 1 |
5.00kg |
2,000 |
Suitcase with Important Cargo | A lightweight, tightly closed suitcase. If you sniff it, you… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ09_Item 0 1 1 |
3.00kg |
2,000 |
Suitcase with Tools | An ordinary suitcase. The sound suggests it contains some metal… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ10_Item 0 1 1 |
5.00kg |
2,000 |
Suitcase with Valuable Cargo | A suitcase featuring a small sticker that says “Fragile!” By… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ08_Item 0 1 1 |
3.00kg |
2,000 |
Sukhin’s Medical History | Captain Sukhin’s medical records, found in his office at the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ02_SyhinStash_Item 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Sukhin’s Sphere Transfer | An official document bearing the signature of the IPSF commander.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ02_SyhinOffice_Item 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Sultan’s Document | This document has been carefully preserved against dirt and damage.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_NoteAgreementItem 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Sultan’s PDA | Outgoing messages are a rare sight on this PDA, and incoming… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_PDASultan 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Suppressor Blueprint | The schematics for the Suppressor, a device designed to hinder… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ03_SuppressorDocs 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
600 |
Tall’s PDA | A battered PDA belonging to a Noontider that contains an exchange… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID NoonBase_Hub_RoslyPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Test Report | This faded paper provides evidence of mutant experiments at Lab… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ03_CollarsTestsData 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Test Subject Tag | A tattered tag, taken off a zombie at the Cryptobiology Lab.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E06_MQ01_ZombieNote_Item 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
300 |
The Gaffer’s PDA | An ordinary stalker PDA. The inscription scratched on the back… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Zalesie_BatyaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
The Journalist's flash drive | A flash drive with a message from a mysterious stalker called… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DLC00_PreOrder_Flashdrive_I 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
The Legend's advice | A note from Lex the Legend’s “generous” stash. A first life lesson,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ35_LegendAdvice 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
The Ninth’s PDA | The PDA of a former Monolithian who resided in the Lesser Zone.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DevatyjPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
The Ringmaster’s PDA | One of the bullets fired at the bandit became lodged in his PDA.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ18_KamysPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
The Shah’s PDA | A PDA belonging to the Shah, kingpin of the Brood. He aimed to… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ShahPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
350 |
The Sultan’s Briefcase | The briefcase from the Sultan’s hidden stash aboard the Lviv.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ50_SultanSuitcase 0 1 1 |
5.00kg |
2,000 |
TOPAZ Scanner | The TOPAZ anomaly detection scanner, given to me by Hermann.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Scanner 0 1 1 |
25.00kg |
8,500 |
Trachuk’s PDA | The scientist’s PDA contains exchanges with a Sparker named Trickster.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ165_TrachukPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Transit Invoice, Appendix 2 | An old form. The text is still partially legible. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ06_CargoNote 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Trapper’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a wandering hunter. It contains information… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_MQ02_ZveroboyPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Tundra’s PDA | Even as he was dying, he tried to warn others about the danger.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E10_MQ01_TundraPDA_Item 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Tunnel Entrance Key Card | Unlocks the entrance to the underground tunnels that lead to… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E14_MQ02_Tunnels 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
800 |
Unassuming Briefcase | A securely locked briefcase requested by the merchant Owl from… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ05_C01_FlashDrive 0 1 1 |
3.00kg |
2,000 |
Uncle Lyonya’s PDA | A rather battered PDA. Its owner traversed many miles across… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Zalesie_LenaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Unknown Bandit’s PDA | Stalkers aren’t the only ones willing to take risks to turn an… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SEQ01_BanditPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Unknown Corps Soldier’s PDA | This PDA clearly belonged to someone from the Corps, and from… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SEQ10_StalkerPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Unknown Scientist’s PDA | Typically, so-called “free scientists” opt for more reliable… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SEQ04_ScientistPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Unknown Stalker’s PDA | A PDA belonging to an unknown stalker. Sometimes friendship and… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ01_NewbiePDA4 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Unusual PDA | An unusual PDA, distinct from the standard stalker equipment.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID StrangePDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
Vadya Flyer’s PDA | The owner of this PDA must have been either really gutsy or really… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ16_PDALetyn 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Vadya Kindling’s PDA | A PDA from the body of the rookie Vadya Kindling, slain by mutants.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ01_VadaHvorostPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Vadym Brahin’s PDA | An old PDA belonging to a scientist. The owner’s bleak end leaves… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ06_PDA_ZombieScientist 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Valik Loose’s PDA | This PDA is in quite a battered state, yet its owner fared far… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_PDARyhlyi 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Valik Lummox’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a stalker who tried to escape his debts. He… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ01_ValenokPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Valuable Flash Drive | A brand-new flash drive in pristine condition. From the looks… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RSQ08_Item2 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
500 |
Varan’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Varan, the bandit boss. He wanted to be the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID VaranPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
350 |
Vasko Lot’s PDA | A PDA preserving the final words of Vasko Lot, who went missing… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ84_LotPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Vector’s PDA | An ordinary PDA containing correspondence on topics that concern… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID NoonBase_Hub_VectorPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Venya’s Note | A crumpled note discovered in a Prypiat apartment. The author… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ24_VenyaNotes 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
200 |
Veteran’s PDA | This PDA looks pretty battered, but it fared much better than… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_EQ02_DenyaByvalyiPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Viktoria Dorozhnyuk’s PDA | A PDA belonging to the Malachite trader. Its pristine condition… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Malahit_PDADorojnuk 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Vitya Bun’s PDA | A lost PDA from a Garbage bandit with a warning about Varan’s… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ17_AboutVaranPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Vitya Chilik’s PDA | This PDA is in good shape, indicating that its owner steers clear… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Sultansk_PDAChilik 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Vitya Shepherd’s PDA | This veteran stalker’s PDA is full of messages and personal notes.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ10_PastuhPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Vityok Moon’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Vityok Moon, a bandit associated with the… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ109_VitekLunaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Vlad Vivid’s PDA | A PDA belonging to Vlad Vivid, found by the soldier statue in… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ13_PDAVladAsnyj 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Voice Recorder Containing Experiment Data | One of the recordings is set on repeat. It’s labeled “Prof. Dvupalov,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ03_DvupalovRecorder_Mutants 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
Voice Recorder Labeled with an Inventory Number | A voice recorder with an illegible inventory number containing… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E07_MQ03_ArchiveRecord 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
500 |
Vova Cork’s PDA | This PDA belonged to a Freedom member who carelessly ignored… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ111_KorkaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Vovchyk Koldyba’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a rookie who refused to tell bandits where… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ60_PDAVovchik 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Vovka Cottager’s PDA | Yet another stalker who wanted to go back to the Mainland, but… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID ANCQ20_Lost_PDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Ward Badge | A polished, handmade badge personally issued by Korshunov. The… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID VartaDogtag 0 1 1 |
0.01kg |
5,000 |
Ward PDA | A pocket personal computer, version 2.0. In the Zone, it functions… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID BasePDA_Ward 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Ward Sensors | These devices are designed to measure and record environmental… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E02_MQ03_VartaSensors 0 1 1 |
0.10kg |
1,000 |
Warden Gun with Accessories | Surplus gear, including standard maintenance components that… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E05_SQ04_GunParts 0 1 1 |
5.00kg |
2,000 |
Warden’s PDA | A device Squint pilfered from a group of dead Wardens. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E02_MQ03_VartaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Warlock’s PDA | Typically, PDA owners either keep them hidden from prying eyes… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Zalesie_KoldunPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Wig’s PDA | The messages on this PDA belonging to the Red Forest gang leader’s… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ90_ParikPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Wisp’s PDA | Retrieved from a stalker’s body at the Pig Feedlot. Wisp and… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ89_ZhgutPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Wolfhound’s PDA | Wolfhound left this PDA in an abandoned village. He clearly intended… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E10_MQ01_LeaderPDA_Item 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Wolf’s Old PDA | The screen of this dusty PDA is covered in a spiderweb of cracks.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID RookieVillage_WolfPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Work Correspondence | From the Cryptobiology Lab. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E06_MQ01_ExperimentNote_Item 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Written Reply to a Request for Collaboration | A crumpled printout found at Malachite. Its contents clearly… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Malahit_Hub_NoteCV 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
X-Network Communication Instructions | A document outlining the protocols for communication within X-Network… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ01_TuningInstruction 0 1 1 |
0.30kg |
600 |
X5 Key Card | The key card for Lab X5, located beneath Ahroprom. Miraculously,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E08_MQ03_KeycardLabX5 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
300 |
Yaniv Trader’s Shopping List | A small sheet of paper that has been hastily filled out. Apparently,… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Yanov_NoteHana 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
100 |
Yaryk Chill’s PDA | Left unattended, this PDA contains a discussion about a guide… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Rostok_YarikChillPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Yaryk Mongoose’s PDA | Recovered from a Sparker’s body at the silo near the Chemical… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ92_MangustPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Yellow Key Card | This key card grants Level B access. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID QuestItem_KeyCard_Yellow 0 1 1 |
0.05kg |
900 |
Yura Cat’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a Freedom member whose unit was slaughtered… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ67UraKotPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Zhenya Blizzard’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a Sparker killed in the swamps near Ahroprom.… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ156_MorozPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Zhenya Hulk’s PDA | A PDA found on the body of Zhenya Hulk at the Fish Farm. The… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID SQ87_ZenaGlybaPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Zhora Palette’s PDA | Despite being chipped around the edges, this PDA still remains… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID Terricon_Hub_ZoraPalitraPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Zhorik’s PDA | This used to belong to the stalker from the Post Office. |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID E02_SQ01_ZorikPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
Zhytnychenko’s PDA | A PDA belonging to a Malachite scientist. Zhytnychenko’s theories… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID EQ74_JitnichenkoPDA 0 1 1 |
0.20kg |
150 |
‘Magic’ Vodka | Zone-made vodka, distilled by a skilled chemist. It smells like… |
XCreateItemInInventoryByID DvupalovVodka 0 1 1 |
500 |