Rime Beetle Insects
Beetles that gather up snow. Their snowballs can be used as Frostburst Ammo. Due to their ecology, Icebeetles are limited to cold habitats and are more tolerant of cold than other insects. No one knows why they roll their snowballs back to their nests. Some theorize it’s to grow the organic matter they feed on, while others think it could be related to reproductive behavior.
Where to Find
Rime Beetles can be found during any time or season, however, you’ll find more during the season of Plenty. In general, Area 2 has the most Rime Beetles, but you can find them in almost every area. If you need help with how to manipulate the time of day and environment, check out our How to Skip Time and Change Weather guide.
Other Info
Samin’s Research Report Cont. is a side quest in Monster Hunter Wilds where you’ll be tasked with capturing a “Rime Beetle” iconRime Beetle. Visit our Rime Beetle Location - Samin’s Research Report Cont. Quest Guide for a little more help tracking them down and tips for catching them.
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