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Kingdom Hearts III

Kingdom of Corona

Ben Chard
Jarrod Garripoli
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Treasure #1 - Mask Rosette

Head to the west of the Tower area.

Head to The Tower Save Point and head down to the water before heading right to discover the chest.

Treasure #2 - Elven Bandanna

Use High Jump to reach this ledge.

Head to the Hills Save Point and continue on until after you meet the Organization XIII member for the first time. Keep to the west as you continue on towards the Kingdom and use High Jump to reach a ledge with the chest on it.

Treasure #3 - Wind Fan

Search along the eastern wall.

From the previous chest, head over to the eastern wall and jump up to another ledge containing this chest.

Treasure #4 - Bronze Amulet

Assist the rabbits to discover this chest.

As you continue through the Hills and reach the second Save Point, head northwest and assist the rabbits being attacked by Heartless. As way of thanks, they will lead you to this chest through some bushes.

Treasure #5 - Panacea

Search behind the tree.

From the previous chest, head towards the lake and search behind the first large tree you come to.

Treasure #6 - Potion

Search behind the tree trunk.

Head to the second Save Point in the Hills and you’ll find a fallen tree opposite the Save Point, search behind this for the chest.

Treasure #7 - Map: The Forest 1/2

Directly in front of where you start this world.

As soon as you enter the Kingdom of Corona World for the first time you’ll be thrust into battle. Following the cutscene after, look in front of you to spot this chest resting against a tree.

Treasure #8 - Refocuser

Search at the far end of the lake.

You’ll find a small lake as you make your way through the Hills towards Corona, at the far side of this lake sits the chest.

Treasure #9 - Classic Kingdom: Camping Out

The chest sits at the back of the cave.

Head to The Tower Save Point and then leave it via the secret passage. Once you leave the cave, turn right and search in the corner to find another cave with the chest sitting at the end of it.

Treasure #10 - Map: The Forest 2/2

Search around the back of the large rock in the center.

Head to The Marsh Save Point continue straight ahead until you reach the water and then head around the large rock in the center.

Treasure #11 - Potion

Leap on the ledge to find the chest.

Treasure #12 - Shadow Anklet

Swim to the southwest to find this chest.

From the Marsh Save Point, head southwest until you begin to swim and then look in the corner to find the chest.

Treasure #13 - Mage’s Earring

Use Super Jump to reach this chest.

After defeating the Chaos Carriage you’ll run up a wall. At the top, turn to the left and then use Super Jump on the wall to reach the ledge above housing the chest.

Treasure #14 - Aero Cufflink

Attack while falling to destroy the rock.

From the Campsite Save Point, continue on until you use Rapunzel to swing across the gaps. After swinging across the second, ignore the cave and leap over the side to your right. Run up the right wall and then look over the cliff to spot a rock, jump off this cliff and attack when the prompt appears to destroy the rock and reveal the chest.

Treasure #15 - Defense Belt

Jump over the wall to the right after the second branch.

From the Campsite Save Point, continue on until you use Rapunzel to swing across the gaps. After swinging across the second, ignore the cave and look to your immediate right to spot a small wall you can run up. On the other side of this small wall is a ledge you can drop to containing the chest.

Treasure #16 - Damascus

After running up the wall, turn around to spot this chest.

From the Campsite Save Point, continue on until you use Rapunzel to swing across the gaps. After swinging across the second, ignore the cave and drop down to your right to find two more walls to run up. Run up the left one to reach a cave and then take the next wall to your right up. At the top, turn around to find this chest sitting on a ledge.

Treasure #17 - Mythril Stone

Head up the winding path to find this chest at the top.

From the Campsite Save Point, continue on until you use Rapunzel to swing across the gaps. After swinging across the second, ignore the cave and drop down to your right to find two more walls to run up. Run up the left one to reach a cave and then follow the winding path to the southwest to reach this chest.

Treasure #18 - Ether

Search to the left of the archway.

From the Campsite Save Point, follow the path towards Corona and you’ll reach an archyway, look to the left of this to find a chest.

Treasure #19 - Damascus

Run up the wall to the right of the sign.

After heading through the Marsh, you’ll run up a wall in a cave and you’ll come across more walls that can be run up. At the end of this path is a sign, run up the wall to the right of this to find the chest.

Treasure #20 - AP Boost

Exit out from the Thoroughfare to reach this chest.

Warp to the Thoroughfare Save Point and head back out to The Shore where you’ll spot the chest in front of you.

Treasure #21 - Hi-Ether

Head to the east and jump on the ledge.

Warp to the Wildflower Clearing Save Point and head southwest to the large tree there. Go around the tree and through the bushes to spot this chest.

Treasure #22 - Classic Kingdom: The Wayward Canary

Head across the stepping stones and search behind the tree.

Warp to the Wildflower Clearing Save Point and head forward until you reach the area with the stepping stones. Run up the left wall and follow the path to a tree, search behind this to find the chest.

Treasure #23 - Magic Boost

Perform on the nearby barrel to gain access.

Warp to the Thoroughfare Save Point and head into the Plaza where the Festival Dance takes place. Go over to the mural and then head right to find a barrel you can perform on. Do this and then search in the corner to find this chest.

Treasure #24 - Classic Kingdom: The Karnival Kid

Perform on the nearby barrel to gain access.

Head to the Thoroughfare Save Point and head forward while looking to your right. You’ll spot a group of people with a barrel nearby, perform on this to get them to move and allow access to the chest.

Treasure #25 - Ether

Look to the left of the Save Point.

Head to the Thoroughfare Save Point and go around to corner to your left to spot this chest.

Treasure #26 - Sea Bass en Papillote+

Head to the end of the pier to find the chest.

Head to the Thoroughfare Save Point and take the stairs down to your left to reach the wharf. Head to the end of the first pier to find this chest at the end.

Treasure #27 - Rune Ring

Climb the small tower in the wharf.

Head to the Thoroughfare Save Point and take the stairs down to your left to reach the wharf. You’ll spot a small tower here, climb to the top of it to discover the chest.

Treasure #28 - Hi-Potion

Break the boxes to reveal the chest.

Head to the Thoroughfare Save Point and take the stairs down to your left to reach the wharf. Make your way over towards the Lighthouse and you’ll notice a large stack of crates and barrels to your right, break these to reveal the chest.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    27 January 2020
  • Last Updated
    10 March 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Ben Chard

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The Ultimate Battle is Upon Us. Team up with old friends and new allies full of a diverse cast of Disney Heroes. Visit eight Disney themed worlds as you seek to end the ultimate battle with Darkness once and for all.The guide for Kingdom Hearts III + Re Mind DLC features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough featuring every Treasure and Lucky Emblem, strategies on taking down the Flantastic Seven and more! All details on the Re Mind DLC including indepth strategies for every Limitcut boss and the ultimate challenge in Kingdom Hearts III.

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