Treasure #1 - Map: The Badlands¶
South of the Save Point.
Head to the Badlands Save Point and go south to where the Heartless battle took place, you’ll find the chest on the side.
Treasure #2 - Cosmic Belt¶
Behind the pillar.
From the Badlands Save Point, head north and look behind the rock pillar to find this chest.
Treasure #3 - Map: The Skein of Severance¶
Next to the Save Point.
Once you reach the Trail of Valediction Save Point, look to the left of the Moogle Shop to see this chest.
Treasure #4 - Megalixir¶
Head right twice after taking the northern path.
Head to the Trail of Valediction Save Point and go north at the intersection, followed by going right twice once you reach the main room.
Treasure #5 - Mega-Potion¶
Before the blue glyph door.
From the Twist of Isolation Save Point, return to the glyph puzzle and search along the wall near the final blue glyph wall.
Treasure #6 - Mega-Ether¶
Go left twice from the Save Point.
Head to the Twist of Isolation Save Point and go north at the intersection, followed by going left twice once you reach the main room.
Final World - Treasure #1 - Orichalum+¶
Return to The Final World to find this chest.
Once you return to the Badlands following the Lich battle, use the portal to return to The Final World, the chest is in the open here.
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