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Icon Title Description Recipe Weight Price Spawn ID
Item icon
Gold warlord's badge

You double the score of your turn. Can be used once per game.…


wh_cheat_additem MultiplierDiceBadgeGold

Item icon
Silver doppelganger badge

After your throw, you can reroll a die of your choosing. Can…


wh_cheat_additem RerollPipsBadgeSilver

Item icon
Silver warlord's badge

Using this badge will grant you 50% more points this round. Can…


wh_cheat_additem MultiplierDiceBadgeSilver

Item icon
Gold doppelganger badge

Using this badge will double the point value of your last throw.…


wh_cheat_additem DoubleTakeDiceBadgeGold

Item icon
Golden emperor's badge

Using this badge, you will gain triple points for every 1+1+1…


wh_cheat_additem ExtraValuebadgeGold

Item icon
Silver badge of headstart

Use it to get a moderate point lead at the start of the game.…


wh_cheat_additem HeadStartDiceBadgeSilver

Item icon
Silver badge of resurrection

When a throw doesn’t go your way, use this badge to throw again.…


wh_cheat_additem AntiBustDiceBadgeSilver

Item icon
Tin badge of fortune

After your throw, you can reroll a diee of your choosing. Can…


wh_cheat_additem RerollDiceBadgePlumb

Item icon
Silver badge of transmutation

After your throw, you can change a die of your choosing to a…


wh_cheat_additem SetDiceDiceBadgeSilver

Item icon
Golden doppelganger badge

After your throw, you can reroll two dice with the same value.…


wh_cheat_additem RerollPipsbadgeGold

Item icon
Tin badge of might

Use it to add one extra die to your throw. Can be used once per…


wh_cheat_additem ExtraDiceBadgePlumb

Item icon
Golden badge of might

Using it will allow you to roll one extra die. Can be used three…


wh_cheat_additem ExtraDiceBadgeGold

Item icon
Tin badge of resurrection

After an unlucky throw, use this badge to throw again. Can be…


wh_cheat_additem AntibustDiceBadgePlumb

Item icon
Silver badge of fortune

After your throw, you can reroll up to 2 dice Can be used once…


wh_cheat_additem RerollDiceBadgeSilver

Item icon
Tin badge of transmutation

After your throw, you can change a die of your choosing to a…


wh_cheat_additem SetDiceDiceBadgePlumb

Item icon
Silver badge of might

Using it will allow you to roll one extra die. Can be used twice…


wh_cheat_additem ExtraDicebadgeSilver

Item icon
Executioner's badge of advantage

You gain a new dice combination called The Gallows, which consists…


wh_cheat_additem FormationsDiceBadgeSilver

Item icon
Tin badge of headstart

You gain a small point lead at the start of the game.


wh_cheat_additem HeadStartDiceBadgePlumb

Item icon
Tin badge of defence

Use to cancel the effect of your opponent’s tin badge.


wh_cheat_additem NullDiceBadgePlumb

Item icon
Golden badge of defence

Use to cancel the effect of your opponent’s gold badge.


wh_cheat_additem NullDiceBadgeGold

Item icon
Golden badge of resurrection

After an unlucky throw, you can throw again. Can be used three…


wh_cheat_additem AntibustDiceBadgeGold

Item icon
Bird king's badge

The badge of the rightful king of the birds will allow you to…


wh_cheat_additem BirdKingBadge

Item icon
Golden badge of headstart

Using this badge will give you a large point lead at the start…


wh_cheat_additem HeadStartDiceBadgeGold

Item icon
Golden wedding badge

A memento of Agnes and Olda’s big day. Using it allows you to…


wh_cheat_additem MatrimoniumBadge

Item icon
Golden badge of fortune

After your throw, you can reroll up to three dice. Can be used…


wh_cheat_additem RerollDicebadgeGold

Item icon
Parish priest's badgge of advantage

You gain a new dice formation called The Eye, consisting of the…


wh_cheat_additem FormationsDiceBadgeGold

Item icon
Golden badge of transmutation

After your throw, change a die of your choosing to a 1. Can be…


wh_cheat_additem SetDiceDiceBadgeGold

Item icon
Tin warlord's badge

Used to gain a quarter more points from your turn. Can be used…


wh_cheat_additem MultiplierDiceBadgePlumb

Item icon
Silver badge of defence

Use to cancel the effect of your opponent’s Silver badge in the…


wh_cheat_additem NullDiceBadgeSilver

Item icon
Carpenter's badge of advantage

You gain a new dice formation called the Cut, consisting of 3+5.…


wh_cheat_additem FormationsDiceBadgePlumb

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