Hare pelt Miscellaneous
A hare pelt. A common but useful material used for skirt hems, hats and coats. It’ll fetch a few groschen for sure.
Interactive Map Locations

2. Trosky Region Map
X: 9093 Y: 6158
Eight are inside the chest with a hard-to-pick lock in the camp. Can be opened with the nearby Key to Vidlak poacher’s chest.

3. Trosky Region Map
X: 6103 Y: 12631
5 are inside a sack half-hidden by leaves in the poachers’ camp.

6. Trosky Region Map
X: 11294 Y: 13405
2 are inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock. The thief in the camp has the key.

7. Trosky Region Map
X: 17548 Y: 8559
2 are inside a sack that’s tucked against the wall in the depths of a cave with an entrance to the east.

8. Kuttenberg Region Map
X: 18485 Y: 9024
2 are inside a chest in the underground room, accessed via the nearby Enemy camp.

9. Kuttenberg Region Map
X: 9021 Y: 14537
5 found in a sack at an abandoned camp in the woods.
Credit to GG user Antonio 4NT for the discovery.
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