Letter from Vavak Letters
Dear Master Buresh
Further to our previous conversation, I must express my satisfaction that the irregularities at the Horschan mines have been taken care of. Let us hope that the difficulties that have been plaguing us for the past few weeks will not repeat. I continue to have full confidence in you and your men.
The revenue from our small venture is growing, so I decided to increase your net pay. The payments for the use of the privileges that you enjoy as the owner of the smelter in Grund will remain in the full amount for the time being, insofar as you pay them from your net earnings, which have recently considerably increased thanks in part to my activities outside the mint.
I am very busy right now, so we will not be meeting at the usual place by OG at the usual time. Give our dear artists my greetings and make sure they have everything they need. Let Volkmar take care of it.
Ulrich Vavak von Neuhaus
Hermes Trismegistos
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