Head to the Gallows after accepting this quest from the Writing Desk at the Hawke Estate. After the scene you are left with the inevitable choice of taking sides, you must choose either the mages or the templars. There are consequences to the choices you make, some party members will leave during these choices.
Fenris will leave if you side with the Mages and haven’t completed all of his Companion Quests. If Fenris leaves then Aveline will stay, but if he stays then Aveline will leave if her Friendship is below 50%. You must also decide to kill Anders, set him free, or to re-join the party. If you don’t execute him then Sebastian will leave the party, no negotiation. If you side with the mages and set Anders free then you may recruit him back later. Obviously, killing Anders means he is gone from the party.
Siding with the Templars
After siding with the Templars you must fight off a group of mages. After the scene with Anders you start off in Lowtown. Loot the numerous crates and barrels as well as a chest - complex in the Bazaar then move east. As you head south an Abomination is born and at its side, Shades. Defeat the Rage Demons that come next and continue your path to the Docks. Unfortunately, a large group of Abominations and a Desire Demon impede your path. Further along is a group of Circle Mages.
Fight your way through the swarms of enemies until you reach the Templar Hall.
As you enter the Docks loot the barrel , corpse , crate , and chest - complex then defeat the Pride Demon and the Blood Mage. To the east you will find The Enigma of Kirkwall but the west is the direction you must head in order to reach the Gallows.
You have the chance to talk to all the party members before taking off. If Aveline is still Captain of the Guard then you can ask her have the guard help out in the battle.
As you enter the Templar Hall run up the steps and take out the mages. Once they are all defeated a small group approaches you asking to be spared. You may choose whichever path you want without fear of consequence. Head through the eastern door and defeat the large number of mages. Beware of the trap - complex strewn about the floor. Head north and into the eastern room to find another group of hostiles. The northern room is booby trapped but contains a corpse . Head through the other door to the north to find Sandal, in all his glory, waiting for you.
Backtrack and enter the western area to find an Arcane Horror and more waiting for you. Disarm the trap - complex and enter Orsino’s room to find a chest - standard with Dreamcatcher and Mark of the Fallen inside. In Meredith’s room is a chest - master containing Templar Ceremonial Cumberbund grab it then enter the next room. Open the chest for Dragonhide Mantle of the Predator then enter the western room to find two Pride Demons and a slew of other spirits. Loot the corpse and pile of bones to find the Shield of the Resolute then return to where Sandal is located and go north into the Templar Hall.
Boss: Orsino
Drops | . |
Staff of Violation | Orsino’s Signet Ring |
Resistances | . |
Cold | Normal |
Electric | Very Weak |
Fire | Normal |
Nature | Immune |
Spirit | Very Weak |
Abilities | Immunities |
Ground Slam | Sleep |
Blood Drain | Knockdown |
Gut Throw | Immobilize |
Blood Spurt | Paralyze |
Wet End | Enslavement |
The battle starts off with Orsino in his Hulking form. During this form he will use Blood Drain often, this attack can be and should be interrupted in order to prevent any healing. When flanked Orsino will use Ground Slam to stun nearby enemies. This initial phase should go by rather easily, once his health is depleted he will take a Scuttling form and summon low rank Corpses. During this form Orsino is very fast, use slowing spells to keep him in place and pummel him. Once his health is drained he will return to his hulking form one last time. Defeat him once more to end the battle.
During the first phase, focus on dishiong out damage on Orsino (left) the second phase sees a smaller version of the boss that can teleport and summon enemies (right).
After the battle with Orsino, return to the Courtyard for another scene and the final battle.
Boss: Meredith
Drops |
N/A |
Resistances | . |
Cold | Very Weak |
Electric | Normal |
Fire | Normal |
Nature | Normal |
Spirit | Very Weak |
Abilites | Immunities |
Rushing Strike | Slow |
Energy Burst | Knockdown |
Drop Thrust | Immobilize |
Paralyze | |
Enslavement |
Many of Meredith’s attacks can be dodged by simply running towards her if you react quickly. If you can dodge the Energy Burst attack you can lead it back to Meredith and actually cause her to stun herself. The Drop technique can also be dodged and will leave Meredith temporarily stunned as well.
Focus on Meredith herself (left) and focus on the animated statues when she is not around (right).
There are three total phases to this fight, but Meredith’s attacks and actions remain the same in all the phases. At 75% health she will summon a Gate Guardian. At 50% she will summon another Gate Guardian as well as Stone Statues. Stone Statues will continue to spawn on a regular basis at this point in the battle. At 25% Meredith will summon two Gate Guardians simultaneously. When Meredith reaches 5% she will essentially pause the battle and give a death speech. Give her everything you have since your cooldowns should be up, this should end the fight.

Completed Dragon Age II twice, or completed it once with a save imported from Dragon Age Origins.

Congratulations! You have completed Dragon Age II.
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