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Like the previous act there are various Find and Deliver quests.

Quest Item Location
Lyrium-laced Bilge Hoop Deep Roads - Near the treasure cache.
Swatch of the Junkyard The Wounded Coast - Fell Orden’s remains.
The One True Pantaloons Gallows Dungeon - Loot from the first battle’s corpses.
Wentworth’s Sixth Finger The Bone Pit - South of the entrance.
Seal of the Old God Dumat Disused passage (Docks) - in crate in the south.
Waxler’s Hat Disused Passage (Docks) - Southernmost area.
The Eyes of Azure Jamos Sundermount - Crazed Loner’s corpse.
“South-song” Gerralt’s Corpse Abandoned Thaig - Just before the middle room.
Ream-rot Knife Sundermount Caverns - Sack at the east exit.
Goosegirl Cameo The Wounded Coast - Heborah de Soliere’s remains.

Sketchy on the Details
Find this quest on the Chanter’s Board then move to Hightown at night. Make your way toward the Viscount’s Keep to be attacked by Denerim Avengers, kill them then head to The Hanged Man at night. Make your way to the back area to be attacked again. The next area is Lowtown near the Elven Alienage during day, Antivan Assassins this time. Now over to The Gallows at the southern end to fight some Qunari Death Squad. Lastly, head to the southern area of Darktown to ward off the Carta Loyalists. Head to the Docks at night and find Sketch to receive your reward, Sketch’s Resplit-Shaft , he is in the Western Warehouse District.

The Lost Patrol
Speak to the Qunari in the Docks to start this quest. Move out to The Wounded Coast and follow the southern path until you find the culprits. Defeat the Abomination and report in to the Qunari. Your reward is Binky’s Comfort , a Two-Handed Sword.

The Underground Railroad
Requirements: Let Grace and the Apostates go at the conclusion of Act of Mercy

To start this quest accept the letter with the same title at The Writing Desk in Hawke’s Estate. Head to the far west side of The Docks and speak with Mistress Selby to open up the board.

Search and Rescue
Accept this quest from Mistress Selby’s Board. Head to The Wounded Coast and take the southern path all the way west. Loot the Design: Rune of Defense from the skeleton as you make your way north to the cavern. On the way you will pass Magnus, be sure to check his wares.

Magnus’s Wares

Item Price
Void’s Hammer 27g 03s 00c
Cold-Blooded 113g 90s 73c
Enchanter’s Spatterdashers 25g 14s 52c

Enter the cave and defeat the Bounty Hunters, go west to a corpse then double back east. Watch out for the traps as you enter and fight off a swarm of Bounty Hunters and Assassins. The final wave includes a Commander so be sure to focus on him. Speak with the Captured Apostate to update the quest then head to the back area to find a crate , barrel , and two corpses . Down from the landing head north to find a chest and chest - complex then return to Mistress Selby to complete the quest.

Inside the cave, defeat the enemies and then speak with the Captured Apostate (left) before turning in the quest back in Kirkwall (right).

The Midnight Meeting
Requirements: Kill Ser Karras in Act I and complete 1 main quest in Act II

Accept this quest via The Writing Desk in Hawke’s Estate. Head to Hightown at night and make your way to the northeast corner. Regardless of what you say you will be attacked. Defeat the Templars and loot the corpses for Brink-Boaster and The Tiny Cut (413 of 1000) .

Bounty Hunter
Requirements: Return Grace and the Apostates to the Circle of Magi at the end of Act of Mercy

Accept this quest at the Chanter’s Board in Hightown. In this Side Quest you must hunt down three Apostates, the first one, Jake the Black, can be found in the south side of Darktown. After killing him he morphs into a Pride Abomination. Next is Innley of Starkhaven who is at the very top of Sundermount. Loot his corpse for One-Cut and Ring of Transitional Power . The last of the Apostates is Heborah de Soliere, he is on the western end of The Wounded Coast. The quest is completed as soon as the last Apostate is slain.

A Debt in the Family
Requirements: Banish Ser Keran from the Templars

Speak with Templar Recruit Margitte and accept her plea. Head to the Docks at night and go to the south-western district to find Senestra. Speak with her to start a battle and complete the quest.

Hometown Breed
In Lowtown at night, defeat the Dog Lords and their Mabari until this quest becomes active. Head to the entrance of of Lowtown and enter the Decrepit Alley to fight Cor “The Bastard” Blimey and the Dog Lords.

Enter the Decrepit Alley and defeat the Dog Lords inside.

The Fixer
Requirements: Burned the Qunari corpses during Offered and Lost.

Accept this quest from The Writing Desk at Hawke’s Estate. Head to the Docks at night and make a quick right toward the Harbormaster’s area. Speak with the men here and either kill them and end the quest or accept to help them out. Dump the body off the pier at the southern end and head to Lowtown at night. Go outside of Gamlen’s house, where you can find some rubble with Recipe: Rock Armor Potion , and to find another body with the same options as before. This body can be dumped in the Elven Alienage. Lastly, head to Darktown and grab the body in the southwest end, dispose of it near Ander’s Clinic.

With the first three bodies taken care of, the quest updates that there is one final body in The Wounded Coast. Head to the furthest point west to find the body, the Street Thugs here attack immediately. The drop point for this body is just south. Your reward is available back at The Writing Desk.

How to Frame a Templar
Requirements: Cullen must have let Keran stay a Templar.

Accept this quest from Mistress Selby’s Board. Head to The Hanged Man and speak with Ser Roderick. Choose any lie you wish to tell then head to The Gallows and behind the Armor/Weapon Merchant sign the Delivery Order with Conrad’s name. Head to the opposite end and give the shipment order to the Dockworker to update the quest. Return to Mistress Selby to complete the quest.

Elves at Large
Requirements: Send Feynriel to the Circle of Magi in Act I

Accept this quest from the Hightown Chanter’s Board. Head to The Wounded Coast and turn north to the objective. Listen to the situation and decide who to side with. Options 1 and 3 result in fighting the Elves whilst the second option sides with them.

Ladies’ Lights Out
In Hightown at night, defeat the Invisible Sisters until a popup occurs and gives you the quest. Find the Suspicious House and defeat “Gracious” Gillian Winger. Open the nearby chest - standard and head up the steps to ensure that all Invisible Sisters have been defeated.

Enter the Suspicious House and defeat the Invisible Sisters inside.

The Lowdown
Head to The Docks at night and fight off Undercut Thrifters until this quest becomes active. Head to the far east side of town to enter the Run Down Alley. Fight off “Kanky” Hammertoe and the rest of the Undercut Thrifters to finish the quest.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    23 July 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia

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Re-acquaint yourself with the world of Thedas for the second instalment of the Dragon Age franchise! Join the series’ new protagonist Hawke and his/her merry band of misfits as they explore the city of Kirkwall and its surrounds, encounter the various factions and power brokers and ultimately become the city’s champions. Watch the city change as time progresses, your characters develop and experience cascading consequences based on your character’s decisions. This is your story, but we’ll help you every step of the way with our comprehensive guide!

You can expect to find a plethora of useful information such as:

  • A complete walkthrough for the entire campaign incorporating all collectibles.
  • All companion side-missions covered.
  • All optional side-missions covered.
  • Whether you import a save from Dragon Age: Origins, or start from scratch, we have all eventualities covered.

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