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This quest will become available after finishing ’ A Talking To’ and ‘On The Loose’ . Talk to Merrill in her home and agree to help her, then head to the Sundermount. You can optionally speak with the Keeper for Friendship or Rivalry gain. Head up the mountain and defeat the Spiders that spawn. If you started ’ The Awiergan Scroll: Third Aspect’ an Arcane Horror will spawn and you are forced to fight it on the way up. Loot it for Bloom then loot The Awiergan Scroll: Second Aspect .

Enter the caverns and grab the Raw Lyrium . Down the steps is a chest - complex and in the main room some Orichalcum . Head up the stairs to find Her Song in a pile of bones then enter the graveyard. You can search the graves to spawn undead and in one of them find Andruil’s Braid and in another the Robes of the Overseer . Observe the Shrine for a brief scene and continue east.

Make your way through the Sundermount Pasage and approch the shrine (right) upon exiting the far end for a scene.

If you started The Awiergan Scrolls: Second Aspect you will run into Bysmor, Gifre, and Beacon at this point. They are accompanied by Dragonlings so pick your targets wisely. Start with Bysmor then the two Revenants. Loot Beacon for The Celebrant then continue up the path.

Defeat the Dragonlings and eventually a Dragon for The Jade Serpent . Before reaching the top of the mountain, spot the glitterdust in a small branched off area. At the top defeat the Shadow Assassin for Enchanted Maul then enter Pride’s End. Loot the Felandaris and observe the Strange Idol.

Enter Pride’s End and examine the Strange Idol for a boss fight against a pride demon.

After a scene you are forced to fight a Pride Demon. At the fights end if you choose to finish off the Keeper the battle is over, if not then there is a third part you must deal with. Loot the corpse for Torch of Falon’Din and Halla Horn Buckles then return to the camp to complete the quest.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    23 July 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia

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Re-acquaint yourself with the world of Thedas for the second instalment of the Dragon Age franchise! Join the series’ new protagonist Hawke and his/her merry band of misfits as they explore the city of Kirkwall and its surrounds, encounter the various factions and power brokers and ultimately become the city’s champions. Watch the city change as time progresses, your characters develop and experience cascading consequences based on your character’s decisions. This is your story, but we’ll help you every step of the way with our comprehensive guide!

You can expect to find a plethora of useful information such as:

  • A complete walkthrough for the entire campaign incorporating all collectibles.
  • All companion side-missions covered.
  • All optional side-missions covered.
  • Whether you import a save from Dragon Age: Origins, or start from scratch, we have all eventualities covered.

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