Head to the Hightown Market at day to find a Help Wanted! sign near Worthy, reading it will start the quest ‘The First Sacrifice’ . Head to the upper tier of the Market to find Ghyslain de Carrac. Agree to help him then head to the Blooming Rose at night. Here you can find Mais Dalesdottir to turn in a quest. Find Jethann in one of the rooms upstairs to get some more information and find the cleverly hidden crate containing the Stone Toe item near the wardrobe, then head to Darktown. Upon entering Darktown again you will gain the quest ‘Talk to Anders’ .
Run to the meeting place at the southern end of Darktown. Defeat the Street Thugs and talk to Emeric. Loot the crate and check the east side for a pile of bones , another lies to the north. Head to Lowtown at night and check out the Foundry District. In the Dark Foundry you will fight a Desire Demon and numerous Shades and Abominations. When the battle is over head upstairs and into the southern room. Disarm the trap - standard and then open the chest - standard in front of it. To the northern end is a sack of bones with Design: Rune of Fire and Ninette’s Ring .
Defeat the desire demon and it minions in the Dark Foundry (left) and don’t forget to pick up Ninette’s Ring (right) before you leave.
Continue west to the room at the end to find a crate . Backtrack to the northeast corner of the building to find a sack and barrel . Head to the Gallows and talk to Emeric. Since you’re here take the time to explore the area, start by heading north and finding The Enigma of Kirkwall . You can find the Death of a Templar behind the Armor and Weapon shops and there is a Mage Goods at the southern end.
Armor Shop
Item | Price |
Armor of the Wall | 3g 01s 00c |
Roar | 2g 41s 77c |
Rune of Protection | 32s 05c |
Weapon Shop
Item | Price |
Templar Greatsword | 2g 51s 20c |
Maelstrom | 2g 25d 93c |
Rune of Fire | 50s 40c |
Mage Goods
Item | Price |
Turncoat’s Walking Stick | 2g 50s 80c |
Flocked Wool Robe | 2g 37s 60c |
Rune-Covered Gloves | 2g 02s 30c |
Design: Rune of Lightning Warding | 26s 63c |
Rune of Lightning Warding | 51s 00c |
At the far west end you will find The Seekers Truth , then you should return to Ghyslain. Give him the ring back and the quest comes to a finish.
Talk to Anders
After recruiting Anders simply return to Darktown and speak with him in the clinic. It’s a good chance to sway Anders Friendship or Rivalry with your dialogue choices.
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