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Becki the Bride

Becki the Bride is an early game Named Zombie that, once defeated…

Becki the Bride is located within the Halperin Hotel, and will…

We have a full guide on how to beat Becki the Bride right here…

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The Reubenator is the final boss in the main story of Dead Island…

Hollywood Boulevard

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Colt Swanson

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Coach Ace

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Goat Pen Marissa

You will find Marissa on the first floor of the GOAT Pen

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Goat Pen Troy

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Goat Pen Dan

The Games Room on the Ground Floor

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Metro Engineer

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Butcho the Clown

Butcho the Clown is a boss you’ll fight during The Boardwalking…

The Pier

Head over to our guide on How to Beat Butcho the Clown.

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Ride Operator

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Specimen: Noah

Specimen: Noah is a Mutator variant zombie that you’ll encounter…

Dr. Reed’s Lab, Ocean Avenue.

Head over to our guide on how to defeat Specimen: Noah!

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MC Spitzfire

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LT Hicks

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Dillon is a huge gym bro Inferno Crusher variant zombie. He is…

Venice Beach.

Head over to our guide on how to defeat Dillon

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Appears in front of Jo’s Stash on top of Marla’s Tapas after…

Venice Beach

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Brody the Lifeguard

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Burger 66 Server

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Jo's Shambling Body

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Nicki Gutte

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SSG. Hernandez

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Nosy Neighbour

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Col. Evans

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Monarch Security

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Alesis Hernandez

Alesis Hernandez is an early game boss that you’ll encounter…

Monarch Studios.

Head over to our guide on how to defeat Alesis Hernandez.

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Metro Ticket Taker

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Hotel Security

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Drill Sergeant

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Goat Pen Brock

Can be found in the gym of the Goat Pen Mansion after completing…

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Michael's Protoge

On the road outside Michael’s house in Beverly Hills.

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Pvt. Kramer

Beverly Hills

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Major Ryan

Beverly Hills

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Found outside Farouk’s house in Beverly Hills. He only appears…

Dave is a Shocking Zombie, and will spawn near sprinklers. Lure…

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Brentwood Staff

Drops Brentwood Waste Key.

Beverly Hills

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Target Practice

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Mutated Guest

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Carolyn Sanchez

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Jennifer Emrick

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Kelly-Jo Longeteig

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Paul Everett

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Space Fox Prop Master

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Wayne the Mailman

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Crystal the Lawyer

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Obi the Pool Guy

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The Cable Guy

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Karaoke Bridesmaid

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Military Courier

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Officer McKenzie

He can be found near the beach west/southwest of the Police Station.…

Venice Beach

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Appears on top of the Marla’s Tapas roof near Jo’s Rainy Day…

Venice Beach

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Tasty Donut Boss

Found to the north of Venice Beach, will only spawn after completing…

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On the beach to the southeast of where you fight Dillon in Venice…

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Jack Jones

Spawns on the street to the north of Venice Beach after completing…

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Found on the beach to the south of the Tasty Donut Store in Venice…

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Serling Hotel Guest

Serling Hotel Guest can be found in the alleyway located behind…

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CDC Viscera Cleaner

A CDC employee zombie who contains the key for the Suspicious…

Found wondering the beach of Santa Monica, look south from the…

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Luigi JR.

A runner zombie who holds the keys to the Luigi Pizzeria Lockbox.…

Found directly under the Santa Monica Pier on the most northern…

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Doc Martin

The zombie named Doc Martin can be found outside the Gang Green…

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Serling Concierge

You can find the Serling Concierge roaming around the second…

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Faulty Electrician

Can be found standing in the large hole northwest of the Serling…

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Randgate Staff

Can be found in the Underground Garage on the Ocean Avenue Map.…

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Beach Hunk

A type of Burning Crusher NPC, which spawns at The Pier level…

Spawns in the fire pit outside the Lifeguard HQ at the Santa…

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A.R Oliver

A.R Oliver is the food critic in the Message in a Bottle sidequest.…

Santa Monica

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The gold champion at the Muscle Beach strongman contest on Venice…

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The bronze champion at the Muscle Beach strongman contest on…

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The silver champion at the Muscle Beach strongman contest on…

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PVT. Delgado

A military zombie that spawns during the Redacted questline.…

In the southwest side of the tower in Venice Beach. Only spawns…

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Lt. Ford

A military zombie that only spawns at the end of the game, and…

Inside one of the military bunkers at the military camp on Venice…

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Lt. Bryant

A mutator type zombie that spawns at the end of the Diaries of…

Only spawns as part of the Diaries of the Dead side mission in…

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Signal Officer

A named military zombie that spawns for the Diaries of the Dead…

Spawns at the very end of the Diaries of the Dead convey mission…

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The Site Foreman

A named zombie that is classed as a Mutator apex zombie. This…

You can find The Site Foreman at the construction site you rescued…

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Misha the Singer

Misha the Singer is a named zombie who’ll appear when you blast…

Rikky’s Home, East Beverly Hills.

The Ballad of Rikky Rex Guide

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The Guitarist

Appears during the Rikki sidequest “The Ballad of Rikky Rex”…

Rikky’s Home, East Beverly Hills.

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The Drummer

Appears during the Rikki sidequest “The Ballad of Rikky Rex”…

Rikky’s Home, East Beverly Hills.

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Starla Taylor-Moore

Can be found to the right of the Old Dynasty Theatre Entrance…

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Eschaton Doctor

Can be found in the Metro of the Hollywood Boulevard Map after…

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Party Bouncer

Appears outside (near the stage) after you’ve found the safe…

Rikky’s Home, East Beverly Hills.

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Colt's Gal Cindy

A Screamer type zombie, which is a quest NPC that spawns as part…

Spawns at the front entrance of the Swansong mansion. It only…

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Eddie Greenthumbs

A named Butcher zombie that spawns after you complete Creature…

Spawns at the rear of Colt Swansong’s yard, directly opposite…

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