Everything comes back to the beginning at the Merlaut Hotel in Mad Mile. As you approach the Merlaut Hotel Clara will call you up and apologize, with hints that she is about to do something monumentally stupid.
Head for the WKZ van and hack the access point to get a view of the charity event on the top of the roof. After the mayor is done with his speech you’ll need to hack the cameras on the roof to reach the box on the other side and follow Quinn inside, where he confronts the mayor. Listen in and when they are done access the camera in a nearby conference room and get the Audio File: Lucky Quinn 07 from the laptop inside before you hack the access point to reach the security room.
Watch the mayor’s speech (left) and then grab the Lucky Quinn 07 audio log from the nearby conference room (right).
With the security system shut down it is time to confront Lucky Quinn, but first we need to get inside. There are many entrances to the hotel, but the main lobby if perfectly fine with a Spec-Ops weapon in hand. Start by luring the main lobby door guard by activating the alarm on the nearby cars and then take him down with a melee strike.
Once inside you can take cover on the planters in the front of the lobby and start taking out the Elite guards with headshots. Stay where you are and let the guards investigate until the lobby is cleared and then get the Audio File: Malcolm Deadato 07 on the reception desk. You can now take the elevator up to confront Quinn.
Grab the Malcolm Deadato 07 audio log from the reception desk (left) and use cover and a silenced weapon to pick off the guard (right).
As the scene ends Quinn will leave and Aiden’s focus will kick in, allowing you to melee strike the guards holding him and then shooting the guard by the door. The guards will converge on Aiden, starting with an Enforcer. Take cover by the door and either set down IED’s or wait for the Enforcer to enter for a melee strike, if you have the ability.
Once the Enforcer is gone, use the cover outside and start taking out the rest of the guards. Your focus should be on the two snipers, one in the back left and another on the right, followed by the men closest to Aiden. You’ll need to get through this area quickly before a helicopter shows up or you can take cover and use Disable Helicopter to allow you some extra time.
Use IED’s to stop the Enforcer (left) and Disable Helicopter to prevent the sniper inside from bothering you (right).
Once the roof is clear you can enter the back offices, with some computer emails to hack and the Audio File: Lucky Quinn 08 . Enter Quinn’s office and move around to his desk with your Profiler out to find a device on the bottom left, which will lead you to Quinn. Go ahead and open the shutters for a little chat and then give him a little shock. So much for impenetrable, bitch!
Open the shutters (left) and then take Quinn down by hacking his Pacemaker (right).
It’s time to make your escape from the Merlaut Hotel. Head out the north door and use Blackout before you jump down the north awning to the front of the building and head north for the docks to grab a boat and escape.
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