Back at the Owl Motel, Clara will seem to know more than she is willing to tell you, but before you can question her about it Fixers will barge in on you lovebirds. Once you gain control you will quickly need to shoot the man holding Clara, or die and have to try again.
Save Claire from the Fixer (left) and the head out and take cover up front to draw enemy fire (right).
You’ll now need to escape the motel, under heavy fire from above and below. Focus your fire on the enemies as they make their way up to the same floor as you, ignoring the men above until you can get a better position on them and you aren’t taking fire from others while dealing with them. If you don’t have any IED’s or Frag Grenades crafted, make them asap so that when the cars arrive below you can throw some down to kill them before they get a chance to spread out or head upstairs.
Slowly make your way to the opposite stairs and once the first wave of enemies is defeated three snipers will appear on the opposite roof, the one above Aiden’s apartment. Take your time in getting a good aim on one and go for headshots to take them out quickly. Once they are dead, head to the ground floor and take cover somewhere near the street entrance.
Head down to the lower level and finish off the Fixers (left) and then throw an IED or Grenade down at their reinforcements (right).
The men will call for backup and two cars will arrive, one in the alley by Clara’s car and the other through the main entrance. Quickly blow up the main car with an IED before the men get out and then take cover on a planter by the opposite stairwell. There is a junction box by the door that the men will come through that can be hacked to kill at least one or two and then you only need to finish off the rest.
You can now escort Clara to her car and deal with the final arrivals before making your escape from the area.
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