This mission begins in the plaza near the Willis Tower. Your task is to find Angelo Tucci’s niece in order to hack her phone and learn Angelo’s location. As you walk through the area Clara will narrow down the search area to help you find her in Connelly Square. Hack her phone to make a convincingly fake phone call and then hack it again when she calls her uncle.
Find Angelo’s niece (left) in Connelly Square to learn Tucci’s location (right).
The map is updated with a yellow line that represents Angelo’s path to the prison. He is coming from the north, heading south, so going east from you location will cause you to intercept him fairly quickly at a stop light. Your objective is to take down his car, but choosing the best time to do this is important.
Defensive Route - Beating Him on Foot
If you rush directly east you can beat Tucci to the traffic light on the highway entrance. From here you can drop an IED on the right hand lane, NOT WHERE THE YELLOW LINE RUNS. Angelo’s detail will need to stop at the light and you can then blow up his car when he runs over the bomb. The only negative side to this is if civilian cars are nearby you will likely kill their occupants.
Offensive Route - Staying in the Car
If you want to just ram him, you run the risk of him getting away as you chase after him. Instead, use the traffic lights to cause a crash and force him out of the car. Once on foot, you can simply run him over with your vehicle and be done with him.
Take out Tucci either through an IED (left) or chasing him down and then escape (right) or kill his guard detail.
Angelo’s protection detail isn’t too happy when you show up, so you need to take out Angelo quickly to allow you to deal with his gun touting buddies. Although you can kill his security this is one of those cases where you might as well flee the scene. Once the men give up the chase you will complete the mission.
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