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Icon Title Description Related Quests In-game Description Map(s) Location Chest Rewards Completion Reward Screenshots Videos
Item icon
Anedamimik Shrine

Anedamimik Shrine can be found in the northeast of East Necluda…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Apogek Shrine

This shrine is found between Brynna Plains and Ja’Abu Ridge in…

"Strong Zonaite Spear" iconStrong Zonaite Spear Spear/Polearm
Item icon
Bamitok Shrine

Bamitok Shrine is located near Mount Dunsel, located to the southeast…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Chichim Shrine

Chichim Shrine is located inside the Ancient Prison Ruins, which…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Mighty Zonaite Spear" iconMighty Zonaite Spear Spear/Polearm
Item icon
Ekochiu Shrine

The Ekochiu Shrine is located toward the south side of Minshi…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
En-oma Shrine

En-oma Shrine can be reached by dropping into the large whirlpool…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Eshos Shrine

Eshos Shrine is located to the east of the Dueling Peaks on the…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Eutoum Shrine

The Eutoum Shrine is located in the Hebra Mountains where you…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Ga-ahisas Shrine

Ga-ahisas Shrine is located on Lightcast Island, which is north…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

"Star Fragment" iconStar Fragment Materials
Item icon
Ganos Shrine

This shrine is located in Tabantha Frontier Sky and have a shrine…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

"Diamond" iconDiamond Materials
Item icon
Gatakis Shrine

This shrine is found in Rito Village. During this shrine, you’ll…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Gemimik Shrine

Found at the center of the Rist Peninsula, the spiral piece of…

Item icon
Gutanbac Shrine

Third shrine in the game found in the snowy region of the East…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

Item icon
Igashuk Shrine

Found inside the Lomei Labyrinth Island. You can enter the inner…

Rauru’s Blessing.

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Large Zonai Charge" iconLarge Zonai Charge Materials
Item icon
Igoshon Shrine

This shrine is located on Wellspring Island, where you go for…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

"Large Zonai Charge" iconLarge Zonai Charge Materials
Item icon
Ijo-o Shrine

Start by launching yourself from the Rospro Pass Skyview Tower,…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

"Arrow x5" iconArrow x5 Arrow
Item icon
In-isa Shrine

Second shrine in the game. Here you will unlock the Fuse power…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

Item icon
Irasak Shrine

Irasak Shrine is just southeast of the Lightning Temple, but…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Large Zonai Charge" iconLarge Zonai Charge Materials
Item icon
Ishodag Shrine

This Shrine can be found in Hyrule Field, to the northwest in…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Ishokin Shrine

Ishokin Shrine can be found on the south of Zokassa Ridge, in…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Iun-orok Shrine

This shrine can be found in a cave that is located between the…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Jikais Shrine

Jikais Shrine is located in the northeast of East Necluda on…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Jinodok Shrine

Jinodok Shrine is located in the Sky and requires you to complete…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Diamond" iconDiamond Materials
Item icon
Jiosin Shrine

A Shrine found in Hyrule Field. During this shrine trial, you’ll…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Jirutagumac Shrine

This shrine can be found inside a floating orb in the Lanayru…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

"Large Zonaite" iconLarge Zonaite Materials
"Light of Blessing" iconLight of Blessing Key Item
Item icon
Jiukoum Shrine

Built for Rails.

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Sticky Elixir" iconSticky Elixir Elixirs
"Light of Blessing" iconLight of Blessing Key Item
Item icon
Jochi-ihiga Shrine

Jochi-ihiga Shrine is located northeast of Akkala Falls on the…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Jochisiu Shrine

Jochisiu Shrine is located to the southwest of the Dueling Peaks…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Jogou Shrine

Jogou Shrine is located northwest of the Naydra Snowfield Chasm…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Joju-u-u Shrine

Joju-u-u Shrine can be found in the central south of the Surface.…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Jonsau Shrine

This shrine is found in Lanayru Wetlands. To complete this shrine,…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Kamatukis Shrine

Found right next to Skull Lake, in the Akkala Region. Attach…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Kamizun Shrine

A shrine found in the Hyrule Fields region. You’ll need to complete…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Karahatag Shrine

Karahatag Shrine can be found in the Gerudo Desert, south of…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Kikakin Shrine

The Kikakin Shrine is situated pretty far north, west of the…

Item icon
Kitawak Shrine

The Kitawak Shrine is located in the eastern portion of the Gerudo…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Kudanisar Shrine

The Kudanisar Shrine is located in the northern part of the Gerudo…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Hasty Elixir" iconHasty Elixir Elixirs
Item icon
Kumamayn Shrine

Located in the Sky, in the Necluda Sky Archipelago. In order…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

Item icon
Kurakat Shrine

You can’t actually stumble across the Kurakat Shrine by simply…

Kurakat Shrine is located to the northwest of the Rabia Plain…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Kyokugon Shrine

Kyokugon Shrine is located near the Depths entrance on the Great…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Kyononis Shrine

A Combat Training Shrine found to the east of Central Square…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Light of Blessing" iconLight of Blessing Key Item
Item icon
Makasura Shrine

Makasura Shrine is located southeast of Lantern Lake on the Surface.…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Marakuguc Shrine

Wheeled Wonders.

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Marari-in Shrine

You can find the Marari-in Shrine on the small island to the…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Mayachideg Shrine

This is a Proving Grounds shrine, in which you’re stripped of…

This shrine imprisons and purifies the ancient evil. Outside…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Captain III Spear" iconCaptain III Spear Spear/Polearm
Item icon
Mayahisik Shrine

Mayahisik Shrine can be found east of Hateno on the Surface.…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Mayak Shrine

This shrine can be found sitting out in the East Deplian Badlands.…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Light of Blessing" iconLight of Blessing Key Item
Item icon
Mayamats Shrine

Mayamats Shrine can be found on the mountains north of the Gerudo…

A Route for a Ball - Mayamats Shrine

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Large Zonai Charge" iconLarge Zonai Charge Materials
Item icon
Mayasiar Shrine

This shrine is found within Starview Island, a spherical island…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

Item icon
Mayatat Shrine

Mayatat Shrine is located near Kara Kara Bazaar in the Gerudo…

A Sliding Device

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Mayatat Shrine" iconMayatat Shrine Surface Shrines
Item icon
Mayausiy Shrine

The Mayausiy Shrine can be found deep withing the Forgotten Temple,…

Item icon
Miryotanog Shrine

Miryotanog Shrine is located in the western portion of the Gerudo…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Mogisari Shrine

Courage to Jump

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

Item icon
Motsusis Shrine

Motsusis Shrine is located in the center of the South Lomei Labyrinth,…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Large Zonai Charge" iconLarge Zonai Charge Materials
Item icon
Musanokir Shrine

Musanokir Shrine is located in Great Hyrule Forest, right near…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Large Zonai Charge" iconLarge Zonai Charge Materials
"Light of Blessing" iconLight of Blessing Key Item
Item icon
Nachoyah Shrine

Fourth shrine in the game. Here you’ll need to use Recall to…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

Item icon
Nouda Shrine

The Nouda Shrine is located in the Kopeeki Drifts Cave within…

Item icon
O-ogim Shrine

O-ogim Shrine is located far to the south of the Lanayru Heights…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Orochium Shrine

This shrine is found near Snowfield Stables in the Hebra Mountains.…

Item icon
Oromuwak Shrine

To find the Oromuwak Shrine you’ll need to head to the north…

Oromuwak Shrine is located just outside Rito Village, on the…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Oshozan-U Shrine

To reach the Oshozan-U Shrine you need to go to the north of…

Item icon
Otak Shrine

The Otak Shrine is located in the very north west of the Hebra…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Otutsum Shrine

This shrine is located in the Gerudo Highlands area, north of…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Rakakudaj Shrine

This shrine is located in the Gerudo Canyon area, just east of…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Rasitakiwak Shrine

Found south, and a little east, of Tarrey Town, in the Akkala…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Magic Rod" iconMagic Rod One Handed
Item icon
Rasiwak Shrine

Far North East of the Surface.

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Riogok Shrine

The Riogok Shrine can be found to the west of the Great Plateau,…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Rotsumamu Shrine

Rotsumamu Shrine is located just outside the depths entrance…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Runakit Shrine

This shrine is found in Hyrule Ridge, Central Hyrule. During…

Item icon
Rutafu-um Shrine

The Rutafu-um Shrine can be found inside the Hebra Mountains…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Sahirow Shrine

This shrine is found in the Hebrew Region. You can fly over to…

Item icon
Sepapa Shrine

A series of recall puzzles. The Sepapa Shrine is located in the…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Light of Blessing" iconLight of Blessing Key Item
Item icon
Serutabomac Shrine

You can reach the Serutabomac Shrine by starting from the Lookout…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Light of Blessing" iconLight of Blessing Key Item
Item icon
Sifumim Shrine

Sifumim Shrine can be found to the east of Atun Valley in the…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Sikukuu Shrine

A variety of mechanical gear puzzles that can be solved with…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Sinakawak Shrine

This shrine is found near New Serenne Stables in the Hyrule Ridge…

Item icon
Sinatanika Shrine

Use a Sneak strike on the Training Construct. Perform a Sneak…

Combat Training: Sneakstrike

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Sneaky Elixir" iconSneaky Elixir Elixirs
Item icon
Sisuran Shrine

The Sisuran Shrine can be found north of the Hebra East Summit…

Item icon
Siwakama Shrine

This shrine is located in the southeastern portion of the Gerudo…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Bomb Flower" iconBomb Flower Materials
Item icon
Siyamotsus Shrine

Siyamotsus Shrine is located on the South Lomei Castle Top Floor,…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

Item icon
Sonapan Shrine

This shrine can be found at the top of the Satori Mountains.…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Light of Blessing" iconLight of Blessing Key Item
Item icon
Soryotanog Shrine

A shrine found atop the tallest building in Gerudo Town. Head…

Buried Light

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Small Key" iconSmall Key Key Item
Item icon
Suariwak Shrine

Suariwak Shrine is located inside the Yiga Blademaster Station,…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Susub Shrine

Susub Shrine is located northeast of the chasm near Popla Foothills.…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Susuyai Shrine

This Shrine can be found in the southwest of the Passeri Greenbelt…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Tadarok Shrine

You must enter the nearby River of the Dead Waterfall Cave and…

Fire and Water.

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Tajikats Shrine

This Shrine can be found just outside the Riverside Stable in…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Taunhiy Shrine

Found on Courage Island. You will need to speak to the Construct…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

Item icon
Tauyosipun Shrine

You’ll be heading to the Hebra Mountains region for the Tauyosipun…

Item icon
Teniten Shrine

A shrine found in the Hyrule Fields region. You’ll need to complete…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Timawak Shrine

The Timawak Shrine is within Eldin Canyon, just north of Goronbi…

Item icon
Tokiy Shrine

Tokiy Shrine is located on Meda Mountain on the Surface.

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Tsutsu-um Shrine

Found along the southwestern edge of Central Hyrule, you need…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Tukarok Shrine

A shrine found in Lanayru Wetlands. You’ll need to use ultrahand…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Turakamik Shrine

Turakamik Shrine is located on the road that leads to the Gerudo…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Turakawak Shrine

Use Ascend on the ground floor to end up inside the cage to…

Stacking a Path.

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Magic Rod" iconMagic Rod One Handed
Item icon
Ukouh Shrine

First shrine in the game. There are three Ultrahand puzzles to…

Icon for <span>Sky Islands</span> Sky Islands

Item icon
Utojis Shrine

Utojis Shrine is located to the east of West Neculda on the Surface.…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Utsushok Shrine

Utsushok Shrine can be found in Guchini Plain which is located…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Light of Blessing" iconLight of Blessing Key Item
Item icon
Wao-Os Shrine

The Wao-os Shrine is located in the Hebra Mountains and is one…

Item icon
Yamiyo Shrine

The Yamiyo Shrine can be found to the northeast of Hyrule Field,…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Yomizuk Shrine

The Yomizuk Shrine is located in Tarm Point Cave, which is accessible…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

"Tarm Point Cave" iconTarm Point Cave Surface Cave
"Diamond" iconDiamond Materials
Item icon
Zakusu Shrine

Zakusu Shrine is located southwest of the Naydra Snowfield Chasm…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

Item icon
Zanmik Shrine

Zanmik Shrine can be found just outside of Hateno, to the south.…

Icon for <span>Surface</span> Surface

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