Look for Lev¶
After the cutscene has finished, head up the stairs behind you to find a Coin 27/32, then go down the stairs and continue following the path until you reach Lenora St. Station. Here you’ll want to down the path to the right of the stairs to find a Coin 28/32 on the floor, then go into the tram to find some Supplements, now proceed onwards and walk through the water to reach the dock.
(1 of 2) Head up the stairs behind to find this Coin
Head up the stairs behind to find this Coin (left), then head down the path to right of the Lenora St. Station stairs to find this Coin on the floor. (right)
Once you’ve arrived and help Yara up, then head to the end of the area to find a store, inside you’ll find some Supplements and an Artefact 107/117 on the counter, now climb up the ladder and follow the path around to initiate a cutscene. Here you’ll want to use the vehicles as cover, then grab the trolley from the open truck and use it as cover to safely reach the Parking Garage.
Before climbing the ladder, head into the store ahead to find this Artefact.
Open the shutter with Manny’s assistance, then take out the enemies before going up the stairs, now use the cars on this floor to take down more enemies as you head up. Once you reach the bridge you’ll want to chase the guy shooting you down into the building, then eventually he’ll shut himself into a restaurant. Here you’ll want to attempt to open the door on the right for a short scene, then when you regain control, look for a door leading outside for another scene.
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