Head to the Aquarium¶
After leaving Yara and Lev in the trailer, jump over the fence ahead and enter the red trailer for some Supplements, now go into the building on the left to find Scrap and a workbench. Once you’re done upgrading, head into the room ahead and you’ll find a Long Gun Holster and some Supplements to the left of the room.
(1 of 2) Head into the room on the left to find holster
Head into the room on the left to find holster (left), then climb up onto the bridge and you’ll find a Coin by a body. (right)
Exit the building via the window above, then crawl around the containers to take down the enemies, now go up onto the bridge and go towards the dead end and you’ll find a body with a Coin 14/32. Turn around and jump across the gap to fall into the water, then follow the path ahead and enter the ship.
Explore the ship¶
Once you’re inside, head into the first room on the right to find an Artefact 92/117, then continue onwards and go through the door upstairs. Here you’ll acquire a Crossbow upon entering, so sit back use it to take down the enemies roaming the area.
(1 of 2) Head down the corridor to find an Artefact on a bed
Head down the corridor to find an Artefact on a bed (left), then go down the right side of the corridor to find a Coin near a teddy. (right)
After the 1F enemies are defeated, head to the end of the corridor to find an Artefact 93/117, then go up to the 2F and take down a few more enemies before going into the small room on the right for some Scrap. Now go down the corridor on the right to find a Coin 15/32 near a teddy, then go up to the top deck and enter 90-77-01 into the safe found in the helm. Inside you’ll find an Artefact, Scrap, Supplements, and Ammo.
(1 of 2) Open the safe to get an Artefact
Open the safe to get an Artefact (left), then go through the opposite door and climb up the ladder to find a Coin. (right)
Continue to the Aquarium¶
Finally, go through the door at the opposite end to find an Artefact 94/117 by a body, then go up the ladder and look behind you to find a Coin 15/32. Continue onwards until you reach the aquarium, then grab the Coin 17/32 from the fountain before going round to the back.
Once you’ve made it to the Aquarium, head into the Fountain to find a Coin.
Climb through the window and throw the rope out of the hole above, then climb up and drop down into the aquarium. Here you’ll want to go to the boat to view a cutscene.
Return to the Coast¶
After the cutscene you’ll want to take the same path back to the trailer where you left Yara and Lev. However, this time around you’ll have some Scars lurking, so make sure to use the containers as cover, then open the shutter on the left. Finally, go and see Lev and Yara in the trailer for a cutscene.
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