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Updated Title
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Icon Color Key
Icon Title In-game Description Description Recruitment Mission(s) Location / Where to Find Media Gallery Vendor Wares NPC Type NPC Type Category NPC Locations Moon Planet Star System Faction Romance Skills Skill Rank
Item icon
Adoring Fan

The Adoring Fan is a unique companion and crew member in Starfield,…

To recruit the Adoring Fan in Starfield, select the “Hero Worshipped”…

Crew Member

Crew Member
"New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis Locations


"Concealment" iconConcealment Physical
"Weight Lifting" iconWeight Lifting Physical
"Scavenging" iconScavenging Social

Icon for <span>Concealment - Rank 1</span> Concealment - Rank 1, Icon for <span>Scavenging - Rank 1</span> Scavenging - Rank 1, Icon for <span>Weight Lifting - Rank 2</span> Weight Lifting - Rank 2

Item icon
Agent Plato

Agent Plato works for Aegis - the UC Intelligence Agency. Sergeant…

Item icon

Item Item Type Stock Purchase Value Bourbon Aid Item 7…


"Akila City" iconAkila City Locations
"Cheyenne System" iconCheyenne System Star System
Item icon
Ahnjong Sinclair

You’ll find Ahnjong Sinclair at Sinclair’s Books (Akila City),…


"Akila City" iconAkila City Locations
Item icon
Aito Suzuki

Aito Suzuki can be found at Ryujin Tower (Neon), on the planet…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Alara Katrango

Vendor in The Whetstone restaurant in the MAST District of New…


Item icon
Alejandra Kane

A woman who owns a geology store in Akila City. You can buy a…


Item icon
Alex Shadid

You can find Alex Shadid inside The Rock (Akila City).

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Alexei Lebedev

Reliant Medical in the Residental District of New Atlantis. …


"New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis Locations
Item icon
Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart is a unique and enigmatic companion in Starfield,…

Recruit Amelia Earhart by undertaking the complex mission detailed…

Crew Member

Crew Member


"Piloting" iconPiloting Technology

Icon for <span>Piloting - Rank 2</span> Piloting - Rank 2, Rifle Certification - Rank 2

Item icon
Amoli Bava

Amoli Bava is the vendor at the New Atlantic Spaceport.

You will find Amoli in the Mercantile store close to the NAT…


"New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis Locations
Item icon

Andreja is a versatile Main Companion in Starfield. She excels…

To enlist Andreja in your crew, complete missions for the Constellation…

Main Companion, Crew Member

Main Companion
"Abandoned Mine" iconAbandoned Mine Locations


"Stealth" iconStealth Physical
"Theft" iconTheft Social

Energy Weapon Systems - Rank 2, Particle Beams - Rank 3, Icon for <span>Stealth - Rank 4</span> Stealth - Rank 4, Icon for <span>Theft - Rank 1</span> Theft - Rank 1

Item icon
Annie Wilcox

You can find Annie Wilcox in Akila City, opposite the Laredo…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Anton Goraya

You can find Anton Goraya at the House of the Enlightened (Akila…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Antonio Bianchi

Owner of the UC Surplus store in The Well, New Atlantis.


"New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis Locations
Item icon
Anya Griffon

Attendee at Centurian Arsenal in the Residential District in…


Item icon
August Bowen

You can purchase various drinks to restore your health from August…

August Bowen can be found inside The Rock (Akila City).


"Akila City" iconAkila City Locations
Item icon
Bailey Kirklin

You can find Bailey Kirklin outside the Akila Guard Barracks.…

Item icon

Barrett is a valuable addition to your crew in Starfield, specializing…

To recruit Barrett in Starfield, complete missions for the Constellation…

Main Companion, Crew Member

Main Companion
"Vectera" iconVectera Moons
"Vectera" iconVectera Moons


"Gastronomy" iconGastronomy Social
"Robotics" iconRobotics Technology

Icon for <span>Gastronomy - Rank 1</span> Gastronomy - Rank 1, Robotics - Rank 2, Starship Engineering - Rank 4

Item icon
Belle Rowland

Belle Rowland can be found in the Rowland Arms wepaon shop in…


Item icon
Benjamin Bayu

Benjamin Bayu, featured in Starfield, holds the position of CEO…

You can encounter Benjamin Bayu in the game at the following…

Item icon
Boone Morgan

You’ll find Boone Morgan behind the bar in the Astral Lounge,…


"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon

Borealus is a DJ who works in the Astral Lounge in Neon, on the…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
CDR Vincent Woodard

You can find CDR Vincent Woodard inside the Cydonia base, in…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon

Coma can be found in a tent opposite Aggie’s (Akila City).

Item icon
Commander John Tuala

Commander John Tuala will instruct you on how to join the UC…

In the MAST building to the north of the MAST District.

Item icon
Cornelius Townard

Attendant in the Outland store in the MAST District of New Atlantis.…


Item icon
Curtis Julien

Owner of CJ’s fast food store in the Residential District of…


Item icon
Davis Wilson

Davis Wilson can be found outside the Akila Guard Barracks. …

Item icon
Delilah Stuart

Delilah Stuart can be found at Ryjuin Tower (Neon), located on…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Diego Monroe

You can find Diego Monroe inside The Rock (Akila City).

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Dietrich Sieghart

Item Item Type Stock Purchase Value Adaptive Frame Resource…


"Neon" iconNeon Locations
Item icon
Doctor Joseph Manning

You’ll find Doctor Joseph Manning at the Reliant Medical (Neon)…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Donna Rain

Donna is the Janitor you will find sweeping up on the MAST District…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Emerson Shepherd

A vendor NPC who works at Shepherd’s General Store in Akila City.…

Item icon
Emiko Shinsato

An NPC who works for Stroud Eklund in Neon, on the Volii Alpha…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Emily Cartwright

You can find Emily Cartwright in Akila City, opposite the Laredo…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Emma Wilcox

You can find Emma Wilcox inside The Rock (Akila City).

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Ethan Nash

You can find Ethan Nash at Aggie’s (Akila City). He sells various…


Item icon

You can find Ezekiel at Aggie’s (Akila City).

Crew Member

Crew Member

Energy Weapon Dissipation - Rank 2, Icon for <span>Scavenging - Rank 1</span> Scavenging - Rank 1, Icon for <span>Shield Systems - Rank 1</span> Shield Systems - Rank 1

Item icon
Farad Kallob

Attendee at eit Clothiers in the Residential District of New…

Item icon
George St George

George has a gem to trade in the Misc Quest Gem Jealousy. First…

Item icon
Guillaume Degarmo

Guillaume is collector of trinkets and has lost a gem in a wager…

Terrabrew Coffee, New Atlantis Spaceport.

Item icon

A starship vendor operating out of the Eklund-Stroud Staryard,…

Havershaw is located on the Stroud-Eklund Stayard, in the Narion…


Item icon
Helga Dubray

Helga Dubray can be found inside The Rock (Akila City).

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon

Heller is a crew member originating from Argos Extractors, the…

To recruit Heller in Starfield, embark on the “Mission: Back…

Crew Member

Crew Member
"Vectera" iconVectera Moons


"Geology" iconGeology Science

Icon for <span>Geology - Rank 1</span> Geology - Rank 1, Outpost Engineering - Rank 3

Item icon
Henrik Zuran

Vendor located in Apex Electronics in The Well in New Atlantis.…


"New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis Locations
Item icon

A vendor who sells drinks at the Broken Spear bar in Cydonia.…


Item icon
Jacob Coe

Jacob Coe is the father of Constellation member Sam Coe. He lives…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Jaden Ross

A barkeeper in Akila City.

Item icon

Owner of Jake’s cafe in The Well in New Atlantis.


"Cydonia" iconCydonia Locations
Item icon
James Newill

A vendor who can be found in Newill’s Goods (Neon). He sells…

"All For One" iconAll For One No Faction


"Neon" iconNeon Locations
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Jaylen Pryce

A member of the Freestar Rangers stationed in Neon on Volii Alpha,…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
John Smith

john Smith works in the Trade Authority building in Akila City.…

Item icon
Jupiter Ellicott

Jupiter Ellicott can be found at Ryujin Tower (Neon), on the…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Justin Snead

An NPC who works at Laredo Firearms in Akila City.

Item icon
Kate Foley

Kate Foley can be found at the Stoneroot Inn in Akila City, where…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Keeper Aquilus

Keeper Aquilus is the keeper/priest at the Sanctum Universum…

Misc NPC
Item icon
Kelton Frush

This scientist is concerned something is wrong with the giant…

Under the giant tree in the MAST District.

Item icon
Ken Bright

Ken Bright can be found at Ryujin Tower (Neon), located on the…


"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Keoni Alpin

You can find Keoni Alpin outside the Akila Guard Barracks.

Item icon
Kolman Lang

An NPC vendor who can be found at the Trade Authority building…


"Neon" iconNeon Locations
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Landry Hollifield

Landry works at Galbank in the MAST District of New Atlantic.…


Item icon
Leah Casler

An NPC who works at the Coe Heritage Museum in Akila City.

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Louisa Reyez

Louisa is an engineer in The Well in New Atlantis. She will give…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Lyle Brewer

You can find Lyle Brewer at Aggie’s (Akila City).

Crew Member

Crew Member

Icon for <span>Particle Beams - Rank 1</span> Particle Beams - Rank 1, Icon for <span>Shotgun Certification - Rank 2</span> Shotgun Certification - Rank 2, Icon for <span>Xeniosociology - Rank 1</span> Xeniosociology - Rank 1

Item icon
Makieff Sutherland

Makieff Sutherland will give you the Misc Quest Terror Brew.…

Item icon
Marcus Lestari

Marcus will be sitting on a bench close by the Sanctum Universum…

Item icon
Marshal Daniel Blake

You’ll first meet Marshal Daniel Blake outside the GalBank in…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Mickey Caviar

Mickey Caviar is a potential crew member you can invite to join…

To recruit Mickey Caviar in Starfield, you can either pay him…

Crew Member

Crew Member
"Neon" iconNeon Locations
"Astral Lounge" iconAstral Lounge Locations


"Gastronomy" iconGastronomy Social
"Wellness" iconWellness Physical

Icon for <span>Gastronomy - Rank 1</span> Gastronomy - Rank 1, Icon for <span>Incapacitation - Rank 1</span> Incapacitation - Rank 1, Icon for <span>Wellness - Rank 2</span> Wellness - Rank 2

Item icon
Miguel Rivas

You can speak with Miguel Rivas to learn a bit more about the…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Minerva Clement

Minerva Clement is an NPC who can be found at The Volii Hotel…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Moara Otero

Moara Otero is a potential crew member you can recruit in Starfield.…

To recruit Moara Otero in Starfield, successfully complete the…

Crew Member

Crew Member
"Cydonia" iconCydonia Locations


"EM Weapon Systems" iconEM Weapon Systems Technology
"Marksmanship" iconMarksmanship Combat

EM Weapon Systems - Rank 2, Marksmanship - Rank 2

Item icon

Mooch can be found in a tent opposite Aggie’s (Akila City). …

Item icon
Nadia Muffaz

Nadia works as a newshound looking for hot stories at SSNN in…

"Primary Sources" iconPrimary Sources No Faction

Item icon
Ngodup Tate

You’ll find Ngodup Tate just outside The Core Residence (Akila…


Item icon
Nyssa Marcano

Nyssa Marcano owns the Viewport bar at the new Atlantis Spaceport.…

Viewport Bar, New Atlantis Spaceport.


"New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis Locations
Item icon
Omari Hassan

Omari Hassan is a potential crew member you can invite to join…

Recruitment: To recruit Omari Hassan in Starfield, you have two…

Crew Member

Crew Member
"Akila City" iconAkila City Locations


"Shield Systems" iconShield Systems Technology

Icon for <span>Shield Systems - Rank 3</span> Shield Systems - Rank 3, Icon for <span>Starship Engineering - Rank 1</span> Starship Engineering - Rank 1

Item icon
Rafael Aguerro

Rafael Aguerro is a potential crew member you can invite to join…

To recruit Rafael Aguerro in Starfield, simply select him to…

Crew Member

Crew Member
"The Viewport" iconThe Viewport Stores


Icon for <span>Outpost Engineering - Rank 1</span> Outpost Engineering - Rank 1, Icon for <span>Outpost Management - Rank 1</span> Outpost Management - Rank 1, Starship Engineering - Rank 2

Item icon
Reisha Lance

Item Item Type Stock Purchase Value .27 Caliber Ammo 364…


"Akila City" iconAkila City Locations
Item icon
Ron Hope

Ron Hope is a prominent figure within the Starfield universe,…

How to Get Into Ron Hope’s Office: Accessing Ron Hope’s office…

Item icon
Rosa Newill

Rosa Newill can be found at the Newill’s Goods (Neon) store,…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon

Rose is a vendor who can be found in the Enhance (Akila City)…


"Akila City" iconAkila City Locations
Item icon
Rosie Tannehill

Rosie Tannehill is a potential crew member you can invite to…

To recruit Rosie Tannehill in Starfield, you can hire her for…

Crew Member

Crew Member
"Akila City" iconAkila City Locations


"Medicine" iconMedicine Science
"Wellness" iconWellness Physical

Icon for <span>Medicine - Rank 1</span> Medicine - Rank 1, Icon for <span>Wellness - Rank 3</span> Wellness - Rank 3

Item icon
Royce Elgin

Front of house at the Dawn’s Roost high-end dining establishment.…


"New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis Locations
Item icon
Saburo Okadigbo

You can find Saburo Okadigbo at the Neon Mining League building.…

"Saburo's Solution" iconSaburo's Solution No Faction


"Neon" iconNeon Locations
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Sam Coe

Sam Coe, a member of the Constellation group led by Sarah Morgan,…

To recruit Sam Coe in Starfield, complete the “Mission: The Empty…

Main Companion, Crew Member

Main Companion


"Geology" iconGeology Science
"Payloads" iconPayloads Technology
"Piloting" iconPiloting Technology

Icon for <span>Geology - Rank 1</span> Geology - Rank 1, Payloads - Rank 2, Icon for <span>Piloting - Rank 4</span> Piloting - Rank 4, Rifle Certification - Rank 3

Item icon

Sammie can be found in a tent opposite Aggie’s (Akila City).…

Item icon
Samson Cebrail

An art dealer who will give you The Art Dealer Misc Mission.…

Jemison Mercantile ay New Atlantis Spaceport.

Item icon
Sarah Filburn

You’ll find Sarah Filburn in Weston FIlburn’s House (Akila City).…

Item icon
Sarah Morgan

Sarah Morgan, the leader of the Constellation faction in Starfield,…

To recruit Sarah Morgan in Starfield, complete the mission titled…

The Constellation Lodge in the MAST District of New Atlantis.…

Main Companion, Crew Member

Main Companion
"New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis Locations


"Astrodynamics" iconAstrodynamics Science
"Botany" iconBotany Science
"Lasers" iconLasers Combat
"Leadership" iconLeadership Social

Icon for <span>Astrodynamics - Rank 4</span> Astrodynamics - Rank 4, Icon for <span>Botany - Rank 1</span> Botany - Rank 1, Icon for <span>Lasers - Rank 3</span> Lasers - Rank 3, Leadership - Rank 2

Item icon
Ship Services (Akila City)

The Ship Services Technician in Akila City is a place where you…

Can be found just northeast of the space port when you first…

WatchdogRangerEconohaulRamblerResponderPik UpThresherStronghold…


Item icon
Si-Woo Gwan

An NPC who can be found at the Sanctum Universum (Akila City).…

Item icon

You can start the My North Star mission by speaking with Sivan.…

Sivan can be found in Cydonia, on the planet Mars in the Sol…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Sophie Jex

You can learn a bit more about Neon from this NPC at the entrance…

Item icon

A robot located in the Neon Tactical store. Related to the Bare…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Supervisor Lin

Supervisor Lin is an essential character you’ll encounter in…

To recruit Supervisor Lin in Starfield, you can do so during…

Crew Member

Crew Member
"Vectera" iconVectera Moons


Icon for <span>Demolitions - Rank 1</span> Demolitions - Rank 1, Outpost Management - Rank 3

Item icon
Talia O'Shea

"Reliable Care" iconReliable Care No Faction

A doctor who works in the MedBay in The Well in New Atlantis.…

Item Item Type Stock Purchase Value Addichrone Aid Item…


"New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis Locations
Item icon
Tevin Anastas

A shop vendor located inside The Emporium in Neon. He sells items…


"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Theresa Mason

Theresa Mason works as a waitress at Kay’s House, a restaurant…


"New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis Locations
Item icon

Vasco is a remarkable robotic companion crafted and modified…

To recruit Vasco in Starfield, complete the Mission: One Small…

Main Companion, Crew Member

Main Companion
"Vectera" iconVectera Moons
"Vectera" iconVectera Moons


"EM Weapon Systems" iconEM Weapon Systems Technology
"Shield Systems" iconShield Systems Technology

Icon for <span>Aneutronic Fusion - Rank 1</span> Aneutronic Fusion - Rank 1, Icon for <span>EM Weapon Systems - Rank 1</span> EM Weapon Systems - Rank 1, Icon for <span>Shield Systems - Rank 2</span> Shield Systems - Rank 2

Item icon
Warner Connell

Attendant at the New Atlantis branch of Enhance, which you will…


Item icon
Wen Tseng

Wen Tseng is employed as an attendant at UC Distribution, which…

Item Item Type Stock Purchase Value Ship Parts Aid Item…


"New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis Locations
"Alpha Centauri System" iconAlpha Centauri System Star System
Item icon
William Crowley

William Crowley can be found inside the GalBank in Akila City.…

Misc NPC.

Misc NPC
Item icon
Yannick Legrande

Yannick Legrande can be found at Legrande Liquors (Neon), on…


"Neon" iconNeon Locations
"Volii System" iconVolii System Star System
Item icon
Zora Sangweni

Zora is the Realtor in the MAST District of New Atlantis. You…

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