Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title
Published Title Score Editor's Choice Publisher
Published Title Publisher
Icon Title Description Source Used to Craft Media Gallery
Item icon
Alomomola Mucus

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Body Slam" iconBody Slam Normal TM
"Water Pledge" iconWater Pledge Water TM
Item icon
Applin Juice

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Applin Flapple Appletun

"Energy Ball" iconEnergy Ball Grass TM
"Grass Pledge" iconGrass Pledge Grass TM
"Draco Meteor" iconDraco Meteor Dragon TM
Item icon
Arrokuda Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Arrokuda Barraskewda

"Waterfall" iconWaterfall Water TM
"Drill Run" iconDrill Run Ground TM
"Liquidation" iconLiquidation Water TM
Item icon
Axew Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Axew Fraxure Haxorus

"Outrage" iconOutrage Dragon TM
"Bulk Up" iconBulk Up Fighting TM
"Dragon Claw" iconDragon Claw Dragon TM
Item icon
Azurill Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Azurill Marill Azumarill

"Charm" iconCharm Fairy TM
"Rain Dance" iconRain Dance Water TM
"Substitute" iconSubstitute Normal TM
Item icon
Bagon Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Bagon Shelgon Salamence

Item icon
Barboach Slime

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Barboach Whiscash

"Earth Power" iconEarth Power Ground TM
"Earthquake" iconEarthquake Ground TM
Item icon
Basculin Fang

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Psychic Fangs" iconPsychic Fangs Psychic TM
"Waterfall" iconWaterfall Water TM
Item icon
Bergmite Ice

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Bergmite Avalugg

"Avalanche" iconAvalanche Ice TM
"Ice Spinner" iconIce Spinner Ice TM
Item icon
Bombirdier Feather

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Acrobatics" iconAcrobatics Flying TM
"Fly" iconFly Flying TM
"Tailwind" iconTailwind Flying TM
Item icon
Bonsly Tears

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Bonsly Sudowoodo

"Fake Tears" iconFake Tears Dark TM
"Rock Slide" iconRock Slide Rock TM
Item icon
Bounsweet Sweat

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Bounsweet Steenee Tsareena

"Leaf Storm" iconLeaf Storm Grass TM
"Solar Beam" iconSolar Beam Grass TM
Item icon
Bramblin Twig

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Bramblin Brambleghast

"Seed Bomb" iconSeed Bomb Grass TM
"Energy Ball" iconEnergy Ball Grass TM
Item icon
Bronzor Fragment

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Bronzor Bronzong

"Heavy Slam" iconHeavy Slam Steel TM
"Iron Defense" iconIron Defense Steel TM
"Trick Room" iconTrick Room Psychic TM
"Imprison" iconImprison Psychic TM
Item icon
Bruxish Tooth

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Crunch" iconCrunch Dark TM
"Psychic Fangs" iconPsychic Fangs Psychic TM
Item icon
Buizel Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Buizel Floatzel

"Water Pulse" iconWater Pulse Water TM
"Liquidation" iconLiquidation Water TM
Item icon
Cacnea Needle

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Cacnea Cacturne

"Grass Knot" iconGrass Knot Grass TM
"Frenzy Plant" iconFrenzy Plant Grass TM
Item icon
Capsakid Seed

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Capsakid Scovillain

"Overheat" iconOverheat Fire TM
"Giga Drain" iconGiga Drain Grass TM
"Fire Pledge" iconFire Pledge Fire TM
Item icon
Cetoddle Grease

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Cetoddle Cetitan

"Body Press" iconBody Press Fighting TM
"Ice Spinner" iconIce Spinner Ice TM
Item icon
Charcadet Soot

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Charcadet Armarouge Ceruledge

"Fire Punch" iconFire Punch Fire TM
"Aura Sphere" iconAura Sphere Fighting TM
"Blast Burn" iconBlast Burn Fire TM
"Flare Blitz" iconFlare Blitz Fire TM
Item icon
Chewtle Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Chewtle Drednaw

"Smart Strike" iconSmart Strike Steel TM
"False Swipe" iconFalse Swipe Normal TM
"Body Slam" iconBody Slam Normal TM
"Rock Blast" iconRock Blast Rock TM
Item icon
Clauncher Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Clauncher Clawitzer

Item icon
Combee Honey

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Combee Vespiquen

"Air Cutter" iconAir Cutter Flying TM
"Bug Buzz" iconBug Buzz Bug TM
Item icon
Crabrawler Shell

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Crabrawler Crabominable

"Brick Break" iconBrick Break Fighting TM
"Drain Punch" iconDrain Punch Fighting TM
"Close Combat" iconClose Combat Fighting TM
Item icon
Croagunk Poison

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Croagunk Toxicroak

"Sludge Bomb" iconSludge Bomb Poison TM
"Low Sweep" iconLow Sweep Fighting TM
"Drain Punch" iconDrain Punch Fighting TM
"Gunk Shot" iconGunk Shot Poison TM
Item icon
Cryogonal Ice

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Ice Beam" iconIce Beam Ice TM
"Blizzard" iconBlizzard Ice TM
Item icon
Cubchoo Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Cubchoo Beartic

"Ice Fang" iconIce Fang Ice TM
"Ice Punch" iconIce Punch Ice TM
Item icon
Cufant Tarnish

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Cufant Copperajah

"Iron Head" iconIron Head Steel TM
"Heavy Slam" iconHeavy Slam Steel TM
"Steel Beam" iconSteel Beam Steel TM
Item icon
Cyclizar Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


Item icon
Dedenne Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Charge Beam" iconCharge Beam Electric TM
"Volt Switch" iconVolt Switch Electric TM
"Thunder" iconThunder Electric TM
Item icon
Deerling Hair

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Deerling Sawsbuck

"Energy Ball" iconEnergy Ball Grass TM
"Grass Pledge" iconGrass Pledge Grass TM
Item icon
Deino Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Deino Zweilous Hydreigon

Item icon
Delibird Parcel

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Ice Beam" iconIce Beam Ice TM
"Snowscape" iconSnowscape Ice TM
Item icon
Diglett Dirt

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Diglett Dugtrio

"Dig" iconDig Ground TM
"Earthquake" iconEarthquake Ground TM
Item icon
Ditto Goo

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


Item icon
Dondozo Whisker

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Heavy Slam" iconHeavy Slam Steel TM
"Hydro Cannon" iconHydro Cannon Water TM
Item icon
Dratini Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Dratini Dragonair Dragonite

"Dragon Tail" iconDragon Tail Dragon TM
"Outrage" iconOutrage Dragon TM
"Hyper Beam" iconHyper Beam Normal TM
Item icon
Dreepy Powder

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Dreepy Drakloak Dragapult

Item icon
Drifloon Gas

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Drifloon Drifblim

Item icon
Drowzee Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Drowzee Hypno

"Psychic Terrain" iconPsychic Terrain Psychic TM
"Dig" iconDig Ground TM
"Reflect" iconReflect Psychic TM
"Rest" iconRest Psychic TM
Item icon
Dunsparce Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Dunsparce Dudunsparce

"Zen Headbutt" iconZen Headbutt Psychic TM
"Drill Run" iconDrill Run Ground TM
Item icon
Eevee Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Flareon Sylveon

"Helping Hand" iconHelping Hand Normal TM
"Baton Pass" iconBaton Pass Normal TM
Item icon
Eiscue Down

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


Item icon
Falinks Sweat

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Reversal" iconReversal Fighting TM
"Substitute" iconSubstitute Normal TM
Item icon
Fidough Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Fidough Dachsbun

"Play Rough" iconPlay Rough Fairy TM
"Dazzling Gleam" iconDazzling Gleam Fairy TM
Item icon
Finizen Mucus

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Finizen Palafin Palafin

"Surf" iconSurf Water TM
"Hydro Pump" iconHydro Pump Water TM
Item icon
Finneon Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Finneon Lumineon

"Hydro Pump" iconHydro Pump Water TM
"Surf" iconSurf Water TM
Item icon
Flabébé Pollen

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Flabebe Floette Florges

"Draining Kiss" iconDraining Kiss Fairy TM
"Grassy Terrain" iconGrassy Terrain Grass TM
"Misty Terrain" iconMisty Terrain Fairy TM
Item icon
Flamigo Down

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Focus Blast" iconFocus Blast Fighting TM
"Air Slash" iconAir Slash Flying TM
Item icon
Fletchling Feather

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Fletchling Fletchinder Talonflame

"Agility" iconAgility Psychic TM
"Aerial Ace" iconAerial Ace Flying TM
"Swift" iconSwift Normal TM
"Flame Charge" iconFlame Charge Fire TM
"Flare Blitz" iconFlare Blitz Fire TM
Item icon
Flittle Down

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Flittle Espathra

"Reflect" iconReflect Psychic TM
"Skill Swap" iconSkill Swap Psychic TM
Item icon
Fomantis Leaf

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Fomantis Lurantis

"X-Scissor" iconX-Scissor Bug TM
"Grassy Terrain" iconGrassy Terrain Grass TM
Item icon
Foongus Spores

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Foongus Amoonguss

"Sludge Bomb" iconSludge Bomb Poison TM
"Solar Beam" iconSolar Beam Grass TM
Item icon
Frigibax Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Frigibax Arctibax Baxcalibur

"Ice Spinner" iconIce Spinner Ice TM
"Outrage" iconOutrage Dragon TM
"Draco Meteor" iconDraco Meteor Dragon TM
Item icon
Gastly Gas

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Gastly Haunter Gengar

"Shadow Ball" iconShadow Ball Ghost TM
"Confuse Ray" iconConfuse Ray Ghost TM
"Night Shade" iconNight Shade Ghost TM
Item icon
Gible Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Gible Gabite Garchomp

"Dragon Claw" iconDragon Claw Dragon TM
"Swords Dance" iconSwords Dance Normal TM
"Dragon Dance" iconDragon Dance Dragon TM
Item icon
Gimmighoul Coin

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It seems that Gimmighoul…

Gimmighoul (Roaming): 1 - 5 Coins Gimmighoul (Chest): 50 - 60…

Item icon
Girafarig Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Girafarig Farigiraf

"Zen Headbutt" iconZen Headbutt Psychic TM
"Skill Swap" iconSkill Swap Psychic TM
"Baton Pass" iconBaton Pass Normal TM
Item icon
Glimmet Crystal

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Glimmet Glimmora

"Tera Blast" iconTera Blast Normal TM
Item icon
Goomy Goo

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Goomy Sliggoo Goodra

"Draco Meteor" iconDraco Meteor Dragon TM
"Dragon Pulse" iconDragon Pulse Dragon TM
"Hyper Beam" iconHyper Beam Normal TM
Item icon
Gothita Eyelash

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Gothita Gothorita Gothitelle

"Trick Room" iconTrick Room Psychic TM
"Stored Power" iconStored Power Psychic TM
Item icon
Greavard Wax

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Greavard Houndstone

"Dig" iconDig Ground TM
"Phantom Force" iconPhantom Force Ghost TM
"Hex" iconHex Ghost TM
Item icon
Grimer Toxin

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Grimer Muk

"Gunk Shot" iconGunk Shot Poison TM
"Sludge Bomb" iconSludge Bomb Poison TM
Item icon
Growlithe Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Growlithe Arcanine

"Blast Burn" iconBlast Burn Fire TM
"Flare Blitz" iconFlare Blitz Fire TM
"Fire Spin" iconFire Spin Fire TM
"Heat Wave" iconHeat Wave Fire TM
Item icon
Gulpin Mucus

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Gulpin Swalot

Item icon
Happiny Dust

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Happiny Chansey Blissey

"Metronome" iconMetronome Special
"Fling" iconFling Dark TM
Item icon
Hatenna Dust

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Hatenna Hattrem Hatterene

"Dazzling Gleam" iconDazzling Gleam Fairy TM
"Trick Room" iconTrick Room Psychic TM
Item icon
Hawlucha Down

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Body Press" iconBody Press Fighting TM
"Encore" iconEncore Normal TM
"Brick Break" iconBrick Break Fighting TM
Item icon
Heracross Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Reversal" iconReversal Fighting TM
"Smart Strike" iconSmart Strike Steel TM
Item icon
Hippopotas Sand

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Hippopotas Hippowdon

"Sleep Talk" iconSleep Talk Normal TM
"Sandstorm" iconSandstorm Rock TM
Item icon
Hoppip Leaf

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Hoppip Skiploom Jumpluff

"Giga Drain" iconGiga Drain Grass TM
"Trailblaze" iconTrailblaze Grass TM
"Bullet Seed" iconBullet Seed Grass TM
Item icon
Houndour Fang

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Houndour Houndoom

"Fire Fang" iconFire Fang Fire TM
"Thief" iconThief Dark TM
"Flamethrower" iconFlamethrower Fire TM
"Blast Burn" iconBlast Burn Fire TM
Item icon
Igglybuff Fluff

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Igglybuff Jigglypuff Wigglytuff

"Draining Kiss" iconDraining Kiss Fairy TM
"Metronome" iconMetronome Special
"Misty Terrain" iconMisty Terrain Fairy TM
Item icon
Impidimp Hair

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Impidimp Morgrem Grimmsnarl

"Dark Pulse" iconDark Pulse Dark TM
"Focus Blast" iconFocus Blast Fighting TM
Item icon
Indeedee Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Psychic" iconPsychic Psychic TM
"Calm Mind" iconCalm Mind Psychic TM
"Psychic Terrain" iconPsychic Terrain Psychic TM
Item icon
Klawf Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Klawf Claw" iconKlawf Claw TM Materials
"Rock Tomb" iconRock Tomb Rock TM
Item icon
Klefki Key

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Flash Cannon" iconFlash Cannon Steel TM
"Misty Terrain" iconMisty Terrain Fairy TM
Item icon
Komala Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Facade" iconFacade Normal TM
"Shadow Claw" iconShadow Claw Ghost TM
Item icon
Kricketot Shell

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Kricketot Kricketune

"False Swipe" iconFalse Swipe Normal TM
"Leech Life" iconLeech Life Bug TM
"X-Scissor" iconX-Scissor Bug TM
"Pollen Puff" iconPollen Puff Bug TM
"Bug Buzz" iconBug Buzz Bug TM
Item icon
Larvesta Fuzz

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Larvesta Volcarona

"Fire Blast" iconFire Blast Fire TM
"Heat Wave" iconHeat Wave Fire TM
Item icon
Larvitar Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Larvitar Pupitar Tyranitar

Item icon
Lechonk Hair

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Lechonk Oinkologne Oinkologne

"Take Down" iconTake Down Normal TM
"Protect" iconProtect Normal TM
Item icon
Litleo Tuft

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Litleo Pyroar

"Sunny Day" iconSunny Day Fire TM
"Hyper Voice" iconHyper Voice Normal TM
"Flamethrower" iconFlamethrower Fire TM
"Overheat" iconOverheat Fire TM
Item icon
Luvdisc Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Hydro Cannon" iconHydro Cannon Water TM
"Hydro Pump" iconHydro Pump Water TM
"Water Pledge" iconWater Pledge Water TM
Item icon
Magikarp Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Magikarp Gyarados

"Waterfall" iconWaterfall Water TM
"Water Pulse" iconWater Pulse Water TM
Item icon
Magnemite Screw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Magnemite Magneton Magnezone

"Steel Beam" iconSteel Beam Steel TM
"Light Screen" iconLight Screen Psychic TM
Item icon
Makuhita Sweat

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Makuhita Hariyama

"Brick Break" iconBrick Break Fighting TM
"Bulk Up" iconBulk Up Fighting TM
"Close Combat" iconClose Combat Fighting TM
Item icon
Mankey Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Mankey Primeape

"Reversal" iconReversal Fighting TM
"Low Kick" iconLow Kick Fighting TM
"Low Sweep" iconLow Sweep Fighting TM
"Drain Punch" iconDrain Punch Fighting TM
Item icon
Mareanie Spike

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Mareanie Toxapex

"Poison Jab" iconPoison Jab Poison TM
"Toxic Spikes" iconToxic Spikes Poison TM
Item icon
Mareep Wool

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Mareep Flaaffy Ampharos

"Confuse Ray" iconConfuse Ray Ghost TM
"Charge Beam" iconCharge Beam Electric TM
"Thunder Wave" iconThunder Wave Electric TM
"Power Gem" iconPower Gem Rock TM
Item icon
Maschiff Fang

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Maschiff Mabosstiff

"Snarl" iconSnarl Dark TM
"Crunch" iconCrunch Dark TM
Item icon
Meditite Sweat

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Meditite Medicham

"Focus Blast" iconFocus Blast Fighting TM
"Psyshock" iconPsyshock Psychic TM
"Fire Punch" iconFire Punch Fire TM
"Thunder Punch" iconThunder Punch Electric TM
"Ice Punch" iconIce Punch Ice TM
Item icon
Meowth Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Meowth Persian

"Taunt" iconTaunt Dark TM
"Nasty Plot" iconNasty Plot Dark TM
Item icon
Mimikyu Scrap

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Hex" iconHex Ghost TM
"Shadow Claw" iconShadow Claw Ghost TM
"Substitute" iconSubstitute Normal TM
Item icon
Misdreavus Tears

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Misdreavus Mismagius

Item icon
Mudbray Mud

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Mudbray Mudsdale

"Stomping Tantrum" iconStomping Tantrum Ground TM
"Bulldoze" iconBulldoze Ground TM
Item icon
Murkrow Bauble

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Murkrow Honchkrow

"Night Shade" iconNight Shade Ghost TM
"Foul Play" iconFoul Play Dark TM
Item icon
Nacli Salt

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Nacli Naclstack Garganacl

"Rock Blast" iconRock Blast Rock TM
"Rock Slide" iconRock Slide Rock TM
Item icon
Noibat Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Noibat Noivern

"Dragon Dance" iconDragon Dance Dragon TM
"Air Slash" iconAir Slash Flying TM
"Dragon Claw" iconDragon Claw Dragon TM
Item icon
Numel Lava

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Numel Camerupt

"Flamethrower" iconFlamethrower Fire TM
"Fire Blast" iconFire Blast Fire TM
"Overheat" iconOverheat Fire TM
"Fire Pledge" iconFire Pledge Fire TM
Item icon
Nymble Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Nymble Lokix

"U-turn" iconU-turn Bug TM
"Pounce" iconPounce Bug TM
Item icon
Oranguru Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


Item icon
Oricorio Feather

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Hurricane" iconHurricane Flying TM
"Agility" iconAgility Psychic TM
Item icon
Orthworm Tarnish

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Dig" iconDig Ground TM
"Steel Beam" iconSteel Beam Steel TM
Item icon
Pachirisu Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Electro Ball" iconElectro Ball Electric TM
"Thunderbolt" iconThunderbolt Electric TM
Item icon
Passimian Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


Item icon
Pawmi Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Pawmi Pawmo Pawmot

"Electric Seed" iconElectric Seed Pokémon Stat Booster
"Thunder Wave" iconThunder Wave Electric TM
Item icon
Pawniard Blade

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Pawniard Bisharp Kingambit

"Pawniard Blade" iconPawniard Blade TM Materials
"Iron Head" iconIron Head Steel TM
Item icon
Petilil Leaf

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Petilil Lilligant

"Pollen Puff" iconPollen Puff Bug TM
"Trailblaze" iconTrailblaze Grass TM
"Magical Leaf" iconMagical Leaf Grass TM
Item icon
Phanpy Nail

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Phanpy Donphan

"Earthquake" iconEarthquake Ground TM
"Stomping Tantrum" iconStomping Tantrum Ground TM
Item icon
Pichu Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Pichu Pikachu Raichu

"Thunderbolt" iconThunderbolt Electric TM
"Wild Charge" iconWild Charge Electric TM
"Thunder" iconThunder Electric TM
Item icon
Pincurchin Spines

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Electric Terrain" iconElectric Terrain Electric TM
"Spikes" iconSpikes Ground TM
Item icon
Pineco Husk

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Pineco Forretress

"Toxic Spikes" iconToxic Spikes Poison TM
"Iron Defense" iconIron Defense Steel TM
"Drill Run" iconDrill Run Ground TM
Item icon
Psyduck Down

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Psyduck Golduck

"Chilling Water" iconChilling Water Water TM
"Psybeam" iconPsybeam Psychic TM
Item icon
Qwilfish Spines

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Spikes" iconSpikes Ground TM
"Hydro Cannon" iconHydro Cannon Water TM
Item icon
Ralts Dust

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Ralts Kirlia Gardevoir Gallade

"Psychic" iconPsychic Psychic TM
"Disarming Voice" iconDisarming Voice Fairy TM
"Stored Power" iconStored Power Psychic TM
"Aura Sphere" iconAura Sphere Fighting TM
Item icon
Rellor Mud

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Rellor Rabsca

"Psychic" iconPsychic Psychic TM
"Pollen Puff" iconPollen Puff Bug TM
Item icon
Riolu Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Riolu Lucario

"Aura Sphere" iconAura Sphere Fighting TM
"Close Combat" iconClose Combat Fighting TM
Item icon
Rockruff Rock

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Rockruff Lycanroc Lycanroc Lycanroc

"Stone Edge" iconStone Edge Rock TM
"Rock Slide" iconRock Slide Rock TM
"Stealth Rock" iconStealth Rock Rock TM
"Rock Tomb" iconRock Tomb Rock TM
Item icon
Rolycoly Coal

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Rolycoly Carkol Coalossal

"Stealth Rock" iconStealth Rock Rock TM
"Stone Edge" iconStone Edge Rock TM
Item icon
Rookidee Feather

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Rookidee Corvisquire Corviknight

"Iron Head" iconIron Head Steel TM
"Tailwind" iconTailwind Flying TM
"Brave Bird" iconBrave Bird Flying TM
Item icon
Rotom Sparks

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


Item icon
Rufflet Feather

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Rufflet Braviary

"Fly" iconFly Flying TM
"Tailwind" iconTailwind Flying TM
"Brave Bird" iconBrave Bird Flying TM
Item icon
Sableye Gem

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Trick" iconTrick Psychic TM
"Taunt" iconTaunt Dark TM
"Power Gem" iconPower Gem Rock TM
Item icon
Salandit Gas

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Salandit Salazzle

"Venoshock" iconVenoshock Poison TM
"Will-O-Wisp" iconWill-O-Wisp Fire TM
"Fire Pledge" iconFire Pledge Fire TM
Item icon
Sandile Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Sandile Krokorok Krookodile

"Foul Play" iconFoul Play Dark TM
"Scary Face" iconScary Face Normal TM
"Mud Shot" iconMud Shot Ground TM
"Dragon Tail" iconDragon Tail Dragon TM
Item icon
Sandygast Sand

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Sandygast Palossand

"Bulldoze" iconBulldoze Ground TM
"Sandstorm" iconSandstorm Rock TM
"Shadow Ball" iconShadow Ball Ghost TM
Item icon
Scatterbug Powder

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Scatterbug Spewpa Vivillon

"Endure" iconEndure Normal TM
"Protect" iconProtect Normal TM
Item icon
Scyther Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Kleavor Scyther Scizor

"U-turn" iconU-turn Bug TM
"Swords Dance" iconSwords Dance Normal TM
Item icon
Seviper Fang

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Poison Tail" iconPoison Tail Poison TM
"Poison Jab" iconPoison Jab Poison TM
Item icon
Shellder Pearl

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Shellder Cloyster

"Ice Beam" iconIce Beam Ice TM
"Water Pledge" iconWater Pledge Water TM
Item icon
Shellos Mucus

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Shellos Gastrodon

"Rain Dance" iconRain Dance Water TM
"Earth Power" iconEarth Power Ground TM
Item icon
Shinx Fang

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Shinx Luxio Luxray

"Wild Charge" iconWild Charge Electric TM
"Thunder Fang" iconThunder Fang Electric TM
"Volt Switch" iconVolt Switch Electric TM
"Eerie Impulse" iconEerie Impulse Electric TM
Item icon
Shroodle Ink

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Shroodle Grafaiai

"Thief" iconThief Dark TM
"Poison Tail" iconPoison Tail Poison TM
"Poison Jab" iconPoison Jab Poison TM
Item icon
Shroomish Spores

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Shroomish Breloom

"Shroomish Spores" iconShroomish Spores TM Materials
"Seed Bomb" iconSeed Bomb Grass TM
Item icon
Shuppet Scrap

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Shuppet Banette

"Will-O-Wisp" iconWill-O-Wisp Fire TM
"Trick" iconTrick Psychic TM
"Phantom Force" iconPhantom Force Ghost TM
Item icon
Silicobra Sand

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Silicobra Sandaconda

"Sandstorm" iconSandstorm Rock TM
"Earth Power" iconEarth Power Ground TM
Item icon
Sinistea Chip

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Sinistea Polteageist

"Trick" iconTrick Psychic TM
"Shadow Ball" iconShadow Ball Ghost TM
"Phantom Force" iconPhantom Force Ghost TM
Item icon
Skiddo Leaf

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Skiddo Gogoat

"Giga Drain" iconGiga Drain Grass TM
"Frenzy Plant" iconFrenzy Plant Grass TM
Item icon
Skrelp Kelp

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Skrelp Dragalge

Item icon
Skwovet Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Skwovet Greedent

"Body Slam" iconBody Slam Normal TM
"Hyper Voice" iconHyper Voice Normal TM
Item icon
Slakoth Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Slakoth Vigoroth Slaking

"Encore" iconEncore Normal TM
"Amnesia" iconAmnesia Psychic TM
"Giga Impact" iconGiga Impact Normal TM
Item icon
Slowpoke Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Slowpoke Slowbro Slowking

"Psychic Terrain" iconPsychic Terrain Psychic TM
"Sleep Talk" iconSleep Talk Normal TM
"Amnesia" iconAmnesia Psychic TM
Item icon
Smoliv Oil

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Smoliv Dolliv Arboliva

"Magical Leaf" iconMagical Leaf Grass TM
"Seed Bomb" iconSeed Bomb Grass TM
Item icon
Sneasel Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Sneasel Weavile

"Taunt" iconTaunt Dark TM
"Fling" iconFling Dark TM
Item icon
Snom Thread

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Snom Frosmoth

"Icy Wind" iconIcy Wind Ice TM
"Snowscape" iconSnowscape Ice TM
Item icon
Snorunt Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Snorunt Glalie Froslass

"Blizzard" iconBlizzard Ice TM
"Avalanche" iconAvalanche Ice TM
Item icon
Snover Berries

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Snover Abomasnow

"Icy Wind" iconIcy Wind Ice TM
"Snowscape" iconSnowscape Ice TM
"Blizzard" iconBlizzard Ice TM
Item icon
Spiritomb Fragment

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Nasty Plot" iconNasty Plot Dark TM
"Dark Pulse" iconDark Pulse Dark TM
Item icon
Spoink Pearl

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Spoink Grumpig

"Psyshock" iconPsyshock Psychic TM
"Power Gem" iconPower Gem Rock TM
Item icon
Squawkabilly Feather

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Fly" iconFly Flying TM
"Snarl" iconSnarl Dark TM
Item icon
Stantler Hair

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Scary Face" iconScary Face Normal TM
"Facade" iconFacade Normal TM
"Calm Mind" iconCalm Mind Psychic TM
Item icon
Starly Feather

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Starly Staravia Staraptor

"Aerial Ace" iconAerial Ace Flying TM
"Brave Bird" iconBrave Bird Flying TM
Item icon
Stonjourner Stone

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


Item icon
Stunky Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Stunky Skuntank

Item icon
Sunkern Leaf

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Sunkern Sunflora

"Grassy Terrain" iconGrassy Terrain Grass TM
"Sunny Day" iconSunny Day Fire TM
"Bullet Seed" iconBullet Seed Grass TM
Item icon
Surskit Syrup

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Surskit Masquerain

"Chilling Water" iconChilling Water Water TM
"Leech Life" iconLeech Life Bug TM
Item icon
Swablu Fluff

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Swablu Altaria

"Dazzling Gleam" iconDazzling Gleam Fairy TM
"Dragon Pulse" iconDragon Pulse Dragon TM
"Hurricane" iconHurricane Flying TM
Item icon
Tadbulb Mucus

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Tadbulb Bellibolt

"Electro Ball" iconElectro Ball Electric TM
"Thunderbolt" iconThunderbolt Electric TM
"Electric Terrain" iconElectric Terrain Electric TM
Item icon
Tandemaus Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Tandemaus Maushold

"Hyper Voice" iconHyper Voice Normal TM
"Play Rough" iconPlay Rough Fairy TM
Item icon
Tarountula Thread

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Tarountula Spidops

"X-Scissor" iconX-Scissor Bug TM
"Struggle Bug" iconStruggle Bug Bug TM
"Pounce" iconPounce Bug TM
Item icon
Tatsugiri Scales

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Dragon Dance" iconDragon Dance Dragon TM
"Dragon Pulse" iconDragon Pulse Dragon TM
"Nasty Plot" iconNasty Plot Dark TM
Item icon
Tauros Hair

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Paldean Tauros

"Giga Impact" iconGiga Impact Normal TM
"Hyper Beam" iconHyper Beam Normal TM
Item icon
Teddiursa Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Teddiursa Ursaring

"Charm" iconCharm Fairy TM
"Fake Tears" iconFake Tears Dark TM
"Metal Claw" iconMetal Claw Steel TM
Item icon
Tinkatink Hair

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Tinkatink Tinkatuff Tinkaton

"Facade" iconFacade Normal TM
"Flash Cannon" iconFlash Cannon Steel TM
"Play Rough" iconPlay Rough Fairy TM
Item icon
Toedscool Flaps

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Toedscool Toedscruel

"Grass Pledge" iconGrass Pledge Grass TM
"Leaf Storm" iconLeaf Storm Grass TM
Item icon
Torkoal Coal

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Fire Blast" iconFire Blast Fire TM
"Fire Spin" iconFire Spin Fire TM
"Flame Charge" iconFlame Charge Fire TM
"Sunny Day" iconSunny Day Fire TM
"Heat Wave" iconHeat Wave Fire TM
Item icon
Toxel Sparks

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Toxel Toxtricity Toxtricity

"Thunder Punch" iconThunder Punch Electric TM
"Acid Spray" iconAcid Spray Poison TM
"Venoshock" iconVenoshock Poison TM
Item icon
Tropius Leaf

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Frenzy Plant" iconFrenzy Plant Grass TM
"Leaf Storm" iconLeaf Storm Grass TM
"Solar Beam" iconSolar Beam Grass TM
Item icon
Tynamo Slime

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Tynamo Eelektrik Eelektross

"Thunder" iconThunder Electric TM
"Wild Charge" iconWild Charge Electric TM
Item icon
Varoom Fume

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Varoom Revavroom

"Gunk Shot" iconGunk Shot Poison TM
"Flash Cannon" iconFlash Cannon Steel TM
Item icon
Veluza Fillet

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Psychic Fangs" iconPsychic Fangs Psychic TM
"Zen Headbutt" iconZen Headbutt Psychic TM
Item icon
Venonat Fang

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Venonat Venomoth

"Leech Life" iconLeech Life Bug TM
"Bug Buzz" iconBug Buzz Bug TM
Item icon
Voltorb Sparks

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Voltorb Electrode

"Eerie Impulse" iconEerie Impulse Electric TM
"Electro Ball" iconElectro Ball Electric TM
"Light Screen" iconLight Screen Psychic TM
Item icon
Wattrel Feather

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Wattrel Kilowattrel

"Rain Dance" iconRain Dance Water TM
"Acrobatics" iconAcrobatics Flying TM
Item icon
Wiglett Sand

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Wiglett Wugtrio

"Liquidation" iconLiquidation Water TM
"Surf" iconSurf Water TM
Item icon
Wingull Feather

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Wingull Pelipper

"Air Slash" iconAir Slash Flying TM
"Hurricane" iconHurricane Flying TM
Item icon
Wooper Slime

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Paldean Wooper Clodsire

"Mud Shot" iconMud Shot Ground TM
"Mud-Slap" iconMud-Slap Ground TM
"Acid Spray" iconAcid Spray Poison TM
Item icon
Yungoos Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Yungoos Gumshoos

"Take Down" iconTake Down Normal TM
"Crunch" iconCrunch Dark TM
Item icon
Zangoose Claw

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…


"Giga Impact" iconGiga Impact Normal TM
"Swords Dance" iconSwords Dance Normal TM
Item icon
Zorua Fur

Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to…

Zorua Zoroark

"Imprison" iconImprison Psychic TM
"Dark Pulse" iconDark Pulse Dark TM
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