Congalala Large Monsters
Large, pink fanged beasts. Beware their potent breath, which changes based on their mushroom diet, and stench, which disables recovery items.
Large fanged beasts with pink fur and a distinct crest, which the males sculpt with plant oils and juices as a sign of virility. Congalala are common in temperate forests and are therefore well researched. They’re big eaters and love mushrooms, which they absorb and then exhale as a variety of potent breaths that inflict poison, blast, paralysis, and more.
Helpful Hints
The stench from a Congalala is so rancid that healing items have no effect. But you can quickly dispel it with a deodorant or by evading in water. Those farts are also trouble, but a hunter might just spot an opportunity if they watch carefully. Congalala are also known to use any breath type—a trick some have attributed to the black mushrooms they’re seen digging up. For more tips and info on Congalala’s ecology, key weaknesses, low and high rank rewards, and our strategy for how to beat it, check out our complete Congalala monster guide.

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