Balahara Large Monsters
Desert-dwelling leviathans that use their supple, serpentine bodies to create quicksand traps. Weak against sonic bombs when they’re submerged.
Desert-dwelling leviathans that build carapaces out of the fulgurite formed by lightning strikes. They use their flexible skeletons and serpentine bodies to create quicksand traps for unwary prey. Inside their mouths are multiple eye-like sensory organs. The mucus they secrete contains luminous bacteria and is believed to aid visibility while they are submerged and other low-light conditions like sandstorms.
Helpful Hints
The interior of a Balahara’s mouth is a soft target that can be exploited if you strike right after it expels mucus. Since they rely on heightened hearing while submerged, sonic bombs or screamer pods—obtainable from
Baunos—are highly effective. Sometimes the large monster you’re hunting will get sucked into a Balahara sand pit, but there’s nothing stopping you from going after it. For more tips and info on Balahara’s ecology, key weaknesses, low and high rank rewards, and our strategy for how to beat it, check out our complete Balahara monster guide.

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