The Stalker Tasks
If you’re looking to fully complete Kingdom Come: Deliverance II and unlock all of the Achievements/Trophies, you’re going to have to complete the vast majority of quests on offer. There are a few easily missable quests and tasks, and The Stalker is one of them. Visit our guide here for a complete walkthrough.
It seems Katherine has caught the eye of one of the
Cumans in Sigismund’s camp. At night she hears him whispering by her tent - he even stole one of her shoes. I should find him and make him leave her alone.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Kuttenberg Region Map
X: 10103 Y: 9947
During The Lion’s Den main quest, find
Katherine at the camp after 21:00. Talk to her and ask what you can do for her to begin the task.
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