In Vino Veritas Side Quests
In Vino Veritas is a Side Quest that can be found within the
Kuttenberg Region, and can be accessed once you’ve completed
The Sword and the Quill Main Quest. For a complete walkthrough, visit our guide here.
Kuttenberg burgher
Casper Rudolf decided on a risky undertaking. Hoping to capitalise on the wine-growing revival under
Charles IV, he bought some land on the hillside below St Barbara’s Cathedral and planted a vineyard there. It soon became clear, though, that his wine couldn’t compete with the wine made by the
Sedletz Monastery. Casper suspects that the monks’ wine-making process has some secret, and my task is to find out what it is.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Kuttenberg Region Map
Speak with Casper Rudolf who can be found standing outside of his cart near the city’s western entrance.
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