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Magic Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconIn-game Description

The art of channeling aether to make one’s imagination manifest. This can take the aspect of one V of the eight elements—fire, water, wind, earth, ice, thunder, light, and dark—or more rarely, be unaspected. While "Bearer" iconBearers and "Dominant" iconDominants can cast spells at will, others require a crystal to do so. "Magic" iconMagic is a part of everyday life for the people of "Valisthea" iconValisthea, making it all but unlivable when they are deprived of its gift.


The art of channeling aether to make one’s imagination manifest. "Bearer" iconBearers and "Dominant" iconDominants can cast magicks without a crystal, but this comes at a cost relative to the amount of aether channeled—the crystals’ curse that petrifies their flesh. For this reason, "Ultima" iconUltima’s incorporeal form prevents him from casting the supremely powerful spell with which he means to remake the world—and so he seeks a vessel strong enough to withstand the torrents of aether required.

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Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"Crystal" iconCrystal Mysteries of the Realm
"Aether" iconAether Mysteries of the Realm
"Dominant" iconDominant Mysteries of the Realm
"Bearer" iconBearer Mysteries of the Realm
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