For such a cool-sounding item it’s quite mundane, really.
After arriving at Castle Argus, proceed to the room with the four lit candles. Proceed through the secret passage to the southeast and use the hidden stairs to make your way to the castle roof.
Then go northwest and through the door here. Speak with the lady within to receive two Elixirs ! Sweet!
Backtrack to the four-candle room and go up the normal path to the room with the table and the King there. Speak with His Majesty and you’ll end up getting the Wheel of Time! Don’t turn it, lest you end up undoing your own birth and causing a paradox in the space-time continuum that would destroy the universe, or at least our own galaxy! (I’m just kidding it wouldn’t do that…I hope)
Plot twist!!!
Cid will be able to use this item to turn that little paper boat of yours into a mighty airship! Let’s leave the Castle and go to Canaan . It’s just southeast of here.
Go to the northwestern house and spead with Cid for some more scenes.
Then let’s head out.
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