Rounds 1 - 4¶
As a map is split into tiles, we’ll use compass points for directions on where to place the Gun Tower(s) - such as north-west, north etc.
Round 1: North-west of the Link Tower.
Round 2: South-west of the Link Tower, then south-west of the gun tower you just put down.
Round 3: North-west of the left-hand Link Tower and south of the right-hand Link unit.
Round 4: North of the top Link unit and north-west of the Gun Tower you just put down.
Rounds 5 - 8¶
Some rounds are effectively extensions of the previous one (so the old puzzle remains on screen whilst a new one is added in).
Round 5: South-west of the southern Link Tower, then south-west of the Gun Tower.
Round 6: North-east of the upper right-hand Link Tower and then north-east of the Gun Tower.
Round 7: North-west of the top Link Tower, then north-west of the Gun Tower and finally directly to the left.
Round 8: Mirror opposite, so south-east of the Link Tower closest to the exit, south-east of this Gun Tower and finally immediately to the right.
Rounds 9 - 12¶
These puzzle rounds will soon start to get much tougher! (So it’s a good job we’re here to help you out).
Round 9: North-west of the left-farthest Link Tower and south of the Link Tower just to the right.
Round 10: Place two Gun Towers south of the southern-most Gun Tower, then place one Gun Tower south of the Link Tower located in the top-centre of the map and then the final Gun Tower needs to go north of the final Link Tower.
Round 11: North-west of the left-most Link Tower and then south-east of the Link Tower to the right.
Round 12: South of the last Gun Tower placed down and north-east of the far-right Link Tower.
Rounds 13 - 16¶
You’ll be a master tower trader by the end of this puzzle map.
Round 13: Of the central three Link Towers, set the Gun Tower down north-west of the left-hand Link Tower.
Round 14: Set the next Gun Tower left of this Gun Tower and then finally immediately south of the central Link Tower.
Round 15: Put the next one down directly south of the last Gun Tower, then place then next two directly north of the right-hand Link Tower.
Round 16: North-west of the Link Tower closest to the map entrance (on the left).
Rounds 17 - 20¶
Time to ramp up the difficulty another notch…
Round 17: Left of this Gun Tower and then two should go directly east of the same Link Tower and finally north of the bottom-right Link Tower.
Round 18: Looking at the final Link Towers on the right, place a Gun Tower south of the left-hand Link Tower and then south-east of that Gun Tower place the next one and finally the last one directly right of that.
Round 19: Set both of them north of the central Link Tower.
Round 20: Directly south of the right-hand Link Tower.
Rounds 21 - 24¶
Don’t forget you can find both GamerGuides and Fieldrunners on Facebook, so be sure to check us out! (And if you feel like, well, ‘liking’ us, all then we send you these virtual high-fives your way).
Round 21: Starting at the southern-most Link Tower, place one below that and then the next two directly north of it (so they finish just below the Link Tower above).
Round 22: South of the far left Link Tower, then south-west of that Gun Tower and finally north-east of the Link Tower just to the right.
Round 23: Directly north of the last Gun Tower put down (so at the top centre of the map), then on the two tiles that separate the central and lower Link Towers (so they’re at an angle going south-east).
Round 24: North-west of the far right Link Tower (that’s by the exit), and then north-west again of that Gun Tower.
Rounds 25 - 28¶
Just a few more puzzles to go…
Round 25: North-west and south-east of the far left Link Tower.
Round 26: Directly above the south-western Link Tower and directly south of the north-western Link Tower.
Round 27: Two go directly east of the Link Tower that’s facing opposite the entrance and then south of the south-western Link Tower.
Round 28: North-east of the most central Link-Tower.
Round 29¶
Second to last puzzle…
Round 29: East of the most south-eastern Link Tower, then north of the Link Tower to the left, north-east of that Gun Tower, then one more right beside it (to the right), then finally north-east of that Gun Tower so it’s directly underneath the most north-eastern Link Tower.
Round 30¶
Wohoo! Last one!
Round 30: Finally place two in between the two southern sets of Link Towers.
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