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Evil Dead: The Game

Missions too hard? Quick Tips

Paul McNally
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Within a few days of launch it seems that the Evil Dead: The Game single-player missions have really split the player base.

There are those that see them as an invaluable way to learn the game and become a better multiplayer, and others who are outraged that keep game aspects such as new characters locked behind missions that many players will struggle to complete.

(1 of 2) Evil Dead Mission 1 sees ash look to finally deal with Linda’s head.

Evil Dead Mission 1 sees ash look to finally deal with Linda’s head. (left), Mission 2 is a classic find the item treasure hunt. (right)

Evil Dead The Game Missions Too Hard

Here is a quick rundown of what we think of the Missions and why some people are finding them too hard, and also some tips and advice on how to improve your performance if you are struggling.

Lack of checkpoints

This is the biggest bugbear and certainly the one you need to think about the most when you are playing. If you take risks, fail and die, you are going all the way back to the beginning. That might not sound too stressful but going back to that initial resource gathering stage and wandering around soon gets tiresome. Especially if you end up doing it time and time again.

Sudden difficulty ramp

The other thing, which can be illustrated as early as Mission 1, is that you can get right through the mission and suddenly face a boss in Henrietta that is head and shoulders above the power levels of anything you have faced to that point and simply get obliterated. Yep, you were right at the end and now you are right back at the start. The very start. Enjoy.

No opportunities to practice

Some games when you practice and practice you get better and eventually work out your own strategy to progress, the problem here is that you are sometimes playing for 15-20 minutes before you get a quick 30 second chance to practice (for that, read die) at getting better at the thing you can’t get past, and then you are back to the beginning.

Locking gameplay items such as characters behind this mechanical can seem a bit mean. Having said that, some players have breezed through all five missions without breaking a sweat. If you aren’t one of those, here are some quick tips that may just help you out.

Five tips to beat the missions in Evil Dead The Game

The end of Mission One in Evil Dead the Game

  1. The game will try to push you on a certain path - go to the cave, get the necklace, get the shovel etc, but you don’t actually have to follow the prompts and there is a lot to be said for not doing. Each level will have legendary weapons somewhere on the map and finding them will make despatching the majority of the regular undead a breeze, saving that health for the boss battle. Make it your priority to stock up on any weapons, ammo and cola before going to the mission points.

  2. Don’t underestimate the power of your melee weapon. Equally don’t just spam the attack button, slow down and time your hits and you will soon get their Balance Bar to zero and be able to perform your Finisher.

  3. Dodge. If you have skipped the real tutorial which to be fair, glossed over it really, you might not be aware of just how important the Dodge is, especially when it comes to the boss fights which all move in a predictable lumbering pattern that you can avoid. If you are going all out to attack the boss, chances are you are going to die, unless you introduce some defence.

  4. If things are getting heated sprint in the opposite direction and drink a cola or use an amulet. This extra space might also give you space to loose off a few shots too.

  5. Watch out for the environment. It’s far easier than it should be to get penned in against a tree of the like and beaten to a pulp in a loop where you are too close to shoot, swinging and missing, and also taking damage. There is only one result here. Try and keep in the open and allow a few directions to retreat in.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Boss Team Games, Saber Interactive
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Survival Horror
  • Guide Release
    12 May 2022
  • Last Updated
    18 May 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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