Layered Silk Materials
Layered Silk is a crafting material in Conan Exiles. It is primarily used in the production of various high-quality armor pieces, providing improved protection and durability. Layered
Silk is made by combining Silk and Twine in the Armorer’s Bench.
How To Obtain Item
To craft Layered Silk, players first need to gather the following materials:
Silk, which is obtained by processing
Gossamer, found by harvesting spiderwebs or looting spider corpses, in the Armorer’s Bench.
Twine, which is crafted from Plant Fiber, found by harvesting plants and bushes throughout the map.
Once the necessary materials are ready, players can craft Layered Silk at the Armorer’s Bench using the following materials:
1x Silk
1x Twine
Layered Silk is used as a component in various crafting recipes, primarily for crafting high-quality armor pieces. Some examples include:
| Derketo Dancer Armor Set | Layered Silk,
Iron Bar |
| Derketo Dancer Skirt | 20x Layered Silk, 12x Leather, 8x Iron Bar |
| Derketo Dancer Top | 15x Layered Silk, 8x Leather, 5x Iron Bar |
Detailed Location(s)
Layered Silk can be crafted at the Armorer’s Bench.
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