Iron Bar Materials
Iron Bar is a crafting material in Conan Exiles. It is used to create various weapons, armor, tools, and building materials. Iron Bars are made by smelting
Ironstone in a
How To Obtain Item
To craft Iron Bars, players first need to gather
Ironstone, which can be mined from iron veins found throughout the map. Ironstone veins are more abundant in certain areas, such as the Highlands and the eastern desert region.
Once the necessary Ironstone is collected, players can smelt it into Iron Bars at the Furnace using the following materials:
2x Ironstone
Crafting Recipes:
Iron Bars are used as a component in various crafting recipes, including but not limited to:
| Iron Sword | 5x Iron Bar, 5x Branch, 5x
Leather |
| Iron Pick | 5x Iron Bar, 5x Branch, 5x Leather |
| Iron Hatchet | 5x Iron Bar, 5x Branch, 5x Leather |
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