Blacksmith's Bench Crafting Station
In-game Description
“That is to say, they had learned to work crudely in copper and tin, which were found scantily in their country, and for which latter metal they raided into the mountains of Zingara, or traded hides, whale’s teeth, walrus tusks and such few things savages have to trade.” - The Hyborian Age.
Smithing is a well-known and oft-used profession in the Hyborian kingdoms. In the larger cities and towns, smiths are forced to join guilds that offer them a certain amount of political protection, while enforcing a rigorous set of standards of work and tools.
This bench contains many of the tools that smiths need, but in the Exiled Lands, there are no standards to be enforced.
To craft the Blacksmith’s Bench you’ll need x250 Stone and x50
Iron Bars.
The Blacksmith’s Bench can be used to craft a great number of weapons and tools, including the essential tools of a skinning knife, pick-axe, hatchet, and hammer, all of which you’ll need to harvest materials and manipulate the environment in and around your base.
You can also use the Blacksmith’s Bench to craft specific materials that can be used in other recipes, such as Steel Reinforcement,
Iron Reinforcement, and Lance Core pieces.
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