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Unknown Sky Giant Side Quests


Complete the following quests to get this one:

After doing the above, speak with "Gralens" iconGralens in the "Emergency Shelter" iconEmergency Shelter to find some more monsters to hunt. You will find the "Flux Construct I" iconFlux Construct I in the "Hebra Mountains" iconHebra Mountains Sky area. Go from the "Rospro Pass Skyview Tower" iconRospro Pass Skyview Tower, land on the nearby islands and use the floating platforms with the "Balloon" iconBalloons to reach the island with the boss. Alternatively, if you have the "Ijo-o Shrine" iconIjo-o Shrine, the island with the boss is directly underneath it.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Hyrule Surface Map

X: 9694 Y: 10055

Available from "Gralens" iconGralens when he moves to the "Emergency Shelter" iconEmergency Shelter, and after completing the three Wanted quests from him.

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