Electric Wizzrobe Monsters
In-game Description
These spell-casting monsters can be found all over Hyrule. They hurl balls of elecricity, summon monsters surging with electricity, and have been known to cause thunderstorms in the area. The weather will normalize once the Wizzrobe is defeated.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 7950 Y: 9475
Can be seen dancing around the Breach of Demise area. They are very powerful spellcasters that shoot lightning orbs.

5. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 11144 Y: 14736
A deadly Electric Wizzrobe roams around the plains here. Use ranged weaponry to deal with them.

6. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 15368 Y: 13243
An Electric Wizzrobe can be found prancing around this area.
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