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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening


Shane Williams
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How to Defeat all enemies

This page will give you indepth guidance on how to defeat every enemy within your adventure through Koholint Island.

Dungeons & Cave Enemies

  • Keese

Swipe your Sword into the Keese to kill them.

This enemy can be located in any cave, but they’re easy to kill as they only require a couple hits with you Sword.

  • Gels

Kill this enemy before it jumps onto you.

This enemy isn’t hard to kill but you’ll need to take it out before it sticks to you as it’ll slow you down.

  • Zols

Kill this enemy with you Sword.

Simply kill this enemy with any weapon.

  • Goombas

This enemy can be one shot with your Sword.

One swipe with your Sword will kill this enemy.

  • Sparks

Shoot the Boomerang at the Sparks to defeat them.

Use your Boomerang to take out the Sparks.

  • Boos

Light the torches with the Magic Powder to kill these enemies.

Light any nearby candles with your Magic Powder to remove the Boos.

  • Stalfoses

Use your Shield to deflect their attacks and kill them.

Deflect any incoming attacks with you Shield then attack to kill the Stalfoses.

  • Shrouded Stalfoses

Use your Shield to deflect the Arrow and kill the enemy.

This is the 2nd version of the Stalfoses which make them a little harder, as they will now try to throw spears at you.

  • Sword Stalfoses

Use your Shield to counter the attack and then kill the enemy.

This is the final version of Stalfoses but they are now equipped with a Shield. Simply deflect their attack with your Shield to push them back and then kill them.

  • Camo Goblins

Wait for the Color Guardians to pop out of the ground and kill them.

Wait until this enemy appears out of the ground and kill it.

  • Bone Putters

Attack this enemy with your Sword before it throws Bombs onto you.

Take out this enemy quickly before it begins throwing Bombs at you.

  • Wizzrobes

This enemy will keep disappearing and reappearing, wait for them to appear again and then attack.

This enemy will disappear and then quickly appear again to attack you, wait until it pops up and then kill it.

  • Bubbles

Quickly hit this enemy with your Sword to kill it.

Just swipe the Bubbles once with you Sword to kill them.

  • Green Bombites

Unlike the Red Bombites these ones will come towards you and try to explode.

Attack this enemy and then move out of the way before it explodes.

  • Red Bombites

Approach the Bombites and hit them, then move away quickly before they explode.

Attack this enemy and wait for it to bounce around the room and then explode.

  • Knight

Wait for the Knight to get his ball stuck in the wall and then attack him.

Wait for this enemy to get his weapon stuck in the wall and then kill him.

  • Angler Fries

Stay away from the Angler Fries as they try to swim into you.

This enemy will appear in the Angler’s Fish battle, simply move out of the way when it approaches you.

  • Battle Bats

Stand in the corner and use your Sword Attack to kill them.

These bats will be summoned by the Reaper, stand in the corner and use your Sword attack to kill them.

  • Arm-Mimics

You’ll need to get close to this enemy and perform a Spin-Attack to kill it.

Get close to this enemy and perform a Spin-Attack.

  • Water Tektites

Dodge this enemy as it approaches you and then kill it with your Sword.

Dodge out of this enemie’s way and then attack it.

  • Giant Bubbles

All you can do with this enemy is dodge it as its jumping around.

Simply run past this enemy as it bounces over you.

  • Orb Monsters

Pick the Orb Monsters up and throw them into the hole with the same color.

Hit the Orb and then pick it up to throw it into the same colored hole.

  • Pols Voices

In order to defeat this enemy you’ll need throw an item over its head.

In order to kill this enemy you’ll need to throw an item over its head.

  • Hardhat Beetles

In order to take out out this enemy you’ll need to hit it off the side.

To kill this enemy you’ll need to hit it of the edge with your Sword.

  • Pairodds

The easiest way to take out this enemy is by using the Pegasus Boots to dash into them.

Use the Pegasus Boots to dash into this enemy before it teleports.

  • Gibdos

Use the Magic Rod to defeat this enemy.

Fire your Magic Rod at this enemy to kill it.

  • Vires

Hit this enemy three times to kill it or use the Magic Rod.

Dodge out of the way of this enemies attacks and then either hit it with your Sword or use the Magic Rod.

  • Helmasaurs

To take out this enemy you’ll need to wait for it to turn away from you then hit it in the back.

Wait for this enemy to turn away from you and then attack it in the back.

  • Masked Mimics

To take out this enemy you’ll need to perform a Spin-Attack.

Close the gap between you and this enemy and then perform a Spin-Attack to kill it.

  • Peahats

Wait until this enemy lands and then attack it.

Wait until this enemy lands on the ground and then attack it.

  • Stars

Hit this enemy once with your Sword to kill them.

Simply hit this enemy with you Sword to kill it.

  • Three-of-a-Kinds

To take out this enemy you’ll need to hit all three on the same symbol.

In order to take out these enemies out you’ll need to hit all three on the same symbol.

  • Vaccum Mouths

To dodge this enemy, move in the opposite direction until the suction has stopped then escape.

Move in the opposite direction of the suction and then escape when it stops.

Above Surface Enemies

  • Sea Urchins

This enemy can be killed with your Sword or you can just push them out of the way with your Shield.

Simply push these enemies out of the way with your Shield.

  • Winged Octoroks

This enemy can be killed with you Sword but you’ll need to wait for him to land.

Block their attacks with your Sword and then kill them.

  • Octoroks

Use a Shield to deflect their attack and then hit them with you Sword.

Use the Shield to deflect their attacks and then kill them.

  • Buzz Blobs

Throw Magic Powder over this enemy to make him vulnerable and then kill him.

Pour Magic Powder over the Buzz Blob to cause it to transform into a Cukeman.

  • Cukeman

Through pouring Magic Powder onto a Buzz Blob it’ll transform into a Cukeman where you can attack it.

After pouring Magic Powder over a Buzz Blob it’ll transform into a Cukeman which will now allow you to kill it.

  • Moblins

Use your Shield to deflect the arrows and then kill the Moblin.

Use the Shield to deflect their attacks and then kill them.

  • Boarblins

Use your Shield to deflect any incoming attacks and then kill the enemy.

Use the Shield to deflect their attacks and then kill them.

  • Goponga Flowers

This flower can only be destroyed by the help of BowWow or a Magic Rod.

To take out these flowers you’ll need BowWow or the Magic Rod.

  • Giant Goponga Flowers

This flower can be destroyed by the help of BowWow or a Magic Rod.

To take out these flowers you’ll need BowWow or the Magic Rod.

  • Dactos

Wait until this bird flies down to you and then kill it.

Wait for the Dactos’ to fly down to you and then kill it.

  • Crows

Same as the Dactos, wait for this enemy to fly down to you and then kill it.

Wait for the Crows to fly down to you and then kill it.

  • Ghinis

These ghosts will appear when you’re in the Cemetery, simply just swipe them with your Sword.

The Ghinis are a found in the cemetery, just swipe them with your Sword to get them out of the way.

  • Darknuts

Deflect any attacks and then kill the Darknut.

To take out the Darknuts you’ll want to deflect their attack with your Shield and then attack it.

  • Pokeys

This enemy can be quickly dealt with by firing your Hookshot at it.

To take out this enemy you’ll want to fire your Hookshot at it.

  • Zombies

The Zombies will appear near or within the Cemetery, kill them with your Sword, but beware they will just respawn.

Zombies will come out of the ground within or around the cemetery, you can kill them but they will keep respawning.

  • Spiny Beetles

Get close to any skulls on the floor and a beetle will be underneath, remove the skull and kill it.

Spiny Beetles can be found hiding under stones or Skulls, simply remove them to kill it.

  • Pincers

Pincers will try and grab from holes in the ground, just sprint away.

Pincers will try and grab from holes in the ground, just quickly sprint away before they can.

  • Armos Statues

These Armos Statues can be found in the Ancient Ruin, just touch them to activate them and kill them

Found in the Ancient Ruins is lots of Armos Statues, simply walk into them to activate them and then launch your Boomerang into them to kill them.

  • Beetles

Beetles will appear out of the holes in the ground, just quickly hit them with your Sword to kill them.

These will come out of holes in the ground, just hit them with you Sword to kill them.

  • Zirros

Sprint away from this enemy as they’re difficult to reach and they will throw Bombs onto you.

Sprint away from this enemy as it’s difficult to reach and it’ll throw Bombs down on you.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    21 November 2019
  • Last Updated
    16 July 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Shane Williams

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Help the heroic Link escape from Koholint Island! After being up in caught in a brutal storm Link awakens on a strange island where he’ll need to make friends with strangers, explore dark caves, and solve puzzles in order to escape.

The guide for The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening will include all there is to see and do including a walkthrough featuring where to find all Instruments, Piece of Hearts, and Secret Seashells. Including in-depth guidance on how to beat every boss as well as how to complete all dungeons.

Inside Version 1.1

  • 100% Walkthrough
  • Collectibles
  • Adversaries
  • Dungeon Maker Overview

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