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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order


Shane Williams
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A New Hope

Earn all trophies

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You’ll be able to obtain the Platinum Trophy after you’ve unlocked all the Trophies the game has to offer.

Story Related Trophies/Achievements

The following Trophies/Achievements listed below will unlock naturally by playing through the story. Refer to the walkthrough pages for in-depth guidance on how to take out every Boss, solve all puzzles, and find all unlockables/Secrets.

Trophy/Achievement Description
The Mantis You’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement upon completing the Prologue.
A Long Time Ago You’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement upon reaching the Ancient Vault on Bogano.
The Obstacle is the Way You’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement upon completing the Tomb of Eilram.
Everything is Connected You’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement upon completing the Tomb of Miktrull.
The Holocron Awaits You’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement upon opening the Ancient Vault on Bogano.
Happy Go Wookiee You’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement upon freeing the Wookies in Kashyyyk.
Her Name Was Masana Tide You’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement upon defeating the Ninth Sister on Kashyyyk.
Gorgara Falls You’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement upon defeating Gorgara on Dathomir.
For A More Civilized Age You’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement upon crafting your very own Lightsaber.
I Knew He Was No Good You’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement upon defeating the Former Jedi Master on Dathomir.
Trust Only In The Force You’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement upon completing the main story.

Combat Related Trophies/Achievements

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Kicking Back

Kick a phillak that has kicked you

Trophy icon

Purchase the Evasive Kick ability and then head to Zeffo where you’ll find a bunch of Phillak’s roaming around. Allow it to charge at you and then roll to the side, now head to it’s back legs and allow it to kick you. Now kick him back to unlock this Trophy/Achievement.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Back At You

Defeat 50 enemies with reflected blaster bolts

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Wait for the Stormtroopers to shoot you and then press [L1/LB] to deflect it back at them. After doing this 100 times you’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Perfect Timing

Parry 100 enemies

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Wait for an enemy to attempt to hit you and then press [L1/LB] to parry. Continue doing this throughout the game and you’ll unlock this Trophy/Achievement naturally.

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Defeat an enemy using only kicks

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Find any enemy that has full health and just keep kicking him until he’s down to unlock this Trophy/Achievement.

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Triple Take

Defeat 3 enemies using a single lightsaber throw

Trophy icon

Purchase the Lightsaber Throw from the skill tree and then head over to the Binog Mesa area on Bogano to find three Splox, wait for them to bunch up and then press [L1+Triangle/LB+Y] to kill them all in one throw to unlock this Trophy/Achievement.

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What Goes Around...

Defeat an enemy with their own Slowed blaster bolt

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Once you’ve unlocked Force Pull, wait for an enemy to shoot you and then pull them into their own bullet to unlock this Trophy/Achievement.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Big Bang

Defeat 20 enemies with explosives

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Same as the previous Trophy/Achievement, wait for an enemy to fire a rocket at you and then Force Push it back at him to kill him with it. Repeat this 20 times to unlock it.

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Don't Mess With BD-1

Defeat an enemy with a hacked droid

Trophy icon

Once you’ve unlocked the ability to allow BD-1 to hack robotic enemies, find any Droid a get BD-1 to take control of it. Wait until the Droid has killed an enemy to unlock this Trophy/Achievement.

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Can't Touch This

Precision Evade 100 attacks

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You’ll be able to unlock this Trophy/Achievement easily throughout the game, but if you don’t, find any enemy and keep pressing [Circle/B] before he hits you. Repeat this a 100 times.

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Look Out Below

Send 25 enemies over the edge

Trophy icon

Upon unlocking Force Push go around the Galaxy and throw enemies off the side by pressing [R2/RT]. Repeat this 25 times.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Not So Fast

Defeat 25 enemies while they are under the effect of Empowered Slow

Trophy icon

Find a group of Stormtroopers and hold [R1/RB] until you see a pulse, here you’ll have a couple seconds to take them out. Repeat this 25 times.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Bank Shot

Defeat an enemy by colliding them with another enemy

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Press [R2/RT] to launch an enemy into another and a Trophy/Achievement will unlock.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Blade Master

Hit a single enemy with all lightsaber types

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Once you’ve made it through the game and unlocked every ability for the Lightsaber, find a large enemy and hit him once with every different ability the Lightsaber can perform.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Cal Got Your Tongue?

Slice an oggdo's tongue

Trophy icon

Head over to Bogano and look for an Oggdo, wait for him to attempt to grab you with his tongue and quickly slice it off for this Trophy/Achievement.

Collectible related Trophies/Achievements

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Echo Location

Discover 75 Force Echoes

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Throughout your journey through the Galaxy you’ll find a lot of Force Echos, once you’ve obtained 75 a Trophy/Achievement will unlock.

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Data Disk

Find all of BD-1's encrypted logs

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Throughout the story BD-1 will show you 19 encrypted logs which will also give you a Trophy/Achievement.

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Medical Droid

Find all of BD-1's stim canisters

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You’ll need to locate eight Golden Chests throughout the Galaxy to unlock this Trophy/Achievement. Refer to the Stim Canisters page to find where they are all located.

Exploration Related Trophies/Achievements

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A Galaxy Far, Far Away

Complete all of BD-1's holomaps

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In order to unlock this Trophy/Achievement you’ll want to make sure every zone within the planet has been 100% explored. This requires you to find all Chests and Secrets.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Legendary Beasts

Defeat four mysterious creatures

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In order to unlock this Trophy/Achievement you’ll need to defeat the four Legendary Beasts, Oggdo Bogdo which can be found in the Bogdo Sinkholes in Bogano, Rabid Jotaz which can be found in the Broken Wing of Zeffo, Albino Wyyyschokk which can be found in the Imperial Refinery of Kashyyyk, and Nydak Alpha that can be found in the Nightmare Ruins of Dathomir.

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Collect all chests and secrets

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After the story has been completed you’ll be able to revisit the previous planets and collect any remaining Secrets and Chests that you may of missed or didn’t have the ability for at the time, refer to the Force Essences, Life Essences, and Stim Canisters pages to locate all the Secrets in the game, then take a look at the Ponchos, BD-1 Skins, and finally Mantis Paint Job pages for all the Chests.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Visiting Alderaan Places

Explore the crashed Venator

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Once you’ve completed the story and acquired the Jedi Flip ability, head over to the Crash Site on Zeffo and climb up the ring in the center and make your way down to the Venetor Wreckage. Refer to the Walkthrough to find out how to conquer this location.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Full House

Recruit all possible crew members for the Mantis

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In order to obtain this Trophy/Achievement you’ll need to recruit two more friends to join you on the Mantis, one of which will join after the story has concluded on Dathomir and then the second can be found underneath the Landing Pad on Bogano.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Data Collector

Scan all enemy types

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Every time you defeat a new enemy, make sure to allow BD-1 to scan it. Once all enemies have been scanned this Trophy/Achievement will unlock.

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Scum and Villainy

Defeat each type of Bounty Hunter

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Throughout the game you’ll come across a Haxion Brood Bounty Hunter, Haxion Brood Commando and Haxion Brood Bounty Droid. Upon defeating the make sure to scan them as they count towards the Data Collector Trophy/Achievement.

Character Related Trophies/Achievements

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Feel the Force

Unlock all Jedi skills

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Most of these Skills will be unlocked upon completing the game, but if you have a couple remaining just head back out and defeat some enemies until you have enough points to unlock the rest.

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Fully customize your lightsaber

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This Trophy/Achievement will automatically unlock once you’ve changed every component on the Lightsaber.

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The Full Glow-Up

Customize the look of Cal, BD-1, and the Mantis

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Change Cal’s Outfit, Poncho, BD-1 Skin, and Mantis Paint job to unlock this Trophy/Achievement.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    2 January 2020
  • Last Updated
    27 January 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Shane Williams

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Join the Jedi Padawan Cal on an adventure through the galaxy and rebuild the Jedi Order to face of against the Empire, here you’ll face new droids and adversaries as well as being able to collect fancy new outfits, different Lightsaber attachments and to top it all of you can give the Mantis cool paint jobs.

The guide for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will include all there is to see and do including a walkthrough featuring where to find all Chests, Stim Canisters, and Essence’s to make Cal stronger. Including in depth guidance on how to beat every boss as well as how to conquer all Tombs.

Inside Version 1.1

  • 100% Walkthrough
  • Review
  • Trophy Guide/Roadmap
  • Puzzle Solutions
  • Unlockables
  • Secrets
  • Best Skills

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