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A Long Overdue Visit

Now that I’ve got the Scanner and the artifact back, I’m relying…

"SIRCAA" iconSIRCAA Regions
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Take shelter from the Emission

Emissions are extremely deadly weather events that begin and…

Wait out the Emission in the shelter

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A Minor Incident

That freak Faust is full of surprises! The assault failed. We’ll…

"Malachite" iconMalachite Regions
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A Needle in a Haystack

A full walkthrough is available here.

The residents of Zalissya apparently know Solder, but they’re…

"Lesser Zone" iconLesser Zone Regions
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A Race against Death

There’s an Emission coming. Even from a distance, it looks truly…

"Lesser Zone" iconLesser Zone Regions
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A Tough Awakening

Now I’ve lost both the Scanner and the artifact, and my head’s…

"Lesser Zone" iconLesser Zone Regions
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Ad astra per aspera

Now that I’ve got Prof. Kalancha’s map, I’m ready to confront…

"Swamps" iconSwamps Regions
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An Act of Mercy

I found the Doctor. He’s preoccupied with saving Strider and…

"Yaniv" iconYaniv Regions
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An Invisible Threat

The Signal seems to be originating from the Emitter. It’s hard…

"Chemical Plant" iconChemical Plant Regions
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Answers Come at a Price

A full walkthrough is available here.

Solder turned out to be nothing more than a flunky. Nevertheless,…

"Garbage" iconGarbage Regions
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Back to the Slag Heap

A full walkthrough is available here.

Trusting Varan was a mistake. He was gonna screw me over all…

"Garbage" iconGarbage Regions
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Behind Seven Seals

A full walkthrough is available here.

The plan I made with Hermann has failed because of that slippery…

"Lesser Zone" iconLesser Zone Regions
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Chasing Ghosts

Strider is confident that Noontide played no part in the attacks…

"Wild Island" iconWild Island Regions
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Dangerous Liaisons

Strelok has figured out how to pinpoint the location of the STALKER…

"Malachite" iconMalachite Regions
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Dark Times

According to the Representative of C-Consciousness, eternal life…

"Red Forest" iconRed Forest Regions
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Dawn of a New Day

The fact that I found the Emitter on Wild Island didn’t surprise…

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Dead Frequency

Now I’m certain that Faust is responsible for orchestrating the…

"Zaton" iconZaton Regions
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Deal with the Devil

A full walkthrough is available here.

Following Diode’s lead, I found Nestor’s personal notes and uncovered…

"Garbage" iconGarbage Regions
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Down Below

Now that I have the coordinates, all I have to do is get inside…

Now that I have the coordinates, all I have to do is get inside…

Now that I have the coordinates, all I have to do is get inside…

"Prypiat" iconPrypiat Regions
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Escape from the Cage

Seems like I’ve stumbled across some secrets the Ward would rather…

"Chemical Plant" iconChemical Plant Regions
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Extreme Simplicity

I’ve retrieved the Scanner, but Faust managed to get away again.…

"Zaton" iconZaton Regions
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Eye of the Storm

I’m about to venture into the very heart of the Zone, and the…

"Generators" iconGenerators Regions
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Happiness for Everyone

I’ve finally got an opportunity to go mano a mano with Faust.…

"Duga" iconDuga Regions
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Hot on the Trail

After a close encounter with Dr. Dalin and Scar, I managed to…

"Wild Island" iconWild Island Regions
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In Search of a Guide
"Zaton" iconZaton Regions
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In Search of a Miracle

Strider thinks that the Monolith has been transferred to SIRCAA…

"SIRCAA" iconSIRCAA Regions
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In Search of Past Glory

A mysterious professor collecting mutant collars and running…

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Just Like the Good Old Days

Monolith is back, awakened by some kind of signal. I’ve got to…

"Wild Island" iconWild Island Regions
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King of the Hill

A full walkthrough is available here.

Varan claims that Nestor set him up. He says his bandits were…

"Garbage" iconGarbage Regions
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Law and Order

Dalin’s experiment has gone horribly wrong. Instead of linking…

"SIRCAA" iconSIRCAA Regions
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Legends of the Zone

It turns out the Doctor is none other than Dr. Kaimanov, who…

"Cordon" iconCordon Regions
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Let No One Leave Unsatisfied

I managed to get into the Generators without crossing the Dead…

"Generators" iconGenerators Regions
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Like a Moth to the Flame

Camp Icarus is a restricted facility, which means that Faust’s…

"Zaton" iconZaton Regions
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Once More unto the Breach

The Ward is ready to get even with Faust, and they’re counting…

"Duga" iconDuga Regions
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Subtle Matter

With the cartridge from X3 in my possession, I’m now heading…

"Burnt Forest" iconBurnt Forest Regions
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The Assault on the Duga

Dalin suspects outside interference in his experiment. He kept…

"Duga" iconDuga Regions
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The Boundary

Looks like the main route to Prypiat goes through Yaniv Station,…

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The Eternal Shining

I made it. All I need to do now is take care of the teleport…

"Generators" iconGenerators Regions
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The Forge of Progress

There’s been some kind of emergency at the Cryptobiology and…

"SIRCAA" iconSIRCAA Regions
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The Hornets’ Nest

The scientists have detected a sudden spike in psi radiation…

Prof. Lodochka has detected a sudden spike in psi radiation at…

"Wild Island" iconWild Island Regions
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The Last Step

All bets are off. I’ve reached the Generators. Now it’s time…

"Generators" iconGenerators Regions
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The Price Goes Up

A full walkthrough is available here.

This is interesting… Nestor, the kingpin of Garbage, has vanished…

"Garbage" iconGarbage Regions
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The Road to the Foundation

I need to get to the STALKER Program Control Center. The facility…

I need to get to the STALKER Program Control Center. The facility…

I need to get to the STALKER Program Control Center. The facility…

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There and Back Again

The game’s very first mission. Full walkthrough available here.…

Seems like a fair trade-off: Hermann gets my special stone, and…

"Lesser Zone" iconLesser Zone Regions
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Through the valley of the shadow of death

I’m on the verge of reaching my goal. According to the Representative,…

"Generators" iconGenerators Regions
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To the Last Drop of Blood

You were right all along, Strider! Dalin and his cronies are…

"SIRCAA" iconSIRCAA Regions
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TST Quest name
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Visions of Truth

Faust has fallen, and the Wardens are thrilled. Sure, the victory…

Faust is no more, and the Sparkers are free to pursue their own…

"Malachite" iconMalachite Regions
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Wishful Thinking

Turns out Hermann was the one behind the mayhem at the Cryptobiology…

"SIRCAA" iconSIRCAA Regions
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