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Resident Evil 2 (2019)

The Laboratory

Shane Williams
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Investigate The Lab

Once you’ve gotten the ID Wristband from Sherry, head over to the computer to the left and interact with it to gain the [IMPORTANT] NEST-wide Alert file, now exit the Security Room and head over to the Reception to save.

Exit the Safe Room and collect the Nap Room Log file from the computer, then head through the door to the east side where you’ll find the Cafeteria. Enter the room to find a Hand Grenade left on a Zombie in the east side of the room followed by some Flame Rounds on the table to the west and finally some Large-caliber Handgun Ammo from the table in the center of the room. Follow the room around to find a ladder. Once you’ve climbed up follow the vent around and drop down into the Kitchen where can find some Gunpowder (Large) sitting by the window to your left. Head further in to find a Combat Knife laying on the kitchen worktop before going through the door and taking a right to the Nap Room. Inside you’ll find some Flame Rounds sitting on the desk, open the locker next to it to find the High Voltage Condenser (Spark Shot) attachment and combine it with your Spark Shot in your inventory.

Remove the Electronic Chip from the Zombie’s hand in the middle sleeping station and combine this with your ID Wristband to turn it into the ID Wristband (General Staff), this will give you access to more areas around the Lab. Exit the room and head back out into the Reception and head south to the North Area, use the ID Wristband to extend the bridge. Collect the Special Forces Recording and Signal Modulator from the Zombie before heading across to the Main Shaft.

Once you’ve crossed the bridge, head to the south and use your ID Wristband on the left control panel to extend another bridge to the East Area, make your way across to the Lobby. Once inside collect the Green Herb off the desk and Gunpowder that’s on the desk to the northeast of the room, save and head through the east door.

Upgrade your ID wristband

Once inside, make your way to the northwest corner and enter the door to another corridor, follow it around until you see a High-Grade Gunpowder (White). Continue along until you encounter a new enemy, the Ivy, use the Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) as it’s the perfect weapon due to them being weak to fire. After you’ve dealt with the Ivy, head on over to the Greenhouse Control Room and collect the Flash Grenade as soon as you enter before interacting with the Solution Sprinkler System to receive the Dispersal Cartridge. Head into the Greenhouse and take a left downstairs to find a Red Herb, then head to the south of the room to find yourself a Blue Herb. Go to the southeast corner of the room where you’ll see a combination, remember this and head back to the control room to input it into the Facility Control Terminal.

After you’ve opened the hatch, head down and take a left to find some Gunpowder (Large) alongside the Research Lab East Area Map, now turn around and head into the Lounge, inside you’ll find a Green Herb to the south on a chair along with some Flame Rounds on another chair to the north side. Make your way over to the southwest where you’ll find a circuit breaker, examine the Signal Modulator and set the frequency to what is shown on the circuit breaker. For this circuit, set the modulator to URF by pressing R1/RB, once you’ve changed the frequency realign the lines until the yellow lines are matching before placing the modulator back into the circuit breaker, if done correctly you’ll restore power in the Lounge.

With the power turned on, it will allow you to enter the Server Room (Safe Room), inside you’ll be able to find a Combat Knife on your way to the Typewriter, some Flame Rounds to the left on a shelf, and finally collect the High-Grade Gunpowder (White) that can be found on a table to the south of the room.

Head over to the Low-Temp Testing Lab, inside walk forward until you see the Trophy on the desk, now head back to the Greenhouse Control Room with the Trophy in your inventory, once there input the combination that’s located at the bottom of the trophy to open the Drug Testing Lab. Head over with the Dispersal Cartridge in your inventory, once inside collect the Herbicide Synthesis off the desk and pick up a Hand Grenade off the Zombie at the back of the room, you’ll also be able to find some Gunpowder (Large) left on a desk in the center of the room.

Destroy Plant 43

(1 of 3) Place the Solution Cartridge into the Dispenser

Head over to the southwest of the room and interact with the Solution Dispenser to place the Solution Cartridge, now you’ll need to solve a puzzle, so the tube has the perfect amount of solution which is indicated by the red line. Follow this order to create the pefect amount of solution; Blue, Red, Green, Red, Blue, Red, Blue, Green, Blue, Red and finally, Green.

You’ll now need to cool the solution so head back down to the Lounge, then over to the Low-Temp Testing Facility again, once inside follow the room around until you see a computer, interact with it to get Wayne Li’s Inbox. Continue further into the Lab and place the solution in the Cooling System to receive the Dispersal Cartridge (Herbcide). Before leaving the Lab, grab the Gunpowder.

Make your way over to the Greenhouse Control Room with the Dispersal Cartridge, place it into the Solution Sprinkler System to allow access to the body against the window, head over to him to collect the Electronic Chip. Combine it with your wristband to receive the ID Wristband (Senior Staff), this will increase your clearance level once more.

Get The Antiviral Agent In The West Area

With the upgraded ID Wristband in your possesion, head back to the Main Shaft and extend the bridge to the West Area, but before going across, make your way to the Nap Room with your Signal Modulator and change the freqeuncy to OSS along with alligning the yellow lines to match, now you’ll be able to pick up the final Hip-Pouch.

Head across the bridge and enter the West Area, inside you’ll find a Lab Digital Video Cassette and a Hand Grenade next to the dead soldier, continue further in and turn on the power with the Signal Modulator.

With the power restored, you can interact with the video player that’s left of the storage box, place the recently acquired Video Cassette inside to trigger a cutscene. After you’ve finished viewing the cutscene, interact with the computer to receive William Birkin’s Inbox, grab the Blue Herb to the left of the west door on the way out. Inside the next room you’ll find some High-Grade Gunpowder (White) just before the next room.

Continue onwards until you reach the P-4 Level Testing Lab, once there head right into the Safe Room, inside you can find some Gunpowder (Large) to your right and some High-Grade Gunpowder (White) to the northwest corner alongside a Red Herb. Save and collect the Research Diary from the computer on your way to grab the Antiviral Agent.

Boss: G (Stage 3)

Once you’ve picked up the G-Virus, head towards the Biotesting Lab to trigger a cutscene. You’ll now face the G boss for the third time, but be warned this time isn’t going to be as simple because G has now become both larger and stronger.

This time around, G has more eyes that you’ll have to shoot to stun him. Once all the eyes have been popped, he will kneel, during this phase he will expose several eyes so shoot them until they pop. You’ll have to repeat this cycle a few times until he changes to a reddish color, here his attacks will be faster but the eyes on his chest will stay exposed so keep shooting at them until he dies.

(1 of 2) Keep shooting the Eye until the G becomes stunned,

Keep shooting the Eye until the G becomes stunned, (left), Shoot the eye on the back of the G when he goes to pick up an object. (right)

You’ll need to keep a large distance from the boss in order to avoid his lunge attacks but beware he will pick up objects around the arena to throw at you so get into cover and use the opportunity to shoot the eye on his back. Make sure you explore the arena as there are lots of ammo, healing items, and grenades to use against G tucked away in the corners.

Return To Sherry

Once the boss has been defeated, head over to the east side of the room to use the lift where you’ll enter a cutscene. Now make your way back to the Security Room to trigger another cutscene, after the cutscene has concluded you’ll receive the Upgrade Chip (Admin), combine this with your ID Wristband to gain access to the lift out of the Lab.

Once you’ve used the lift and entered the Monitor Room, continue along and exit out of the door on the otherside, head down the stairs and use the Typewriter, then go through the door and follow the corridor around and enter the Duct. You wont be able to go through the door immediately, so Sherry will open from the otherside. Once the door has been opened, follow the path and sprint across the escape shaft where you’ll come across a train that you and Sherry can escape on. Jump on the train to pick up the Joint Plug and then head to the south section of the room to pick up the Mini-Gun before placing the plug into the slot next to the lever, pull it to trigger the appearance of G once again.

Boss: G Stage 4

Luckily the game has done you a favor by giving you a Mini-Gun to use against this version of G. To begin the battle, you’ll need to use the Mini-Gun and keep laying down fire on his chest of eyes until he becomes stunned, then repeat the cycle the until he dies.

(1 of 2) Shoot the eyes on the chest of the G with the Mini-Gun to deal maximum damage,

Shoot the eyes on the chest of the G with the Mini-Gun to deal maximum damage, (left), continue shooting the G when he starts climbing to cause him to fall. (right)

Unfortunately, shooting is not the only thing you’ve got to worry about against the G, as he will crawl quickly along the ground to attack you. Luckily you have the train in the middle of the room that you can use against him by circling around it and shooting him when you get a nice gap between you and him.

Every now and then, during the battle, the G will climb up on the wall and jump down to do an attack, but if you get enough shots on his eyes whilst he’s climbing, it will cause him to fall and give you a few seconds to get a decent amount of damage into him. Once you’ve defeated him, you’ll enter a cutscene.

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With Time to Spare

Defeat Stage 4 G with 4+ minutes left until detonation.

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Head To The Last Car

After the cutscene, you’ll be able to use the Typewriter to save, then head further down the train until you reach some barrels where you’ll find a Combat Knife and Gunpowder (Large), now continue along until you come across the G for the fifth and final time.

Boss: G Stage 5

(1 of 2) Keep shooting the G until he exposes his eye,

Keep shooting the G until he exposes his eye, (left), once the eye has been exposed, use everything you’ve got to kill him. (right)

This time around the G doesn’t have eyes exposed straight away, so you’ll need to use a High Powered weapon, such as the Grenade Launcher or Flamethrower to cause alot of damage. After enough damage has been dealt the G will expose its giant eye, now keep backing away whilst continuing to put alot of damage into it. Once you’ve done enough damage you’ll enter the game’s final cutscene.

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A Heroine Emerges

Complete Claire's story.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Survival Horror
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2019
  • Last Updated
    1 April 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Shane Williams

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Resident Evil 2 is back and better than ever. A spine-chilling reimagining of a horror classic. Based on the original PlayStation console release in 1998, journey into the heart of Raccoon City as either Leon S. Kennedy or Claire Redfield.

The guide for Resident Evil 2 features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough featuring every Raccoon, File, Weapons and more. Including indepth strategies on every enemy and every gameplay mode.

Inside Version 1.1

  • Full Walkthrough of the main storyline
  • Coverage of all Collectibles
  • Trophy/Achievement Guide
  • Full walkthrough for The Fourth Survivor and Tofu Survivor
  • Expert strategies on The Ghost Survivors
  • Tips on how to achieve S Ranks on all difficulties

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