Leader’s Crest Evolution
A shard of what appears to be an old blade of some sort. It is held only by Bisharp that head up a group of
If you’re wondering how to get a Leader’s Crest in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, then you can get one by capturing a Bisharp in the wild. These Pokemon carry these items on them, as part of their chess like rank and file. Only the most worthy of Bisharps will enhance their leaders crest and become a Kingambit
Where to find Bisharps and Leaders Crest in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Gamer Guides knows of two known spawn areas of Bisharps. The locations of these are around
There is one spawn to the west of the lake with the small round island in the middle. This is located slightly southwest of the Pokemon Center North Province Are Two. Here’s a map marker link for one location.
The other location is in the south west border area of the Great Crater of Paldea. Here’s another map marker link if you’re interested.
Capturing either one of these spawn areas for Bisharps will result in you obtaining a Leaders Crest. You now know how to get a Leader’s Crest in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
Tera Raids
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What is a Leader’s Crest in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet?
A Leader’s Crest is an evolution item used to evolve Bisharp into !Kingambit. Your Bisharp will need to defeat several other Bisharps to evolve. The Leader’s Crest in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is therefore one of several evolution items in the game.
Read More: Bisharp evolution guide.
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